Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'is'

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Direct access: 引潮 , 日差 , 部数 , 別紙 , 本当 , 身元 , 命令 , 盲目 , 夕立 , 油断


pronunciation: hikishio   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 引き潮   keyword: sea   
translation: ebbing [low] tide
引潮になる: hikishioninaru: The tide ebbs [is one the ebb]
check also , 満潮 , 干潮


pronunciation: hizashi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 陽射   keyword: weather   
translation: sunlight
日差が暖かい: hizashigaatatakai: weather is mild <<<
check also 日光


pronunciation: busuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: book   
translation: number of copies, circulation
部数を増やす: busuuohuyasu: increase the number of copies <<<
部数に制限が有る: busuuniseigengaaru: The number of copies is limited
発行部数: hakkoubusuu: circulation <<< 発行
出版部数: shuppanbusuu: print run <<< 出版


pronunciation: besshi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: another sheet, attached paper
別紙の通り: besshinotoori: as is stated in the attached paper <<<
別紙の如く: besshinogotoku <<<
別紙に書く: besshinikaku: write on another sheet <<<
別紙に記載する: besshinikisaisuru <<< 記載


pronunciation: hontou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: truth, reality, genuineness
本当の: hontouno: true, real, proper, regular, genuine, natural
本当らしい: hontourashii: probable, plausible
本当は: hontouwa: in truth
本当に: hontouni: truly, actually, in earnest, indeed, quite, really
本当にする: hontounisuru: believe, accept as true, take seriously
本当を言えば: hontouoieba: in fact, in reality, the truth is <<<
check also 真実 , 本音


pronunciation: mimoto   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: one's identity, one's antecedents
身元を調べる: mimotooshiraberu: inquire [look] into a person's antecedents <<< 調
身元を確かめる: mimotootashikameru <<<
身元を証明する: mimotooshoumeisuru: prove one's identity <<< 証明
身元不明の: mimotohumeino: unidentified <<< 不明
身元が判明する: mimotogahanmeisuru: be identified, One's identity is established <<< 判明
身元調査: mimotochousa: identification check <<< 調査
身元証明書: mimotoshoumeisho: identity [identification] card
身元保証: mimotohoshou: reference, certificate of good character <<< 保証
身元保証人: mimotohoshounin: survey, bail <<<
check also 身分


pronunciation: meirei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , grammar   
translation: command, order, direction, instructions
命令する: meireisuru: command (v.), order (v.), give orders [instructions, a command]
命令を発する: meireiohassuru <<<
命令を出す: meireiodasu <<<
命令で: meireide: by command of
命令通りにする: meireidoorinisuru: do as one is told, act upon a person's order <<<
命令に従う: meireinishitagau <<<
命令に背く: meireinisomuku: defy order <<<
命令的: meireiteki: imperative, peremptory, dictatorial <<<
命令法: meireihou: imperative mood <<<
命令を実行する: meireiojikkousuru: carry out the orders <<< 実行
業務命令: gyoumumeirei: business order <<< 業務
行政命令: gyouseimeirei: executive order <<< 行政
休戦命令: kyuusenmeirei: ceasefire order <<< 休戦
至上命令: shijoumeirei: supreme order, categorical imperative <<< 至上
撤退命令: tettaimeirei: evacuation order <<< 撤退
退去命令: taikyomeirei: order for withdrawal [evacuation] <<< 退去
避難命令: hinanmeirei: evacuation order <<< 避難
執行命令: shikkoumeirei: order of execution <<< 執行
裁判所命令: saibanshomeirei: court order <<< 裁判所
check also 指令 , 指図


pronunciation: moumoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: blindness
盲目な: moumokuna: blind
盲目の: moumokuno
盲目的: moumokuteki <<<
盲目的に: moumokutekini: blindly
盲目的愛情: moumokutekiaijou: blind love <<< 愛情
盲目的崇拝: moumokutekisuuhai: fetishism <<< 崇拝
盲目飛行: moumokuhikou: blind flight <<< 飛行
恋は盲目: koihamoumoku: Love is blind <<<
check also 聾唖


pronunciation: yuudachi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: rain shower
夕立が来る: yuudachigakuru: There is a shower coming <<<
夕立に遭う: yuudachiniau: be caught in [overtaken by] a shower <<<
synonyms: 通り雨
check also 雷雨


pronunciation: yudan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: inattention, carelessness, imprudence, unguarded moment, negligence
油断する: yudansuru: be off one's guard, be careless, be inattentive, be negligent (of)
油断させる: yudansaseru: throw a person off his guard
油断した: yudanshita: careless, inattentive, unguarded
油断の無い: yudannnonai: watchful, careful, cautious, attentive, alert, observant, vigilant, wary <<<
油断無く: yudannnaku: carefully, cautiously, attentively
油断に乗じる: yudannnijoujiru: take a person off his guard, take advantage of a person's unguarded moment <<<
油断大敵: yudantaiteki: Security is the greatest enemy <<< 大敵
油断禁物: yudankinmotsu <<< 禁物
antonyms: 注意

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