Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'at'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport , war    nb of strokes: 12
translation: win, victory, triumph
勝つ: katsu: win (v.), triumph
勝ち誇る: kachihokoru: be triumphant (over), be elated [overjoyed] with victory <<<
勝ち誇って: kachihokotte: triumphantly, in triumph <<<
勝ち得る: kachieru: win, gain, secure <<<
勝ち取る: kachitoru <<<
勝ち越す: kachikosu: have (x) wins against (a person), lead (a person) by (x scores) <<<
勝ち抜く: kachinuku: win straight victories <<<
勝ち残る: kachinokoru: win one's way to the finals <<<
勝って兜の緒を締めよ: kattekabutonoooshimeyo: do not let your guard down after a victory, tighten the strings of your helmet after winning
勝る: masaru: surpass, be superior, excel
勝るとも劣らない: masarutomootoranai: be not at all inferior to, can favorably compare with, be as good as <<<
勝える: taeru: bear, resist <<< ,
Kanji words: 優勝 , 急勝 , 決勝 , 完勝 , 名勝 , 勝ち組 , 勝負 , 勝利 , 勝手 , 連勝
Expressions: 年には勝てない , 年には勝てぬ , 打ち勝つ , 己に勝つ , 逃げるが勝ち , 賭けに勝つ , 曇り勝ちの , 紛れで勝つ , 負けるが勝ち , 有り勝ちな , 競技に勝つ , 議論に勝つ , 判定で勝つ , 判定勝 , 病気勝ちの , 遠慮勝ちな , 遠慮勝ちに , 誘惑に勝つ , 博打で勝つ , 気性の勝った , 訴訟に勝つ , 選挙に勝つ , 怪我勝ち , 勝負に勝つ , 裁判に勝つ , 戦争に勝つ , 競走に勝つ , 試合に勝つ , 競争に勝つ , ストレートで勝つ

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time , house    nb of strokes: 12
translation: space, room, between, during
kan, ken
間: aida: space, distance, intervals, relations, between
間か: shizuka: calm, quiet <<<
間かに: hisokani: secretly <<<
間てる: hedateru: separate <<<
間: ma: spare time, leisure, interval, timing, room (jp.), chamber
間を空ける: maoakeru: leave a space (between) <<<
間を置く: maooku <<<
間を置いて: maooite: at intervals <<<
間が有る: magaaru: have time, There is some time before <<<
間も無く: mamonaku: soon, presently, shortly, before long, in a short time <<<
間が悪い: magawarui: be unlucky, feel awkward [embarrassed] <<<
間が悪く: magawaruku: unluckily, unfortunately <<<
間に合う: maniau: be in time (for), catch, answer [serve] the purpose, be of use, be enough <<<
間に合わせ: maniawase: makeshift (n.), stopgap, apology <<<
間に合わせの: maniawaseno: makeshift (a.), temporary <<<
間に合わせる: maniawaseru: make shift (with), manage (with), make (a thing) to, have [get] (a thing) ready <<<
Kanji words: 月間 , 谷間 , 瞬間 , 空間 , 週間 , 間抜け , 区間 , 民間 , 夜間 , 世間 , 人間 , 合間 , 間隔 , 間食 , 昼間 , 隙間 , 欄間 , 年間 , 間違 , 小間 , 客間 , 間接 , 期間 , 床の間 , 仲間 , 幕間 , 中間 , 時間 , 手間 , 間借 , 間隙 , 居間 , 間取
Expressions: 長い間 , 長い間には , 久しい間 , 鏡の間 , 束の間に , 束の間の , 次の間 , 奥の間 , 瞬く間に , 半年間の , 御茶の間 , 二人の間で , 一週間 , 応接間 , 一瞬間 , 一瞬の間に , 何時の間にか , 何時の間に , 一生の間に , 一寸の間に , 一時間 , 四日間 , 九日間 , 六日間 , 五日間
synonyms: スペース

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: finance    nb of strokes: 13
translation: harm, hurt, damage, lose
損: son: loss, disadvantage, damage
損する: sonsuru: lose, suffer a loss, be [come off] a loser (by), be at a disadvantage
損な: sonnna: unprofitable, losing, disadvantageous, unfavorable
損に成る: sonnninaru: be disadvantageous (to), prove to be a person's disadvantage, do not pay <<<
損なう: sokonau: harm, hurt, injure, damage, spoil, maim
損じる: sonjiru
損ねる: sokoneru
損る: heru: decrease (vi.), diminish, lessen, run short <<<
Kanji words: 損切 , 損耗 , 損失 , 毀損 , 損害 , 破損 , 損傷 , 含み損
Expressions: 成り損なう , 打ち損なう , 出損なう , 株で損する , 聞き損なう , 受け損う , 外観を損なう , 威厳を損なう , 評価損 , 機嫌を損じる

