Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'all'

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Direct access: 丈夫 , 隙間 , 精根 , 西部 , 責任 , 是非 , 全域 , 全員 , 全国 , 全然


pronunciation: joubu, jouhu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: soundness, strength, solidity, adult [strong] man (anc.)
丈夫な: joubuna: sound, healthy, in good health, solid, firm, durable, strong
丈夫に成る: joubuninaru: become healthy, grow strong <<<
女丈夫: onnnajoubu: strong woman, iron lady <<<
大丈夫: daijoubu: safe, secure, all right <<<
synonyms: 達者


pronunciation: sukima   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap
隙間が有る: sukimagaaru: be slightly open <<<
隙間の無い: sukimanonai: hermetic, tight <<<
隙間無く: sukimanaku: compactly, closely, all over (the surface)
隙間から覗く: sukimakaranozoku: peep through the opening <<<
隙間に詰める: sukimanitsumeru: stuff into a crevice <<<
隙間風: sukimakaze: draft, draught <<<


pronunciation: seikon   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 精魂  
translation: heart and soul
精根を尽くす: seikonnotsukusu: do one's best, try one's utmost <<<
精根を打ち込む: seikonnouchikomu: devote all one's energy (to), put one's heart and soul (into)
精根を傾ける: seikonnokatamukeru <<<


pronunciation: seibu   kanji characters: 西 ,    keyword: geography   
translation: western part, the west
西部の: seibuno: western
西部へ行く: seibueiku: go to west <<<
西部劇: seibugeki: western film, cowboy picture <<<
西部地方: seibuchihou: the West, western region <<< 地方
西部戦線: seibusensen: western (war) front <<< 戦線
西部戦線異状なし: seibusensennijounashi: All Quiet on the Western Front (a novel of Erich Maria Remarque, 1929)
antonyms: 東部


pronunciation: sekinin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: responsibility, charge, blame
責任有る: sekininnaru: responsible, accountable <<<
責任が有る: sekiningaaru: be responsible [accountable]
責任を取る: sekininnotoru: take the responsibility (for), charge oneself (with) <<<
責任を負う: sekininnoou: take the responsibility, be responsible <<<
責任を負わぬ: sekininnoowanu: disclaim all the responsibility
責任を問う: sekininnotou: call a person to account <<<
責任を逃れる: sekininnonogareru: shirk one's responsibility <<<
責任者: sekininsha: responsible (person), person in charge <<<
責任感: sekininkan: sense of duty, duteousness <<<
責任観念: sekininkannnen: sense of responsibility
責任解除: sekininkaijo: release from responsibility <<< 解除
責任内閣: sekininnnaikaku: responsible Cabinet <<< 内閣
責任能力: sekininnnouryoku: accountability, competency <<< 能力
無責任: musekinin: irresponsibility <<<
無責任な: musekininnna: irresponsible
連帯責任: rentaisekinin: joint responsibility <<< 連帯
刑事責任: keijisekinin: criminal responsibility <<< 刑事
無限責任: mugensekinin: unlimited liability, unrestricted obligation <<< 無限
賠償責任: baishousekinin: liability of compensation <<< 賠償
有限責任: yuugensekinin: limited liability <<< 有限
重大責任: juudaiseikinin: grave responsibility <<< 重大


pronunciation: zehi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: right and [or] wrong, propriety (of), without fail, by all means, at any cost
是非を論ぜず: zehioronzezu: whether right or wrong <<<
是非を弁じる: zehiobenjiru: distinguish between right and wrong <<<
是非とも: zehitomo: without fail, by all means, at any cost


pronunciation: zenniki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: the whole region, all the region


pronunciation: zennin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: all the members, entire staff, crew
全員一致: zenninnitchi: unanimity <<< 一致
全員一致の: zenninnitchino: unanimous
全員一致で: zenninnitchide: unanimously, with one voice


pronunciation: zenkoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , media , politics   
translation: whole country
全国の: zenkokuno: national, nation-wide, country-wide
全国的: zenkokuteki <<<
全国で: zenkokude: all over the country, across the nation
全国紙: zenkokushi: national newspaper <<<
全国区: zenkokku: nationwide constituency <<<
全国放送: zenkokuhousou: national network broadcast <<< 放送
全国中継: zenkokuchuukei: nationwide hookup <<< 中継


pronunciation: zenzen   kanji characters: ,   
translation: wholly, entirely, totally, utterly, completely, perfectly, altogether, (not) at all
check also 皆目

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