Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'all'

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: uproot, extract, remove
抜く: nuku: pull [draw] out, extract, uncork, unscrew, draw, remove, omit, leave out, select, quote, outstrip, outrun, get ahead of (a person), excel [surpass] (a person in), pierce, shoot through
抜かす: nukasu: omit, leave [miss] out, skip, have the imprudence [the cheek] to say, talk crap
抜ける: nukeru: come [fall] out [off], be left out, be omitted [missing, wanting], be gone, get rid of, get over, go [pass] through, leave, withdraw (from)
抜かり: nukari: slip, blunder, oversight
抜かりが無い: nukariganai: have all one's wits about one, be wide awake <<<
抜かり無く: nukarinaku: cautiously, shrewdly, without fail <<<
抜きにする: nukinisuru: leave out, omit, do [go] without (a thing)
抜き出す: nukidasu: pull [draw] out, extract, pick [single] out, select <<<
抜き取る: nukitoru: pull [draw] out, extract, remove, pilfer <<< ,
抜きん出る: nukinderu: excel [surpass] (a person in), stand out above (others), cut a prominent figure (among, in) <<<
抜きん出た: nukindeta: eminent, distinguished <<<
抜け出す: nukedasu: steal [slip] out of, get [break] loose, come out <<<
抜け抜けと: nukenuketo: shamelessly, impudently
抜け目無い: nukemenai: shrewd, sharp, smart, careful, cautious, tactful, canny <<< 注意
抜け目無く: nukemenaku: shrewdly, smartly, cautiously
抜かる: nukaru: commit a blunder, make a slip
抜かるな: nukaruna: Look sharp
Kanji words: 間抜け , 吹抜 , 染抜 , 抜粋 , 税抜 , 抜穴 , 抜道 , 奇抜 , 抜擢 , 海抜
Expressions: 勝ち抜く , 出し抜く , 出し抜けに , 魂の抜けた , 底が抜ける , 底を抜く , 毛が抜ける , 毛を抜く , 味が抜ける , 刀を抜く , 力が抜ける , 気が抜ける , 剣を抜く , 擦り抜ける , 生き抜く , 釘を抜く , 籍を抜く , 打ち抜く , 鏡を抜く , 疲れが抜ける , 遣り抜く , 染みを抜く , 染め抜く , 色を抜く , 通り抜ける , 腰を抜かす , 歯が抜ける , 柄が抜ける , 眉毛を抜く , 太刀を抜く , 拍子抜けする , 色気抜きの , 空気を抜く , 牛蒡抜き , 牛蒡抜きにする , 指輪を抜く , 御世辞抜きで , 冗談抜きにして , 引出を抜く , シャンパンを抜く , コルクを抜く , コルク抜き , カフェイン抜きの

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: flower    nb of strokes: 9
translation: laugh, smile
咲く: saku: bloom (v., jp.), blossom, flower
咲き: saki: bloom (n.), blossom, flowering
咲き始める: sakihajimeru: flourish, burgeon, come into bloom, come out <<<
咲き揃う: sakisorou: be in full bloom, be all open [out] <<<
咲き誇る: sakihokoru: be in all (its) glory <<<
咲う: warau: laugh, smile <<<
Expressions: 花が咲く , 花が咲いた , 花の咲いた , 花の咲かない , 二輪咲き

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: cut off, kill, in particular (ext.)
shu, ju
殊つ: tatsu: cut off, kill, slay <<< , ,
殊す: korosu: kill, slay <<<
殊に: kotoni: especially, particularly, in particular, above all, of all things, among others, moreover <<< ,
殊の外: kotonohoka: remarkably, exceedingly, extremely, unusually, exceptionally, unexpectedly <<<
Kanji words: 特殊

