Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 活躍 , 感化 , 歓迎 , 感激 , 閑古鳥 , 関心 , 感心 , 感情 , 冠水 , 感染


pronunciation: katsuyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: (great) activity, action, boom
活躍する: katsuyakusuru: play an active part [an important role] (in), be active (in)*****
check also 活動


pronunciation: kanka   kanji characters: ,   
translation: influence (n.)
感化する: kankasuru: influence (v.)
感化される: kankasareru: be influenced [affected] (by)*****
感化を受ける: kankaoukeru <<<
感化され易い: kankasareyasui: be easily influenced (by) <<<
感化を受け易い: kankaoukeyasui
感化院: kankain: reformatory <<<
check also


pronunciation: kangei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: welcome, reception
歓迎する: kangeisuru: welcome, hail
歓迎される: kangeisareru: be warmly received*****
歓迎を受ける: kangeioukeru <<<
歓迎会: kangeikai: welcome party, reception <<<
歓迎者: kangeisha: welcomer <<<
歓迎委員会: kangeiiinkai: reception committee
check also 接待 ,


pronunciation: kangeki   kanji characters: ,   
translation: deep emotion, enthusiasm, impression
感激する: kangekisuru: be deeply moved [touched, affected, impressed] (by), be inspired (with)*****
感激させる: kangekisaseru: move, touch, affect, give a deep impression (to a person)
感激的: kangekiteki: emotional, emotive, impressive <<<
感激家: kangekika: emotionalist, enthusiast <<<
check also


pronunciation: kankodori   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: bird   
translation: cuckoo
閑古鳥が鳴く: kankodoriganaku: be utterly deserted, have no customers***** <<<


pronunciation: kanshin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: interest, concern, preoccupation
関心有る: kanshinnaru: interested, concerned, preoccupied <<<
関心無い: kanshinnnai: uninterested, unconcerned, indifferent, nonchalant <<<
関心を持つ: kanshinnomotsu: be interested in, have [take] an interest in, be concerned about (for)***** <<<
関心を持たない: kanshinnomotanai: be indifferent in, have [take] no interest in, be not concerned about (for)
関心を示す: kanshinnoshimesu: show interest in something <<<
関心事: kanshingoto: matter of concern <<<
無関心: mukanshin: indifference, nonchalance <<<
check also


pronunciation: kanshin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: admiration
感心な: kanshinnna: admirable, laudable, praiseworthy
感心な行い: kanshinnnaokonai: admirable action [act] <<<
感心に: kanshinnni: creditably, to one's credit
感心する: kanshinsuru: admire, be struck with admiration (at), be much impressed (with)*****
感心させる: kanshinsaseru: cause an admiration, arouse admiration
感心して: kanshinshite: with admiration, with wonder, admiringly
感心感心: kanshinkanshin: Well done! Excellent! Bravo! Good for you!


pronunciation: kanjou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: feeling, emotion, sentiment
感情を表す: kanjouoarawasu: show one's feelings <<<
感情を隠す: kanjouokakusu: hide one's feelings <<<
感情を抑える: kanjouoosaeru: control one's feelings <<<
感情を害する: kanjouogaisuru: hurt [wound] a person's feelings, offend a person <<<
感情に走る: kanjounihashiru: give way to one's feeling [passion], be driven [carried away] by passion***** <<<
感情に溺れる: kanjounioboreru <<<
感情に訴える: kanjouniuttaeru: appeal to the feelings of a person <<<
感情を籠めて: kanjouokomete: with feeling [sentiment] <<<
感情の籠った: kanjounokomotta: moving, touching
感情的: kanjouteki: emotional, sentimental, passionate <<<
感情的に: kanjoutekini: emotionally, sentimentally, passionately
感情家: kanjouka: emotional person, sentimentalist <<<
感情線: kanjousen: heart line <<<
感情論: kanjouron: sentimental argument <<<
感情移入: kanjouinyuu: empathy


pronunciation: kansui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: submergence, flooding, inundation
冠水する: kansuisuru: be submerged, be flooded, be covered with water*****
冠水地帯: kansuichitai: submerged [flooded] zone <<< 地帯


pronunciation: kansen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: infection, contagion
感染する: kansensuru: be infected [tainted], catch*****
感染させる: kansensaseru: infect
感染性の: kansenseino: infectious, contagious <<<
感染率: kansenritsu: rate of infection <<<
感染源: kansengen: source of infection <<<
感染症: kansenshou: infectious [contagious] disease <<<
感染経路: kansenkeiro: route of infection <<< 経路
再感染: saikansen: reinfection <<<

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