Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'by'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 10
translation: hour, time, moment, age, epoch, occasion
ji, shi
時: toki
時に: tokini: by the way [bye], incidentally
時には: tokiniha: at time, once in a while, occasionally
時めく: tokimeku: beat fast, palpitate
時めき: tokimeki: palpitation, throbbing
時が経つ: tokigatatsu: Time passes [flies, elapses] <<<
時が流れる: tokiganagareru <<<
時を打つ: tokioutsu: strike the hour <<<
時を稼ぐ: tokiokasegu: play for time, earn time, save time <<<
時を違えず: tokiotagaezu: punctually, on time <<<
時を移さず: tokioutsusazu: without delay, at once <<<
時を構わず: tokiokamawazu: at all times <<<
時を得た: tokioeta: timely, opportune, well-timed <<<
時を待つ: tokiomatsu: wait for one's chance [hour, opportunity], bide one's time <<<
時は金なり: tokiwakanenari: Time is money <<<
時の人: tokinohito: man of the times <<<
Kanji words: 時計 , 当時 , 臨時 , 時雨 , 時化 , 片時 , 同時 , 何時 , 時々 , 時折 , 時価 , 時期 , 時機 , 時空 , 時候 , 時効 , 時差 , 時間 , 時代 , 一時 , 三時 , 時刻 , 潮時
Expressions: 其の時 , 小さい時に , 小さい時から , 幼い時から , 若い時に , 若い時から , 暇な時に , 食事時 , 外出時 , 黄昏時 , 黄昏時に , 非常時 , 適当な時に , 収穫時 , 満潮時に , 出勤時 , 梅雨時 , 干潮時に , 花見時 , 朝飯の時に , 昼食時 , 昼飯時 , 夕食時 , 配達時 , 真逆の時 , 御飯時 , 標準時 , 十二時 , 子供の時に , 書入れ時 , ワット時 , ピーク時 , キロワット時

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: law    nb of strokes: 10
translation: obey, follow, accompany
juu, shou, ju
従う: shitagau: obey, follow, accompany, conform (oneself) to, abide by, act on [upon], yield to, submit [give in] to, comply with, accede to
従える: shitagaeru: be attended [accompanied, followed] by
従わない: shitagawanai: disobey
従って: shitagatte: therefore, consequently, accordingly, for that reason, in consequence, so that, according to, in accordance with, in conformity to [with], in proportion as [to], according as
従: yori: because of, origin <<<
従: tate: vertical <<< 垂直 ,
Kanji words: 従順 , 服従 , 侍従 , 従業 , 従者 , 従事 , 従属
Expressions: 大きさに従って , 仰せに従って , 流れに従って , 掟に従う , 指示に従う , 勧告に従う , 勧告に従って , 規定に従う , 規則に従う , 命令に従う , 指図に従う , 道理に従う , 伝統に従う , 慣習に従う , 意見に従う , 運命に従う , 従姉妹 , 理性に従う , 忠告に従う , 規約に従えば , 習慣に従う , 風習に従う , 従兄弟 , 助言に従う , 慣例に従う , 風潮に従う , 仕来りに従う
synonyms: ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: plant    nb of strokes: 10
translation: root, source, origin
根: kon: root of mathematics expression (jp.)