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 13
translation: far, faraway, distant, remote
en, on
遠い: tooi
遠い昔に: tooimukashini: in a remote past, in olden times <<<
遠くに: tookuni: a long way off, far away [off], in the distance
遠くで: tookude
遠くから: tookukara: from a distance [a long way off, afar]
遠くに成る: tookuninaru: become [grow] distant <<<
遠く及ばない: tookuoyobanai: be no match for, be far inferior to <<<
遠からず: tookarazu: before long, soon, shortly, in the near future
遠ざかる: toozakaru: go away (from), recede (in the distance), die away, keep away (from), stand off, become estranged [alienated] (from)
遠ざける: toozakeru: keep (a person, a thing) at a distance, keep clear of, keep away (from), give (a person) a wide berth, drive off, alienate, shun, abstain from, keep off
Kanji words: 敬遠 , 遠視 , 遠慮 , 望遠 , 望遠鏡 , 遠足 , 遠洋 , 遠征 , 永遠
Expressions: 耳が遠い , 待ち遠しい , 縁が遠い , 相当遠い , 遠い将来に , 遠距離 , 大分遠い , 遠い親類

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: psychology    nb of strokes: 13
translation: think, consider, imagine, suppose, guess, believe, heart, spirit, mind
意の如く: inogotoku: as one pleases [hopes] <<<
意の儘に: inomamani <<<
意の儘にする: inomamanisuru: do [act] at one's will, go [take] one's own way <<<
意の儘に行う: inomamaniokonau
意に介する: inikaisuru: take (a matter) to heart, mind, care <<<
意に適う: inikanau: be agreeable to (one), be to one's taste [liking] <<<
意に満たない: inimitanai: be unsatisfactory (to one) <<<
意を迎える: iomukaeru: curry favor with (a person) <<<
意を決する: iokessuru: make up one's mind (to do) <<< , 決意
意を通じる: iotsuujiru: make oneself understood <<<
意を強くする: iotsuyokusuru: It is encouraging (to see) <<<
意: kokoro: heart, spirit, mind <<<
意う: omou: think, consider, imagine, suppose, guess, believe <<<
Kanji words: 決意 , 殺意 , 戦意 , 故意 , 意識 , 意外 , 熱意 , 敬意 , 謝意 , 意図 , 意欲 , 意思 , 意見 , 留意 , 極意 , 懇意 , 用意 , 合意 , 任意 , 同意 , 悪意 , 得意 , 善意 , 意味 , 意匠 , 来意 , 民意 , 意気 , 真意 , 好意 , 不意 , 意志 , 恣意 , 創意 , 誠意 , 意地 , 注意

category: to learn in school   other spells: 樂   radicals:    keyword: amusement    nb of strokes: 13
translation: pleasant, joy, play, love
raku, gaku
楽しい: tanoshii: pleasant, joyful, joyous, happy, cheerful, merry, interesting
楽しい一家: tanoshiiikka: happy family
楽しく: tanoshiku: joyfully, happily, cheerfully, merrily
楽しむ: tanoshimu: play, enjoy, amuse oneself (by doing), take pleasure [delight] in
楽しませる: tanoshimaseru: please, delight, amuse, give pleasure (to), entertain
楽しみ: tanoshimi: pleasure, enjoyment, delight, joy, happiness, amusement, diversion, comfort, expectations
楽しみにする: tanoshiminisuru: look forward to
楽しみに待つ: tanoshiminimatsu <<<
楽しみにして待つ: tanoshiminishitematsu <<<
楽な: rakuna: easy, comfortable, easy, light
楽に: rakuni: at one's ease, comfortably, easily, without difficulty
楽に成る: rakuninaru: be better off, feel easier, abate <<<
楽に暮す: rakunikurasu: live in comfort <<<
楽む: konomu: love (v.), prefer <<<
Kanji words: 雅楽 , 我楽多 , 楽屋 , 楽譜 , 声楽 , 楽観 , 安楽 , 娯楽 , 楽器 , 洋楽 , 極楽 , 享楽 , 気楽 , 快楽 , 道楽 , 楽園 , 楽団 , 音楽 , 楽天 , 行楽 , 独楽
Expressions: 室内楽 , 老後の楽しみ , 千秋楽 , 交響楽

