Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'is'

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Direct access: 真意 , 真実 , 地合 , 時期 , 実際 , 自慢 , 十年 , 数珠 , 随分 , 正義


pronunciation: shinni   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one's real intention [motive], true meaning
真意が分からない: shinnigawakaranai: do not understand what a person is getting at <<<


pronunciation: shinjitsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: truth, reality, fact, sooth (anc.)
真実の: shinjitsuno: true, real, sooth
真実に: shinjitsuni: truly, really, in fact
真実の所: shinjitsunotokoro: to tell the truth, truth to tell, the fact is that <<<
真実を明かす: shinjitsuoakasu: speak the truth <<<
真実を語る: shinjitsuokataru <<<
synonyms: 事実 , 本当


pronunciation: jiai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: market   
translation: texture, market condition
地合が良い: jiaigaii: It is of fine texture, The market is in a good condition <<<
地合が悪い: jiaigawarui: It is of coarse texture, The market is in a bad condition <<<


pronunciation: jiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: time, season, epoch
時期外れの: jikihazureno: out of season <<<
時期が早すぎる: jikigahayasugiru: it is too early to <<<
時期が遅すぎる: jikigaososugiru: it is too late to <<<
時期を画する: jikiokakusuru: be epoch-making <<<
重大な時期: juudainajiki: crucial moment <<< 重大
check also 時機


pronunciation: jissai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: practice, actual condition, reality, truth, fact
実際の: jissaino: practical, actual, real, true
実際の所: jissainotokoro: to tell the truth, as it is <<<
実際に: jissaini: in practice, actually, in fact, truly, really, indeed, virtually, as a matter of fact, in reality
実際は: jissaiwa: in reality
実際的: jissaiteki: practical, matter-of-fact, down-to-earth <<<
実際的考え: jissaitekikangae: practical idea <<<
実際的知識: jissaitekichishiki: practical knowledge <<< 知識
実際家: jissaika: practical man <<<
実際教育: jissaikyouiku: practical instruction, object-lesson, visual instruction <<< 教育
実際問題: jissaimondai: practical question <<< 問題
実際価格: jissaikakaku: cash value <<< 価格
synonyms: 事実


pronunciation: jiman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: pride, boast, vanity
自慢する: jimansuru: boast [brag] of, be proud [vain, boastful] of, bride oneself (on), swagger
自慢の: jimannno: of which one is proud
自慢らしく: jimanrashiku: proudly, boastfully
自慢そうに: jimansouni
自慢気に: jimangeni <<<
自慢顔に: jimangaoni <<<
自慢話: jimanbanashi: bragging, boasting <<<
祖先自慢: sosenjiman: ancestral pride <<< 祖先
synonyms: 自負 , 矜持 ,


pronunciation: juunen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar   
translation: ten years, decade
十年毎に: juunengotoni: every ten years <<<
十年祭: juunensai: decennial <<<
十年一昔: juunenhitomukashi: A decade is a quite long bit of time
十年一日: juunennichijitsu: without any change for long years <<< 一日
check also 百年


pronunciation: juzu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: rosary, chaplet, string of beads
数珠を爪繰る: juzuotsumaguru: tell [count] one's beads
数珠繋ぎ: juzutsunagi: string (of beads) <<<
数珠繋ぎにする: juzutsunaginisuru: rope [link] together, tie in a rope
数珠繋がりに成る: juzutsunagarininaru: A line is formed <<<
数珠球: juzudama: beads (of a rosary) <<<


pronunciation: zuibun   kanji characters: ,   
translation: fairly, pretty, tolerably, very, extremely, quite
随分な: zuibunnna: nice (an irony), fine
随分な男だ: zuibunnnaotokoda: What a man! You are a nice fellow! <<<
随分寒い: zuibunsamui: It is awfully cold <<<
check also 十分


pronunciation: seigi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: moral   
translation: righteousness, justice
正義の: seigino: righteous, just
正義の為に: seiginotameni: in the cause [for the sake] of justice <<<
正義の戦い: seiginotatakai: righteous war <<<
正義感: seigikan: sense of justice <<<
正義感が強い: seigikangatsuyoi: have a strong sense of justice <<<
力は正義なり: chikarahaseiginari: Might is right <<<

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