Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'as'

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: ask, beg, request, entrust
嘱む: tanomu: ask, beg, request, as a favor, entreat, implore, solicit, entrust (a person) with (a matter) <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 16
translation: ask, beg, request, rely
頼む: tanomu: ask, beg, request, as a favor, entreat, implore, solicit, entrust (a person) with (a matter), leave (a matter) to (a person), rely [depend, count] on [upon], engage, hire
頼み込む: tanomikomu: ask, beg, request, ask a favor, entreat, implore, solicit <<<
頼み: tanomi: request, solicitation
頼みを聞く: tanomiokiku: comply with a person's request <<<
頼みを断る: tanomiokotowaru: reject a person's request <<<
頼みに成る: tanomininaru: reliable, dependable, trustworthy <<<
頼みにする: tanominisuru: rely [depend] upon, trust in, look to a person for help
頼みの綱: tanominotsuna: one's only hope, one's last resort <<<
頼る: tayoru: rely on, recourse to
頼り: tayori: reliance, dependence
頼もしい: tanomoshii: reliable, trustworthy, promising, hopeful
頼もしく思う: tanomoshikuomou: place confidence [trust] in, expect [hope] much from <<< , 信頼
頼むに足らぬ: tanomunitaranu: not to be relied [depended] upon, unreliable, untrustworthy <<<
頼む所: tanomutokoro: one's (last) resort, one's (last) hope <<<
Kanji words: 依頼 , 信頼
Expressions: 泣いて頼む , 衆を頼んで , 宜しく頼みます , 末頼もしい , 計器に頼って , 直感に頼る , 留守を頼む , 取次を頼む , タクシーを頼む

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 4
translation: go, this, of, at, on, in, as for, as to
之: yuku: go, leave (for), visit <<<
之: kore: this <<< , ,
之: no: of
之: nioite: at, on, in, as for, as to <<<
之: yuki, yoshi: pers.

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: time , position    nb of strokes: 7
translation: till, until, to, reach
迄: made: till, until, to, up to, as far as
迄ぶ: oyobu: reach, come up to, amount to, cover, range (over) <<<
Expressions: 只今迄に , 何時迄も , 近頃迄

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: grammar    nb of strokes: 8
translation: ah, to, at, on, in, as for, as to, than
於: aa: ah
於: ni: to (followed by an indirect object)
於: o: (followed by a direct object)
於: oite: at, on, in, as for, as to
於: yori: (more, less) than
Expressions: 究極に於いて

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: it, that, those
其れ: sore
其れに: soreni: besides, moreover, what is more
其れにしても: sorenishitemo: but, still, for all that, nevertheless
其れにつけても: sorenitsuketemo: when I think of it
其れとも: soretomo: or, else
其れでも: soredemo: but, still, yet
其の: sono: that, those, its
其の上: sonoue: besides, moreover, what is more <<<
其の内: sonouchi: before long, soon, by and by, in the meantime, some day, one of these days <<<
其の癖: sonokuse: and yet, for all that, notwithstanding, nevertheless, none the less <<<
其の位: sonokurai: so much [many], as much [many] <<<
其の後: sonogo: after that, afterward, since then, from that time on <<<
其の頃: sonokoro: at [about] that time, then, in those days <<<
其の通り: sonotoori: Just so, You are [That's] right, Precisely, Exactly, Yes indeed [of course] <<<
其の時: sonotoki: at that time, then, on that occasion <<<
其の場で: sonobate: then and there, on the spot, offhand <<<
其の日: sonohi: on that day, the same day <<<
其の辺: sonohen: about there, thereabouts <<<
其の外: sonohoka: besides, moreover, in addition <<<
Kanji words: 其々 , 其所
Expressions: 其以来 , 其の都度 , 其れは苦手だ , 其自体 , 其れは駄目だ

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: utensil    nb of strokes: 11
translation: jar, pot, vase, right spot for fixing moxa on
壷: tsubo: jar, pot, vase
壷: kyuusho: right spot for fixing moxa on <<< 急所
壷に嵌まる: tsubonihamaru: turn out as one's wish <<<
壷に嵌まっている: tsubonihamatteiru: be pertinent, be to the point <<<
壷を押える: tsubooosaeru <<<
Kanji words: 茶壷 , 蛸壷
Expressions: 砂糖壷 , インク壷

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: sex    nb of strokes: 11
translation: immerse, flirt (ext.), obscene
淫: hitasu: immerse <<<
淫れる: midareru: be demoralized, be lax (in morals)
淫ら: midara: obscenity, lewdness
淫らな: midarana: indecent, obscene, lewd
淫: hoshiimama: at will [pleasure], as one likes <<<
Kanji words: 淫乱

category: JIS1   other spells: 瘦   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 15
translation: thin, slender, lean, skinny, poor, barren, sterile
sou, shou
痩せる: yaseru: become thin, lose weight [flesh]
痩せた: yaseta: thin, slender, lean, skinny, poor, barren, sterile
痩せっぽち: yaseppochi: skinny person, living skeleton
痩せ衰える: yaseotoroeru: become emaciated <<<
痩せ細る: yasehosoru <<<
痩せ衰えた: yaseotoroeta: emaciated, withered, thin and pale <<<
痩せ細った: yasehosotta <<<
痩せても枯れても: yasetemokaretemo: Poor as one is, 'Though in reduced circumstances, one is' <<<
Expressions: 頬が痩けた , 痩せ我慢 , 痩せ我慢する
antonyms: ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: grammar    nb of strokes: 16
translation: proverb, saying, maxim
諺: kotowaza
諺の: kotowazano: proverbial
諺にも有る様に: kotowazanimoaruyouni: as the proverb says [goes, puts it]
synonyms: 格言

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