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 12
translation: arm
腕: ude: arm, ability (jp.), skill
腕に抱く: udenidaku: have in one's arms <<<
腕に縋る: udenisugaru: lean on a person's arm, turn to a person for help <<<
腕に抱える: udenikakaeru: hold under one's arm <<<
腕を組む: udeokumu: fold one's arms, lock arms (with) <<<
腕を捲る: udeomakuru: roll [pull, tuck] up one's sleeves <<<
腕を捕える: udeotoraeru: catch [seize] (a person) by the arm <<<
腕を貸す: udeokasu: lend a helping hand (to) <<<
腕が鳴る: udeganaru: be itching (to do, for action) <<<
腕の有る: udenoaru: able, capable, competent, skilled, talented <<<
腕の無い: udenonai: incapable, incompetent <<<
腕を磨く: udeomigaku: improve one's skill <<<
腕を揮う: udeohuruu: use [exercise] one's skill, deploy all one's skill <<<
腕を見せる: udeomiseru: display [show] one's ability <<<
Kanji words: 腕輪 , 手腕 , 腕前 , 腕白 , 腕組
Expressions: 二の腕 , 凄い腕 , 腕時計 , 梃子の腕 , 腕相撲
synonyms: , アーム

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 12
translation: corner, nook
guu, gu
隅: sumi
隅から隅まで: sumikarasumimade: in every nook and corner, all over (the world)
隅に置けない: suminiokenai: smart, shrewd, crafty <<<
Kanji words: 片隅
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: universal, general
hu, ho
普し: amaneshi: universal, general
普く: amaneku: universally, widely, far and wide, everywhere, all round [over]
Kanji words: 普段 , 普通 , 普及

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: accomplish, complete, fulfill, attain, achieve, realize, carry out
sui, zui
遂げる: togeru: accomplish (one's purpose), complete, fulfill, attain (one's aim), achieve, realize, carry out
遂に: tsuini: at last, finally, in the end, , at length, after all, in the long run <<< 結局
Kanji words: 遂行
Expressions: 志を遂げる , 思いを遂げる , 為し遂げる , 遣り遂げる , 望みを遂げる , 本望を遂げる

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: everywhere, all round [over]
遍し: amaneshi
Kanji words: 遍羅

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: arrearages, arrears, hitch, delay
滞る: todokooru: be left unpaid, be overdue, fall into arrears, be delayed, stagnant, be behind with
滞り: todokoori: arrearages, arrears, hitch, delay
滞り無く: todokoorinaku: dully, punctually, without a hitch, all right, smoothly <<<
Kanji words: 滞納 , 延滞 , 渋滞 , 滞在 , 停滞
Expressions: 家賃が滞る

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: sleep, rest
寝る: neru: sleep, go to sleep, fall asleep, take a nap
寝かす: nekasu: put (a person) to sleep [bed], send (a person) to sleep, lull(a baby) to sleep
寝られない: nerarenai: cannot get a sleep, lie [be kept] awake
寝ずに: nezuni: without sleeping
寝ずに居る: nezuniiru: stay [sit] up, be up late at night, remain awake <<<
寝て暮らす: netekurasu: idle [while] one's time away <<<
寝ても覚めても: netemosametemo: awake or sleep, night and day, all the time <<<
寝る子は育つ: nerukohasodatsu: sleep brings up a child well, a well-slept child is a well-kept child
寝た子を起こす: netakoookosu: Let sleeping dogs lie
寝たきりの: netakirino: bedridden
寝惚ける: nebokeru: be dazed with a sleep, be half sleep <<<
寝惚け眼で: nebokemanakode: half-sleeping [half-waking] eyes
寝惚け顔: nebokegao: sleepy face
寝そべる: nesoberu: lay sprawled
寝そびれる: nesobireru: fail to sleep, be sleepless
寝む: yasumu: go to bed, have a rest <<<
寝: mitamaya: altar <<< 祭壇
Kanji words: 寝巻 , 寝言 , 昼寝 , 就寝 , 寝相 , 寝入 , 寝坊 , 寝具 , 寝室 , 寝台 , 寝癖 , 寝業
Expressions: 未だ寝てる , 一緒に寝る , 寝小便 , 寝小便をする , 寝不足 , 寝不足で , 寝不足の為 , 地面に寝る
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