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 13
translation: belly, abdomen, bowels, stomach
腹: hara: belly, abdomen, bowels, stomach, heart, mind, intention, courage
腹く: idaku: hold, entertain, cherish, harbor, bear <<< ,
腹が痛む: haragaitamu: have a stomachache <<<
腹が痛まない: haragaitamanai: have nothing to lose <<<
腹が減る: haragaheru: feel [get] hungry <<<
腹が空く: haragasuku <<<
腹の空いた: haranosuita: hungry <<<
腹が張る: haragaharu: feel heavy in the stomach <<<
腹が下る: haragakudaru: have lose bowels <<< , 下痢
腹が立つ: haragatatsu: get [be] angry (with a person, at a matter), lose one's temper, become enraged [indignant] (at), be offended <<<
腹立たしい: haradatashii: provoking, irritating, exasperating <<<
腹の据わった: haranosuwatta: (man) with plenty of guts <<<
腹の大きい: haranoookii: broad-minded, generous <<<
腹の中は: haranonakaha: at heart, at bottom <<<
腹を決める: haraokimeru: make up one's mind (to do) <<<
腹を括る: haraokukuru <<<
腹を読む: haraoyomu: read a person's mind <<<
腹を探る: haraosaguru <<<
腹を割って話す: haraowattehanasu: have a heart-to-heart talk (with a person), speak out
腹黒い: haraguroi: wicked, crafty, scheming <<<
腹熟しに: haragonashini: to help [aid] digestion <<<
腹違いの: harachigaino: born of a different mother, half-blooded <<<
Kanji words: 腹痛 , 空腹 , 満腹 , 腹案 , 切腹 , 御腹 , 腹部
Expressions: 指の腹 , 太鼓腹 , ビール腹
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: grammar    nb of strokes: 13
translation: speak, tell, say, talk, chat, converse, conversation
wa, kai
話: hanashi: conversation, speech
話す: hanasu: speak, talk, converse (v.)
話せる: hanaseru: able to speak, sensible
話る: kataru: narrate <<<
話が合う: hanashigaau: have topics of common interest <<<
話し合う: hanashiau: talk with (a person) about (a matter), discuss (a matter) with (a person), consult with (a person) about [on] (a matter) <<<
話をする: hanashiosuru: talk (about), have a talk (with), speak (with), tell a story [tale], give an account of
話が付く: hanashigatsuku: come to [arrive at] an understanding [agreement] (with) <<<
話を付ける: hanashiotsukeru: arrange [fix up] (a matter with a person), settle (a matter) <<<
話の種: hanashinotane: topic (for conversation), subject of talk <<<
話は違うが: hanashiwachigauga: by the way <<<
話変わって: hanashikawatte: meanwhile, on the other hand <<<
話を逸らす: hanashiosorasu: divert the conversation <<<
話に出る: hanashinideru: come up for discussion <<<
話に成らない: hanashininaranai: be out of the question <<<
話の腰を折る: hanashinokoshiooru: interrupt a person, spoil a story
Kanji words: 手話 , 話題 , 談話 , 民話 , 会話 , 世話 , 逸話 , 童話 , 電話 , 神話 , 実話
Expressions: 美しい話 , 嘘の様な話 , 早い話が , 変な話だが , 話が前後する , 身の上話をする , 世間話 , 可笑しな話だが , 流暢に話す , 話の合間に , 楽屋話 , 話相手 , 正直な話 , 英語を話す , 英語で話す , 英語話せますか , 馬鹿話 , 懺悔話 , 電話で話す , 内緒話 , 内緒話をする , 立入った話ですが , 日本語話します , 日本語話せます , 日本語話せません , 日本語話しますか , 自慢話 , 大袈裟な話 , 早口で話す , 率直に話す , 話言葉

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: examine, understand (ext.)
察らか: akiraka: obvious, evident, plain <<<
察る: miru: look at, examine, observe <<<
察る: shiru: understand <<<
察する: sassuru: guess (jp.), understand
Kanji words: 視察 , 偵察 , 考察 , 警察 , 検察 , 洞察 , 観察 , 省察 , 診察

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 14
translation: nose, trunk, muzzle, snout
鼻: hana
鼻の: hanano: nasal
鼻の穴: hananoana: nostril <<<
鼻の先: hananosaki: nose tip <<<
鼻の下が長い: hananoshitaganagai: be spoony
鼻が利く: hanagakiku: have a good nose, have a fine sense of smell <<<
鼻が利かない: hanagakikanai: have a bad nose, have a poor sense of smell <<<
鼻が詰る: hanagatsumaru: One's nose is stopped up <<<
鼻に掛かる: hananikakaru: speak through one's nose, have a nasal tone [twang] <<<
鼻に掛ける: hananikakeru: pride oneself upon, be proud [vain] of, take pride in <<<
鼻に付く: hananitsuku: stink, be offensive to the nose, get tired [sick] of <<<
鼻を穿る: hanaohojiru: pick one's nose <<< 穿
鼻を摘む: hanaotsumamu: hold one's nose <<<
鼻を擤む: hanaokamu: blow one's nose
鼻を鳴らす: hanaonarasu: whine <<<
鼻が高い: hanagatakai: be proud (of) <<<
鼻であしらう: hanadeashirau: sniff at, treat (a person) with contempt, snub
鼻で笑う: hanadewarau: laugh ironically <<<
鼻を明かす: hanaoakasu: foil, outwit (a person), upset a person's scheme, put a person's nose out of joint <<<
鼻を折る: hanaooru: put (a person) to shame, take (a person) down a peg <<<
Kanji words: 鼻炎 , 鼻水 , 鼻先 , 阿鼻叫喚 , 耳鼻
Expressions: 高い鼻 , 低い鼻 , 象の鼻 , 尖った鼻 , 獅子鼻 , 鼻眼鏡 , 団子鼻 , 団子鼻の , 鼻風邪 , 鼻母音 , 鼻が鋭敏

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