Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 理屈 , 理事 , 両手 , 霊感 , 冷静 , 歴史 , 漏洩 , 呂律 , 賄賂 , 話題


pronunciation: rikutsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reason, truth, theory, logic, argument, quibble, sophistry, pretext
理屈っぽい: rikutsuppoi: argumentative, captious
理屈に合う: rikutsuniau: stand to reason, be reasonable***** <<<
理屈に合わない: rikutsuniawanai: contradict oneself, be illogical, do not hold water
理屈が立たない: rikutsugatatanai <<<
理屈を付ける: rikutsuotsukeru: give a reason (for) <<<
理屈を言う: rikutsuoiu: argue, theorize <<<
理屈を捏ねる: rikutsuokoneru: raise captious objections (to, against), cavil (at, about), chop logic <<<
理屈屋: rikutsuya: argumentative person, theory-monger <<<
屁理屈: herikutsu: quibble <<<
屁理屈を言う: herikutsuoiu: quibble, chop logic, argue for argument's sake <<<
屁理屈を捏ねる: herikutsuokoneru <<<
屁理屈屋: herikutsuya: quibbler, sophist <<<
check also 理論 , 道理 ,


pronunciation: riji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: administration   
translation: director, trustee
理事に成る: rijininaru: obtain a seat on the board of directors <<<
理事に選ばれ: rurijinierabareru: be elected to the board of directors***** <<<
理事会: rijikai: board of directors <<<
理事長: rijichou: chairman of the board of directors <<<


pronunciation: ryoute   kanji characters: ,   
translation: both hands
両手で: ryoutede: with both hands
両手利きの: ryoutekikino: ambidextrous <<<
両手利きの人: ryoutekikinohito: ambidexter <<<
両手を広げる: ryouteohirogeru: stretch out one's arms <<<
両手に花: ryoutenihana: be doubly blessed, sit between two beauties***** <<<
check also 片手


pronunciation: reikan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion , fantasy   
translation: inspiration
霊感を受ける: reikannoukeru: be inspired, have a brain wave***** <<<
霊感を与える: reikannoataeru: inspire (a person) <<<


pronunciation: reisei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: calmness, coolness, composure
冷静な: reiseina: calm, cool, composed
冷静に: reiseini: calmly, coolly, composedly
冷静な人: reiseinahito: cool-headed man, cool and collected person <<<
冷静にする: reiseinisuru: keep one's head cool, keep one's composure
冷静を保つ: reiseiotamotsu <<<
冷静を失う: reiseioushinau: lose one's head [presence of mind], be upset***** <<<
冷静に構える: reiseinikamaeru: take a calm attitude (toward) <<<
冷静に帰る: reiseinikaeru: recover one's mental balance <<<
冷静に考える: reiseinikangaeru: take things coolly <<<
冷静に行動: surureiseinikoudousuru: act [behave, comport, conduct] calmly <<< 行動
check also クール


pronunciation: rekishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history   
translation: history, annals, chronic
歴史的: rekishiteki: historic <<<
歴史上の: rekishijouno: historic, historical <<<
歴史に残る: rekishininokoru: be recorded [go down] in history***** <<<
歴史家: rekishika: historian <<<
歴史書: rekishisho: history book <<<
歴史学: rekishigaku: science of history <<<
歴史小説: rekishishousetsu: historical novel <<< 小説
歴史ドラマ: rekishidorama: historical drama <<< ドラマ


pronunciation: rouei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: environment   
translation: leakage, disclosure
漏洩する: roueisuru: leak (out), be let out, be revealed [disclosed, divulged]*****


pronunciation: roretsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: articulation
呂律が回らない: roretsugamawaranai: be inarticulate***** <<<


pronunciation: wairo   kanji characters:    keyword: crime , politics   
translation: bribery, corruption
賄賂の効く: waironokiku: corruptible <<<
賄賂の効かない: waironokikanai: incorruptible
賄賂を使う: wairootsukau: bribe (v.), offer a bribe, corrupt, oil [grease] a person's hand [palm] <<< 使
賄賂を取る: wairootoru: take [accept] a bribe, be bribed [corrupted]***** <<<
賄賂を貰う: wairoomorau <<<
check also 贈賄


pronunciation: wadai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: media   
translation: subject, topic
話題にする: wadainisuru: talk about, bring a topic up for discussion
話題に上る: wadaininoboru: be talked about, be referred to, become a subject of conversation***** <<<
話題を変える: wadaiokaeru: change the subject (topic) <<<

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