Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'of'

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Direct access: , , , , , , , , ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather , chemistry , psychology    nb of strokes: 6
translation: air, atmosphere, ambiance, gas, breath, climate
ki, ke
気: iki: breath, respiration
気が有る: kigaaru: have a mind (to do), be [feel] inclined (to do), be interested in, take a fancy to (a person)
気が無い: kiganai: have no mind (to do), be [feel] reluctant (to do), be not interested in, take no fancy to (a person) <<<
気が短い: kigamijikai: be impatient <<<
気が合う: kigaau: agree [hit it off] (with a person) <<<
気が小さい: kigachiisai: be timid [diffident, chickenhearted] <<<
気が散る: kigachiru: One's attention is distracted
気が塞ぐ: kigahusagu: feel blue, become melancholy <<<
気が晴れる: kigahareru: be diverted, feel fine <<<
気が向かない: kigamukanai: be reluctant (to do) <<<
気が引ける: kigahikeru: feel small [self-conscious]
気が変わる: kigakawaru: change one's mind
気が利く: kigakiku: be clever [sensible, tactful], be quick-witted <<<
気が抜ける: kiganukeru: lose its flavor, become flat, be disheartened, One's enthusiasm dies down <<<
気が付く: kigatsuku: notice, perceive, become aware of, be attentive [considerate], come to oneself [one's senses], recover consciousness <<<
気を付ける: kiotsukeru: take care (of), pay attention to, look out (for) <<<
気に入る: kiniiru: like, take a fancy to, be pleased [satisfied] with, please (a person), find a favor with (a person), take catch [strike, suit] a person's fancy <<<
気に成る: kininaru: weigh on one's mind, lie at one's heart, cause a person anxiety, feel uneasy (about), be anxious (about), bring oneself to (do), feel like (doing) <<<
気にする: kinisuru: care, mind, worry about, take (a matter) to heart
気遣う: kiZukau: be [feel] anxious (about), be concerned (about), fear, be afraid of [that] <<<
気遣わしい: kiZukawashii: alarming, uncertain <<<
気遣わしげに: kiZukawashigeni: anxiously, with a look of anxiety <<<
気の強い: kinotsuyoi: stouthearted, brave <<<
気に食わない: kinikuwanai: do not like, be displeased (with a person), be disagreeable (to one)
Kanji words: 湿気 , 霊気 , 大気 , 脚気 , 気配り , 気迫 , 気管 , 気合 , 病気 , 気流 , 気疲れ , 本気 , 気化 , 火気 , 短気 , 気儘 , 気兼 , 平気 , 気密 , 浮気 , 気付 , 気筒 , 排気 , 気品 , 通気 , 気体 , 気圧 , 気立て , 中気 , 気前 , 気温 , 気象 , 気候 , 朧気 , 気団 , 換気 , 色気 , 正気 , 湯気 , 気功 , 気違い , 根気 , 気性 , 気質 , 気色 , 空気 , 勇気 , 気球 , 気晴 , 酒気 , 寒気 , 冷気 , 合気道 , 熱気 , 血気 , 一気 , 吐気 , 気絶 , 気分 , 気安い , 天気 , 味気 , 気軽 , 狂気 , 気楽 , 呑気 , 雰囲気 , 景気 , 人気 , 意気 , 内気 , 蜃気楼 , 磁気 , 邪気 , 蒸気 , 元気 , 電気 , 遣る気 , 活気 , 気持 , 殺気 , 気配 , 嫌気 , 気力 , 弱気 , 強気 , 気紛れ , 陽気 , 気休め , 士気 , 外気 , 気味 , 陰気
Expressions: 病は気から , 粘り気 , 気の所為で , 一本気 , 洒落気 , 娑婆気 , 娑婆っ気 , 気が晴々する , 茶目っ気 , 自慢気に , 商売気 , 如何する気
synonyms: ガス