根: ne: root (of plant)
根が付く: negatsuku: strike [take] root <<<
根を張る: neoharu: spread [stick] the root <<<
根を絶つ: neotatsu: uproot, disroot, unroot <<<
根も葉も無い: nemohamonai: groundless, ungrounded, false
根に持つ: nenimotsu: bear a grudge against (a person) <<<
根こそぎ: nekosogi: root and all, entirely, thoroughly
根こそぎにする: nekosoginisuru: uproot, pull up (a tree) by the roots
根深い: nebukai: deep-rooted, deep-seated, inveterate, ingrained <<<
根強い: neZuyoi <<<
根掘り葉掘り: nehorihahori: pryingly
根掘り葉掘り尋ねる: nehorihahoritazuneru: cross-question, cross-examine, fire questions (at a person)
根掘り葉掘り問い質す: nehorihahoritoitadasu
Kanji words: 尾根 , 根拠 , 禍根 , 羽根 , 根本 , 蓮根 , 歯根 , 大根 , 男根 , 根絶 , 屋根 , 根回し , 球根 , 精根 , 根気 , 島根 , 垣根 , 根性
Expressions: 蓮の根 , 寄生根 , 平方根 , 立方根
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: horse    nb of strokes: 10
translation: horse, steed
ba, me, ma
馬: uma
馬で: umade: by horse
馬で行く: umadeiku: go on horseback, go by horse <<<
馬に乗る: umaninoru: mount [get on] a horse, ride a horse <<< , 乗馬
馬から降りる: umakaraoriru: dismount [get off] a horse <<<
馬から落ちる: umakaraochiru: fall off [be thrown from] one's horse <<<
馬に跨る: umanimatagaru: sit a horse
馬を走らす: umaohashirasu: gallop a horse, spur a horse on <<<
馬を急がせる: umaoisogaseru <<<
馬を止める: umaotomeru: pull up [hold in] a horse, draw rein <<<
馬を馴らす: umaonarasu: train a horse, break (in) a horse <<<
馬が合う: umagaau: get on well (with), hit it off (with) <<<
馬の骨: umanohone: man of doubtful origin <<<
Kanji words: 雌馬 , 海馬 , 馬乗 , 頓馬 , 縞馬 , 子馬 , 騾馬 , 荷馬 , 馬力 , 河馬 , 馬具 , 競馬 , 出馬 , 驢馬 , 絵馬 , 馬券 , 軍馬 , 天馬 , 竹馬 , 群馬 , 馬肉 , 馬鹿 , 穴馬 , 乗馬 , 馬車 , 騎馬 , 馬屋
Expressions: 雄の馬 , 雌の馬 , 対抗馬 , 去勢馬 , 競馬馬 , 馬に念仏 , 千里の馬 , 馬に蹄鉄を打つ , 馬に蹄鉄を着ける , 農耕馬 , 野次馬 , 馬車馬 , 馬小屋 , アラビア馬
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: mathematics    nb of strokes: 10
translation: difference, unlike, differ
sa, shi
差う: chigau, tagau: be different, be unlike, differ <<<
差す: tsukawasu: send [dispatch] (a person) <<<
差: yaya: a bit, a little
差す: sasu, sashi: nominate (jp.), point out [to] <<<
差し上げる: sashiageru: give (pol.), present (a thing to a person), make a present of (a thing), offer, lift [hold] up (a thing above one's head) <<<
差し当り: sashiatari: for the present, for the time being, at present <<<
差し置く: sashioku: set [put, lay] aside, leave <<<
差し替える: sashikaeru: put (A) in place of (B), replace (B) by (A), substitute (A) for (B) <<<
差し迫る: sashisemaru: approach, be close at hand, press <<<
差し招く: sashimaneku: beckon (a person to come near) <<<
差し止める: sashitomeru: prohibit (a person from doing), place a ban (on), forbid (a person to do), stop (a person's doing), suspend <<<
差し伸べる: sashinoberu: extend (one's arm), hold [stretch] out (one's hand) <<<
差し挟む: sashihasamu: insert, put (a thing) between, harbor (doubts), entertain, cherish <<<
差し控える: sashihikaeru: withhold, reserve, refrain from (doing) <<<
差し出がましい: sashidegamashii: uncalled for, intrusive, forward, impertinent, meddlesome, officious <<<
差し引く: sashihiku, sashibiku: subtract, take off [deduct] (from) <<<
差し掛る: sashikakaru: come (near) to, approach,, hang over, be suspended above <<<
差し込む: sashikomu: insert, push [put] in, shine [stream, pour] in, have (a fit of) gripes, have a spasm (of pain) <<<
差し戻す: sashimodosu: send [refer] (the case) back to the lower instance <<<
差し向ける: sashimukeru: send (round), dispatch <<<
差し障る: sashisawaru: obstruct, hinder <<<
差し支える: sashitsukaeru: be hindered (from doing), be engaged, stand in need of <<<
