Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'at'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: laugh, smile
笑い: warai: laugh (n.), smile, laughter, sneer
笑いが止まらない: waraigatomaranai: cannot stop laughing, cannot but gloat <<<
笑いを抑える: waraioosaeru: suppress a laugh <<<
笑いを招く: waraiomaneku: incur laughter, be laughed at (by) <<<
笑い出す: waraidasu: begin to laugh, burst out laughing <<<
笑い倒ける: waraikokeru: hold one's sides with laughing, laugh fit to kill <<<
笑い転げる: waraikorogeru <<<
笑い飛ばす: waraitobasu: laugh away <<<
笑う: warau: laugh (v.)
笑うべき: waraubeki: laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous
笑われる: warawareru: be [get] laughed at
笑わせる: warawaseru: let (a person) laugh
笑む: emu: smile (v.)
笑み: emi: smile (n.)
笑みを浮かべて: emioukabete: by [with] smiling <<<
Kanji words: 笑顔 , 可笑し , 冷笑 , 嘲笑 , 爆笑 , 苦笑 , 微笑 , 笑窪
Expressions: 嘲り笑う , 鼻で笑う , 忍び笑う , 愛想笑い , 愛嬌笑い , 笑い川蝉 , 御世辞笑い , 馬鹿笑 , 豪傑笑い

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: see, watch, look, observe
視る: miru: see, watch, look at, observe
Kanji words: 無視 , 視点 , 視界 , 視察 , 視野 , 監視 , 遠視 , 内視鏡 , 透視 , 視聴 , 警視 , 軽視 , 近視 , 乱視 , 視力 , 視覚 , 視線 , 斜視
Expressions: 同一視する , 重大視する , 英雄視する , 問題視する , 重要視する

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: travel    nb of strokes: 11
translation: visit, call at, come
訪れる: otozureru: visit (v.), pay a visit, call on, arrive
訪れ: otozure: visit (n.), call, arrival
訪ねる: tazuneru: visit (v.), pay a visit
Kanji words: 訪問 , 来訪
Expressions: 不意に訪れる

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 11
translation: window
窓: mado: window, peephole, skylight
窓を開ける: madooakeru: open the window <<<
窓を閉める: madooshimeru: close the window <<<
窓から眺める: madokaranagameru: look at something through the window <<<
窓から見る: madokaramiru <<<
Kanji words: 同窓 , 窓口 , 窓際
Expressions: 覗き窓 , 格子窓 , 円形窓 , 二重窓 , 屋根窓 , 欄間窓 , 回転窓 , 陳列窓 , 通風窓 , 天井窓 , 窓ガラス

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: thin, fine, slim, slender
sai, sei
細い: hosoi: thin, slender, fine, narrow, tapering
細い声: hosoikoe: thin [small] voice <<<
細く: hosoku: thinly, finely
細くする: hosokusuru: make (a thing) slender [fine, thin], narrow, sharpen
細く成る: hosokunaru: become thin [thinner, more slender], dwindle <<<
細る: hosoru
細かい: komakai, komaka: small, fine, minute, detailed, elaborate, delicate, close, strict, exact, thrifty, frugal, economical, sensitive
細かく: komakaku, komakani: finely, minutely, in detail, closely, particularly, strictly
細かくする: komakakusuru: cut [break up] (a thing) into small pieces, tear to pieces, chop, change (into small money)
細しい: kuwashii: detailed, particular, minute, know well, be well-informed <<<
細しく: kuwashiku: minutely, in detail, in full, at length
Kanji words: 詳細 , 細菌 , 細心 , 細身 , 繊細 , 細工 , 細波 , 明細 , 細胞 , 細切 , 些細 , 仔細
Expressions: 心細い , 事細かに , 芸が細い , 痩せ細る , 痩せ細った , 神経が細い

