Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 規定 , 機転 , 機能 , 気迫 , 基盤 , 気品 , 脚光 , 郷愁 , 儀式 , 犠牲


pronunciation: kitei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law , sport   
translation: prescription, regulation, provisions, stipulations
規定の: kiteino: regular, prescribed, ordained
規定通りの: kiteitoorino: prescribed, regulatory <<<
規定する: kiteisuru: provide, prescribe, ordain
規定に反する: kiteinihansuru: be against the rule***** <<<
規定を破る: kiteioyaburu: break [violate] the rule <<<
規定に従う: kiteinishitagau: comply with the rule <<<
規定料金: kiteiryoukin: regulation [standard] charge <<< 料金
規定種目: kiteishumoku: compulsory exercises [figures] <<< 種目
check also 規則


pronunciation: kiten   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 気転  
translation: wit, tact
機転の利く: kitennnokiku: quick-witted, ready-witted, tactful <<<
機転が利く: kitengakiku: be quick-witted [ready-witted, tactful], have quick wits*****
機転の利かない: kitennnokikanai: slow-witted, dull-witted
機転が利かない: kitengakikanai: be slow-witted [dull-witted], have slow wits
機転を利かす: kitennokikasu: take the hint
check also 機知


pronunciation: kinou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: technology , medicine   
translation: faculty, function, specification
機能する: kinousuru: be workable [functional], function*****
機能的: kinouteki: functional <<<
機能的に: kinoutekini: functionally
機能有る: kinouaru: enable, be capable <<<
機能を果たす: kinouohatasu: fulfill one's function <<<
機能図: kinouzu: functional diagram <<<
機能主義: kinoushugi: functionalism
機能検査: kinoukensa: efficacy [functional] check
機能障害: kinoushougai: functional disorder
機能低下: kinouteika: depression <<< 低下
機能減退: kinougentai
機能不全: kinouhuzen: dysfunction
多機能の: takinouno: multifunctional <<<
検索機能: kensakukinou: search function <<< 検索
生殖機能: seishokukinou: reproductive function <<< 生殖


pronunciation: kihaku   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 気魄  
translation: spirit, vigor, temper
気迫が籠った: kihakugakomotta: full of spirit <<<
気迫が有る: kihakugaaru: be full of spirit***** <<<
気迫が無い: kihakuganai: be lacking in spirit <<<
check also 気合


pronunciation: kiban   kanji characters: ,   
translation: basis, base, foundation
基盤に成る: kibannninaru: form the basis of <<<
基盤とする: kibantosuru: be based [founded] on*****
check also


pronunciation: kihin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: dignity, nobility, grace, distinction
気品有る: kihinnaru: dignified, noble, graceful, distinguish <<<
気品が有る: kihingaaru: be graceful [distinguish]*****
check also


pronunciation: kyakkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show   
translation: highlight, spotlight
脚光を浴びる: kyakkouoabiru: be in the limelight, be highlighted [spotlighted]***** <<<


pronunciation: kyoushuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: homesickness, nostalgia
郷愁を感じる: kyoushuuokanjiru: feel nostalgia (for), be homesick (for)***** <<<
郷愁を抱く: kyoushuuoidaku <<<


pronunciation: gishiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: ceremony, ritual (n.)
儀式の: gishikino: ceremonial, ritual (a.)
儀式を行う: gishikiookonau: hold a ceremony <<<
儀式を司る: gishikiotsukasadoru <<<
儀式張る: gishikibaru: stand on ceremony, be formal [ceremonious, solemn]***** <<<
儀式張った: gishikibatta: formal, ceremonious, solemn
儀式張らぬ: gishikibaranu: informal
儀式張らずに: gishikibarazuni: without ceremony [formality]


pronunciation: gisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , disaster   
translation: sacrifice (n.), immolation
犠牲にする: giseinisuru: sacrifice (v.), immolate
犠牲に供する: giseinikyousuru <<<
犠牲を払う: giseioharau: make sacrifices <<<
犠牲に成る: giseininaru: be sacrificed, fall a victim***** <<<
犠牲的: giseiteki: self-sacrificing, abnegation <<<
犠牲的精神: giseitekiseishin: self-sacrificing spirit <<< 精神
犠牲祭: giseisai: Eid al-Adha, feast of sacrifice <<<
犠牲打: giseida: sacrifice hit (in baseball) <<<
犠牲者: giseisha: victim, prey <<<
犠牲フライ: giseihurai: sacrifice fly (in baseball) <<< フライ
synonyms: 生贄 ,

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