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 6
translation: direct to, turn to
kou, kyou
向かう: mukau: face (v.), go to
向ける: mukeru: turn to (vt.), direct to
向く: muku: turn to (vi.), be suited for [to be] (jp.), suit
向いている: muiteiru: be suited for [to be]
向かって: mukatte: face to face (with), facing, before, for, toward, in the direction of
向かって来る: mukattekuru: turn upon (one) <<<
向かって行く: mukatteiku: go toward <<<
向き: muki: direction, situation, exposure, aspect
向きの: mukino: suitable for
向きが変わる: mukigakawaru: turn (vi.), shift
向きを変える: mukiokaeru: change direction, shift the direction, turn (vt.), veer, put (a ship) about
向き合う: mukiau: face each other, be opposite (to), confront (a person) <<<
向かい合う: mukaiau <<<
向きに成る: mukininaru: become serious, take seriously <<<
向に: sakini: beforehand
Kanji words: 向上 , 転向 , 風向 , 上向 , 仰向 , 日向 , 方向 , 向日葵 , 横向 , 傾向 , 前向き , 向う脛 , 動向 , 趣向
Expressions: 気が向かない , 運が向く , 脇を向く , 机に向う , 右を向く , 左を向く , 仕向ける , 横を向く , 尻を向ける , 振り向ける , 振り向く , 水を向ける , 下を向く , 初級向きの , 外国向け , 背中を向ける , 背中を向けて , 拳銃を向ける , 笑顔を向ける , 家庭向きの , 大衆向き , 児童向きの , 実用向 , 勝手向き , 目線を向ける , 視線を向ける , 注意を向ける , レンズを向ける
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: two, pair, both, species, kind (n.)
両: ryou: unit of old money (about 15g of gold, jp.)
両つ: hutatsu: two <<<
両: tagui: species (pair of species), kind <<<
Kanji words: 両方 , 両性 , 両生 , 両手 , 両替 , 車両 , 両親 , 両側 , 両者 , 両立
Expressions: 両陛下

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: love    nb of strokes: 6
translation: like, love, prefer, favorite, please, desire, nice, beautiful
好い: yoi, yoshi: good, nice, fine <<<
好しい: utsukushii: beautiful, desirable <<<
好: yoshimi: friendship <<<
好む: konomu, suku: like, love, prefer, wish, want
好み: konomi: liking, fondness, fancy, taste
好みが喧しい: konomigayakamashii: be fastidious in one's taste <<<
好ましい: konomashii: desirable, pleasant, agreeable, preferable
好ましくない: konomashikunai: undesirable, unpleasant, disagreeable, unpreferable
好き: suki: liking, fondness, fancy, taste
好きな: sukina: favorite, pet
好きです: sukidesu: I love you [him, her, it]
好きな様にする: sukinayounisuru: do what one likes, follow one's own beat <<<
好きな道: sukinamichi: one's hobby [passion, weakness] <<< , 趣味
好きに成る: sukininaru: become [grow] fond of, come to like, take a fancy to <<<
好: yoshi, taka, sumi: pers.
Kanji words: 良好 , 好調 , 友好 , 好奇心 , 好色 , 嗜好 , 大好き , 好物 , 愛好 , 好感 , 好評 , 好機 , 御好み , 物好き , 好意 , 同好 , 格好
Expressions: 事を好む , 奇を好む , 虫が好かない , 虫の好かない , 議論好きな , 姿勢が好い , 性能の好い , 好き同士 , 世話好き , 干渉好き , 勉強好き , 好い加減な , 好い加減に , 好い加減にやる , 好い天気 , 好天気 , 詮索好き , 戦争好きの , 近所の好で , 享楽好きの , 眺望が好い , 芝居好き , 綺麗好き , 好人物 , 子供好きの , 好取組 , 喧嘩好きの , センスが好い

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: show    nb of strokes: 7
translation: art, performance, technique
gei, un
芸の無い: geinonai: talentless, untalented, dilettante, amateurish, incompetent <<<
芸を磨く: geiomigaku: cultivate the art <<<
芸は身を助ける: geiwamiotasukeru: Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor
芸が細い: geigakomakai: have an elaborate way of acting <<<
芸: waza: art, performance, technique, feat, trick, stunt <<<
芸: nori: rule, standard <<<
Kanji words: 芸名 , 工芸 , 手芸 , 芸者 , 園芸 , 曲芸 , 芸能 , 芸術 , 陶芸 , 芸人
Expressions: 名人芸 , 旦那芸 , 素人芸