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 11
translation: end, close, termination
shuu, shu
終り: owari: end, close, termination, conclusion, expiration
終りの: owarino: last, final, concluding
終りに: owarini: in the end, finally, in conclusion, at the conclusion (of)
終りに近づく: owarinichikaZuku: draw to a close <<<
終りを告げる: owariotsugeru: come to an end [a close] <<<
終りを全うする: owariomattousuru: end well, come to a good end <<<
終り無き: owarinaki: endless, interminable <<<
終わる: owaru: end (vi.), terminate, finish
終える: oeru: end (vt.), terminate, finish
終に: tsuini: finally
終ぬ: shinu: die (v.) <<<
Kanji words: 終身 , 終焉 , 臨終 , 終点 , 最終 , 終了 , 終止 , 終幕 , 終日 , 終値
Expressions: 初めから終わりまで , 夏の終わり , 読み終る , 掛声に終る , 終先程 , 課程を終える , 不調に終る , 竜頭蛇尾に終る , 刑期を終える , 失敗に終わる
antonyms: ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: constant, banal, perpetual, eternity
jou, shou
常: tsune: usual state [condition], ordinary course of things, common usage, way of the world
常の: tsuneno: usual, ordinary, customary, habitual
常に: tsuneni: always, at all times, as a rule, customarily, habitually, constantly
常ならぬ: tsunenaranu: unusual, strange, passing, transitory, transient, unstable
常: tokoshie: eternity <<<
常: nami: common, banal <<<
常: toko: constant (pref., jp.)
Kanji words: 無常 , 非常 , 異常 , 日常 , 庭常 , 通常 , 正常 , 常務 , 常用 , 常識 , 常習 , 常連 , 常態 , 常套 , 尋常
Expressions: 世の常 , 常得意

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: accounting    nb of strokes: 11
translation: lead, direct, percentage (bor.), rate
ritsu, sotsu, sui
率: wariai: percentage, rate <<< 割合
率う: shitagau: obey, follow, accompany <<< ,
率いる: hikiiru: lead, direct, manage
率: oomune: in general, roughly <<<
率: osa: chief, leader <<<
率: ritsu: percentage, rate
の率で: noritsude: at a [the] rate of, on a percentage of
率が良い: ritsugaii, ritsugayoi: show a good rate <<<
率が悪い: ritsugawarui: show a poor rate <<<
率を高める: ritsuotakameru: raise the rate <<<
率を上げる: ritsuoageru <<<
率を低める: ritsuohikumeru: lower the rate <<<
率を下げる: ritsuosageru <<<
Kanji words: 効率 , 確率 , 能率 , 統率 , 率直 , 利率 , 建蔽率
Expressions: 兵を率いる , 軍を率いる , 増加率 , 就業率 , 楕円率 , 出生率 , 稼働率 , 円周率 , 発病率 , 出席率 , 欠勤率 , 拡大率 , 棄権率 , 感染率 , 防御率 , 預金準備率 , 貧困率 , 課税率 , 視聴率 , 打撃率 , 屈折率 , 成長率 , 膨張率 , 関税率 , 死亡率 , 回転率 , 保険率 , 就職率 , 離婚率 , 出産率 , 浸透率 , 投票率 , 割引率 , 支持率 , 普及率 , 消耗率
check also レート

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: justice    nb of strokes: 11
translation: accuse, decry, torture, harass
seki, shaku, sai
責め: seme: responsability, torture
責める: semeru: torture, put (a person) to torture, harass, worry, call [bring] (a person) to account, take [call, bring] (a person) to task (for doing), criticize, censure, reproach, accuse
責め苛む: semesainamu: torture, treat (a person) cruelly, maltreat <<<
責めて: semete: at least, at most, at best
Kanji words: 問責 , 責任 , 免責
synonyms: 非難

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 11
translation: incline (org.), side, face
soku, shoku
側: katawara: side <<<
側: soba: side, neighborhood
側に: sobani: by the side of, at a person's side, beside, near, around, in the neighborhood (of)
側に寄る: sobaniyoru: come [draw] near (to) <<<
側てる: sobadateru: prick up one's ear (incline the head)
側か: honoka: faint, dim <<<
側: kawa, gawa: side, row, (watch) case
Kanji words: 外側 , 内側 , 裏側 , 側面 , 側近 , 縁側 , 両側 , 片側
Expressions: 政府側の , 賛成側 , 此方側に , 反対側 , 攻撃側
synonyms: , サイド

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