Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'at'

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Direct access: 加減 , 火事 , 家事 , 勝手 , 家庭 , 仮初 , 間接 , 干潮 , 巻頭 , 完璧


pronunciation: kagen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food , mathematics   
translation: degree, extent, taste, flavor (n.), seasoning, health, condition, adjustment, regulation, moderation, allowance, influence, addition and subtraction
加減する: kagensuru: moderate, adjust, regulate, modulate, make allowance for, flavor (v.)
加減を見る: kagennomiru: taste (v.), try the flavor <<<
加減が良い: kagengaii: be [feel] well, be in good condition <<<
加減が悪い: kagengawarui: be [feel] unwell [ill], be in bad condition <<<
加減乗除: kagenjoujo: addition subtraction multiplication and division, four rules of arithmetic
味加減: ajikagen: seasoning <<<
味加減が良い: ajikagengaii: be well seasoned <<<
味加減が悪い: ajikagengawarui: be badly seasoned <<<
匙加減: sajikagen: prescription, allowance, manipulation <<<
匙加減をする: sajikagennosuru: use one's discretion, make allowance (for)
手加減する: tekagensuru <<<
手加減: tekagen: allowance, knack, discretion
好い加減な: iikagennna: random, halfway, indifferent <<<
好い加減に: iikagennni: at random, indifferently
好い加減にやる: iikagennniyaru: do things by halves, scamp one's work
check also 具合 , 調子


pronunciation: kaji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: fire, blaze, conflagration
火事が起こる: kajigaokoru: fire breaks out, starts <<<
火事が起きる: kajigaokiru
火事に遭う: kajiniau: suffer from [have] a fire <<<
火事を出す: kajiodasu: start [cause] a fire <<<
火事を起す: kajiookosu <<<
火事を消す: kajiokesu: extinguish the fire <<<
火事場: kajiba: scene of a fire <<<
火事場泥棒: kajibadorobou: thief at a fire <<< 泥棒
火事装束: kajishouzoku: fireman's uniform
山火事: yamakaji: forest fire <<<
check also 火災


pronunciation: kaji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house   
translation: household matters, family affairs, domestic chores, housework
家事の: kajino: domestic
家事をする: kajiosuru: work at home
家事の都合で: kajinotsugoude: for family reasons <<< 都合
家事を取締る: kajiotorishimaru: manage the house <<< 取締
家事仕事: kajishigoto: domestic works <<< 仕事
check also 家政


pronunciation: katte   kanji characters: ,    keyword: house   
translation: kitchen, circumstances, condition, private arrangements
勝手な: kattena: selfish, self-willed, willful
勝手に: katteni: at one's pleasure, as one pleases [likes], at one's convenience, selfishly, willfully, voluntarily, without leave, at one's discretion, arbitrarily, freely
勝手の良い: kattenoii: convenient, handy <<<
勝手の悪い: kattenowarui: inconvenient, not handy <<<
勝手にしろ: kattenishiro: please yourself
勝手向き: kattemuki: circumstance, situation <<<
勝手口: katteguchi: kitchen door, back door <<<
勝手道具: kattedougu: kitchen appliance <<< 道具
身勝手: migatte: egoist <<<
気儘勝手: kimamakatte <<< 気儘
自分勝手: jibunkatte: selfishness, egoism <<< 自分
自分勝手の: jibunkatteno: selfish, egoist <<< 自分
手前勝手: temaekatte: selfishness, egoism <<< 手前
手前勝手な: temaekattena: selfish, willful, self-interested, egoistic <<< 手前
check also 台所 , 放題


pronunciation: katei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family , house   
translation: family (n.), home, household
家庭の: kateino: family (a.), home, household, domestic, homely
家庭的: kateiteki: homely <<<
家庭で: kateide: at home, in the home
家庭向きの: kateimukino: for domestic use <<<
家庭を持つ: kateiomotsu: make a home <<<
家庭科: kateika: homemaking course <<<
家庭着: kateigi: home dress <<<
家庭欄: kateiran: domestic column <<<
家庭医: kateii: family doctor <<<
家庭教師: kateikyoushi: private teacher <<< 教師
家庭教育: kateikyouiku: home education [discipline] <<< 教育
家庭用品: kateiyouhin: domestic articles <<< 用品
家庭料理: kateiryouri: home cooking <<< 料理
家庭裁判所: kateisaibansho: court of family affairs <<< 裁判所
家庭内暴力: kateinaibouryoku: domestic violence
円満な家庭: enmannnakatei: happy home <<< 円満
相当な家庭: soutounakatei: respectable (decent) family <<< 相当
母子家庭: boshikatei: family of the mother and a child <<< 母子
崩壊家庭: houkaikatei: family torn apart by violence, broken family <<< 崩壊
check also ホーム , 家族


pronunciation: karisome   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 苟且  
translation: slightness, triviality
仮初の: karisomeno: slight, trivial, temporary, transient
仮初にする: karisomenisuru: slight (v.), make light [little] of
仮初にも: karisomenimo: at all, ever


pronunciation: kansetsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: indirect (n.)
間接の: kansetsuno: indirect (a.), mediate, roundabout
間接的: kansetsuteki <<<
間接に: kansetsuni: indirectly, mediately, at second hand
間接税: kansetsuzei: indirect tax <<<
間接貿易: kansetsuboueki: indirect trade <<< 貿易
間接投資: kansetsutoushi: indirect investment <<< 投資
間接感染: kansetsukansen: indirect infection <<< 感染
間接照明: kansetsushoumei: indirect lighting <<< 照明
間接撮影: kansetsusatsuei: fluoroscope <<< 撮影
間接選挙: kansetsusenkyo: indirect election <<< 選挙
間接雇用: kansetsukoyou: indirect employment <<< 雇用
間接目的: kansetsumokuteki: indirect object, dative object <<< 目的
間接補語: kansetsuhogo
間接話法: kansetsuwahou: indirect narration [speech]
antonyms: 直接


pronunciation: kanchou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sea   
translation: ebb tide, low tide [water]
干潮に成る: kanchouninaru: The tide is out <<<
干潮時に: kanchoujini: when the tide is out, at low tide <<<
check also 引潮 , 満潮


pronunciation: kantou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: book   
translation: beginning of a book, opening page of a book
巻頭に: kantouni: at the beginning of a book, on [in, at] the opening page of a book
巻頭の辞: kantounoji: foreword <<< , 前書 , 序文
巻頭論文: kantouronbun: opening article (of a journal) <<< 論文


pronunciation: kanpeki   kanji characters: ,   
translation: perfection, completeness
完璧な: kanpekina: perfect, faultless, flawless, complete
完璧に: kanpekini: perfectly, completely
完璧を期する: kanpekiokisuru: aim at perfection <<<
check also 完全

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