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sport , car    nb of strokes: 7
translation: run, dash, sail, scud
sou, su
走る: hashiru: run (v.), dash, sail, scud
走らす: hashirasu: make [let] run, drive, gallop, send, dispatch, rout, write (hurriedly)
走り: hashiri: the first of the season, the first supply
走り読みする: hashiriyomisuru: read hastily [cursorily], skim (through)
走り下りる: hashirioriru: run down <<<
走り込む: hashirikomu: run in [into] <<<
走り寄る: hashiriyoru: run up to <<<
走り出る: hashirideru: run out
走り出す: hashiridasu: start running, break into a run
走り回る: hashirimawaru: run about [round] <<<
走り去る: hashirisaru: run off [away] <<<
走り通す: hashiritoosu: run all the way
走って来る: hashittekuru: come running <<<
走: meshitsukai: servant
Kanji words: 完走 , 逃走 , 脱走 , 御馳走 , 走行 , 滑走 , 暴走 , 逆走 , 競走 , 代走 , 師走 , 自走 , 走者
Expressions: 突っ走る , 感情に走る , 稲妻が走る , 閃光が走る
check also ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 7
translation: younger brother, little brother
tei, dai, de
弟: otouto
弟: to: one of elements forming a pair in jikkan (jp.) <<< 十干
Kanji words: 師弟 , 弟子 , 義弟 , 兄弟 , 舎弟

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 7
translation: sell, sale
bai, mai
売る: uru: sell, offer (a thing) for sale, deal in (goods), dispose of
売: uri: selling, sale
売に出す: urinidasu: offer (a thing) for sale, place [put] (a thing) on sale [on the market]
売に出る: urinideru: come up for sale
売り歩く: uriaruku: peddle, hawk <<<
売り急ぐ: uriisogu: be anxious [in a hurry] to sell, push the sale (of) <<<
売り惜しむ: urioshimu: hold back [over] from selling <<<
売り控える: urihikaeru
売り崩す: urikuzusu: bear the market <<<
売り付ける: uritsukeru: sell, force (a thing) upon (a person) <<<
売り飛ばす: uritobasu: sell off, dispose of
売り払う: uriharau: sell off, dispose of. part with
売り広める: urihiromeru: extend the market [sale] (of), find a (new) market (for)
売り込む: urikomu <<<
売り叩く: uritataku: beat down prices <<<
売り渡す: uriwatasu: sell (over) to, deliver, negotiate <<<
Kanji words: 押売 , 売切れ , 空売 , 売春 , 売店 , 発売 , 売女 , 売掛 , 転売 , 卸売 , 売上 , 即売 , 売場 , 特売 , 競売 , 売買 , 販売 , 商売 , 売却
Expressions: 闇で売る , 油を売る , 高く売る , 媚を売る , 名を売る , 競りで売る , 卸で売る , 枡で売る , 売り相場 , 愛嬌を売る , 廉価で売る , 土地を売る , 利食い売り , 利食い売りする , 失望売り , 原価で売る , 切符売り , 特価で売る , 牡蠣売り , 売り注文 , 喧嘩を売る , 薄利で売る , セットで売る

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 7
translation: near, close, immediate, proximate, kin, familiar, approach
kin, kon, gon
近い: chikai: near, close, immediate, kin
近い内に: chikaiuchini: before long, shortly, one of these days, in the near [immediate] future <<<
近く: chikaku: closely, nearby, close by, soon, shortly
近付く: chikaZuku: come [draw, get] near, approach <<<
近寄る: chikayoru <<<
近付ける: chikaZukeru: allow (a person) to approach [come near], bring (a thing) close (to) <<<
近寄せる: chikayoseru <<<
近くの家: chikakunoie: nearby [neighboring] home <<<
近くに: chikakuni: near, close to, in the neighborhood
近くに住む: chikakunisumu: live close by [within a short distance] <<<
近くで見る: chikakudemiru: see close at hand
Kanji words: 最近 , 近日 , 近衛 , 近江 , 接近 , 側近 , 近代 , 近東 , 真近 , 近親 , 身近 , 付近 , 近年 , 近況 , 近辺 , 近視 , 近所 , 近海 , 近郊 , 親近 , 近隣 , 近頃
Expressions: 暁近く , 直ぐ近くの , 終りに近づく , 臨月に近い , 近い将来に , 竣工が近い , 近距離 , 小便が近い , 近い親類

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: me, I, oneself, my, mine
我: ga: self, ego, egoism
我の強い: ganotsuyoi: self-willed, obstinate, headstrong <<<
我を通す: gaotoosu: carry one's will through, have one's own way, hunker
我を折る: gaooru: yield (to), give in, bend to (another will) <<<
我: ware: me, I, oneself
我が: waga: my, mine
我に返る: warenikaeru: come to oneself <<<
我を忘れる: wareowasureru: forget oneself, be beside oneself <<<
我を忘れて: wareowasurete: in spite of oneself, involuntarily <<<
Kanji words: 我慢 , 我家 , 我楽多 , 我等 , 我々 , 怪我 , 我流 , 我身 , 我儘
Expressions: 我闘争
synonyms: , ,

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