差し支えない: sashitsukaenai: may, can, be allowed (to do), do not mind, be free <<<
Kanji words: 段差 , 差別 , 点差 , 人差指 , 日差 , 格差 , 交差 , 差押 , 差金 , 差出 , 差足 , 物差 , 水差 , 時差 , 誤差
Expressions: 影が差す , 魔が差す , 刀を差す , 傘を差す , 潮が差す , 油を差す , 腰に差す , 地域差 , 干満の差 , 煙管差し , 価格差 , 嫌気が差す , 個人差

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 10
translation: road without obstacle (org.), pass, get through
tsuu, tsu, tou
通: tsuu: connoisseur (jp.), expert
通じる: tsuujiru: be deeply versed (in), be well acquainted (with), be conversant (with), be understood, be comprehended, make oneself understood, be intelligible, pass, be opened (to), be connected by, lead to, communicate secretly with, betray, be transmitted
通る: tooru: pass (along, through, by), get through, go by the name of, be known as, hold good, be accepted
通す: toosu: let (a person) pass [through], make way for (a person), pass [let] (a thing) through, pierce, penetrate, permeate, be pervious to, carry out, realize, persist in, keep [stick] to, hold firm to, keep (doing)
通り: toori: street (jp.), road, street traffic, passage, drainage, a kind, a sort, a way, a manner
通り掛る: toorikakaru, toorigakaru: happened to pass by <<<
通り掛りの: toorigakarino: passing <<<
通り掛りの人: toorigakarinohito: passer-by
通り越す: toorikosu: go beyond [past], pass (a place) <<<
通り過ぎる: toorisugiru <<<
通り抜ける: toorinukeru: pass [get, go, run] through <<<
通う: kayou: go to and from (a place), go to (a place) and back, ply (between), run (between), be opened to traffic, visit frequently, frequent( v.), resort (to)
通い: kayoi: living-out (employee), chit book (jp.)
通い詰める: kayoitsumeru: frequent (a place), make frequent visits (to) <<<
Kanji words: 通知 , 通帳 , 通貨 , 通勤 , 通訳 , 通夜 , 通学 , 通過 , 直通 , 共通 , 通気 , 姦通 , 貫通 , 密通 , 通行 , 普通 , 見通 , 開通 , 通販 , 通俗 , 通算 , 通称 , 通り道 , 通常 , 通例 , 通信 , 通風 , 通念 , 交通 , 通り雨 , 通路 , 通関
Expressions: 脇を通る , 遣り通す , 其の通り , 夜通し , 管を通る , 走り通す , 中を通って , 我を通す , 罷り通る , 仰せの通です , 望み通りの , 意を通じる , 押し通す , 紐を通す , 賑やかな通り , 筋を通す , 水の通らない , 似通う , 風を通す , 火を通す , 四季を通じて , 普段の通り , 前後を通じて , 消息に通じる , 消息通 , 電波を通じて , 推測通り , 独身を通す , 発音通りに , 方針通りに , 予想通り , 予告通に , 番組通りにする , 原文通りに , 規定通りの , 定価通りに , 平日通り , 意思が通じる , 規則通りに , 命令通りにする , 電流を通す , 電流を通じる , 下記の通り , 病院に通う , 座敷に通す , 依頼通りに , 雛形通に , 予定通り , 申合せた通り , 希望通り , 生涯を通じて , 期待通り , 富士通 , 空気を通す , 海岸通 , 文字通り , 一生を通じて , 後家で通す , 美術通 , 千枚通し , 請求通に , 定石通りに , 寸法通りに , 注文通りに , 言分を通す , 主張を通す , 約束通りに , 別紙の通り , 意地を通す , 時刻通りに , スチームが通っている , プラン通りの , プラン通りに , ペンシルバニア通り

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 10
translation: range, put in a row, accompany
連: ren: batch of papers (jp.)
連なる: tsuranaru: be connected [linked] (with, to), stand [stretch] in a row
連ねる: tsuraneru: put (things) in a row, range
連れる: tsureru: take [bring] (a person) with one, be accompanied by, be attended by
に連れて: nitsurete: as, with, in proportion to [as]
連: tsure: companion, company
連れ帰る: tsurekaeru: bring [take] (a person) back [home] <<<
連れ込む: tsurekomu: bring [take] (a person) into, entice (a person) into <<<
連れ込み宿: tsurekomiyado: inn catering for dubious couples
連れ出す: tsuredasu: take (a person) out <<<
連れ立つ: tsuredatsu: go along [in company] with, go together, accompany (a person) <<<
連れ戻す: tsuremodosu: take (a person) back <<<
連れ添う: tsuresou: become married (to a person), get married to a person <<< , 結婚
連れて行く: tsureteiku: take (a person) with one, take (a person) off <<<
連れ無い: tsurenai: heartless, unfeeling, , cold, coldhearted, cruel <<<
連に: shikirini: very often, frequently, continually, incessantly <<<
連: muraji: eight main clans who aided emperors (jp.)
連: tsura, yasu, masa, tsugi: pers.
Kanji words: 道連れ , 連鎖 , 連日 , 連発 , 連携 , 連合 , 連盟 , 連帯 , 連立 , 連隊 , 連絡 , 連中 , 国連 , 連珠 , 連続 , 連邦 , 子連れ , 注連縄 , 関連 , 連載 , 連動 , 連合い , 連結 , 一連 , 常連 , 連敗 , 連勝
Expressions: 供を連れる , 夫婦連れで , 二人連れ , 二人連れで , 家族連れ , 家族連れで
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: medicine    nb of strokes: 10
translation: breath, breathing, respiration
息: iki: breath, breathing, respiration
息をする: ikiosuru: breathe
息が有る: ikigaaru: show signs of life <<<
息が無い: ikiganai: show no signs of life <<<
息が荒い: ikigaarai: breathe hard <<<
息が切れる: ikigakireru: get out of breath, expire <<< ,
息を切らして: ikiokirashite: out of breath, panting, breathlessly <<<
息を吐く: ikiotsuku: take [pause for] breath <<<
息も吐かずに: ikimotsukazuni: without taking breath, at a breath [stretch] <<< , 一気
息が詰まるい: kigatsumaru: be choked [suffocated] <<<
息を殺す: ikiokorosu: hold one's breath <<<
息が合う: ikigaau: be in (perfect) harmony (with), understand each other <<<
息が掛かる: ikigakakaru: be backed up by (a person's influence) <<<
息の長い: ikinonagai: long-lasting, durable, enduring <<<
息の根を止める: ikinoneotomeru: choke (a person) to death, kill
息も絶え絶えに: ikimotaedaeni: panting for breath, gaspingly
息もつかずに: ikimotsukazuni: without taking breath, at a breath
息の有る内に: ikinoaruuchini: while one is still alive
息を引き取る: ikiohikitoru: breathe one's last
息を吹き返す: ikiohukikaesu: come to life, revive
息を切らす: ikiokirasu: gasp, pant, become out of breath <<<
息が臭い: ikigakusai: have a foul breath <<<
息を入れる: ikioireru: have [take] a rest <<<
息む: yasumu: take a rest <<<
Kanji words: 消息 , 喘息 , 利息 , 吐息 , 安息 , 休息 , 一息 , 溜息 , 息子
Expressions: 肩で息をする , 虫の息で
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: laugh, smile
笑い: warai: laugh (n.), smile, laughter, sneer
笑いが止まらない: waraigatomaranai: cannot stop laughing, cannot but gloat <<<
笑いを抑える: waraioosaeru: suppress a laugh <<<
笑いを招く: waraiomaneku: incur laughter, be laughed at (by) <<<
笑い出す: waraidasu: begin to laugh, burst out laughing <<<
笑い倒ける: waraikokeru: hold one's sides with laughing, laugh fit to kill <<<
笑い転げる: waraikorogeru <<<
笑い飛ばす: waraitobasu: laugh away <<<
笑う: warau: laugh (v.)
笑うべき: waraubeki: laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous
笑われる: warawareru: be [get] laughed at
笑わせる: warawaseru: let (a person) laugh
笑む: emu: smile (v.)
笑み: emi: smile (n.)
笑みを浮かべて: emioukabete: by [with] smiling <<<
Kanji words: 笑顔 , 可笑し , 冷笑 , 嘲笑 , 爆笑 , 苦笑 , 微笑 , 笑窪
Expressions: 嘲り笑う , 忍び笑う , 鼻で笑う , 愛想笑い , 愛嬌笑い , 笑い川蝉 , 御世辞笑い , 馬鹿笑 , 豪傑笑い

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: voluminous, bushy, secret (conf.), private, stealthy
mitsu, bitsu
密かな: hisokana: secret, private, stealthy
密かに: hisokani: secretly, in secret, by stealth
密し: shigeshi: voluminous, bushy <<< ,
Kanji words: 厳密 , 密漁 , 精密 , 密猟 , 秘密 , 密林 , 気密 , 緊密 , 密室 , 密封 , 密通 , 密度 , 密輸 , 密閉 , 機密 , 密会 , 密告 , 過密 , 密航

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