Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 優勢 , 指先 , 養子 , 用事 , 要素 , 余念 , 落第 , 落着 , 落雷 , 楽観


pronunciation: yuusei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war , sport   
translation: predominance, superiority, lead, favor, advantage
優勢な: yuuseina: dominant, superior, strong, favorable, advantageous
優勢である: yuuseidearu: be dominant (favorable, advantageous)*****
優勢に成る: yuuseininaru: gain in strength, gain an advantage over, gain ground <<<
優勢を保つ: yuuseiotamotsu: maintain a superior position (an advantage) over, have the edge on <<<
check also 劣勢


pronunciation: yubisaki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: fingertip
指先が器用だ: yubisakigakiyouda: have clever [nimble] fingers, be deft with one's fingers*****


pronunciation: youshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: adopted [foster] son [daughter], son-in-law, daughter-in-law
養子にする: youshinisuru: adopt a child
養子にやる: youshiniyaru: give one's child as an adopted son
養子に行く: youshiniiku: be adopted as a person's son***** <<<
養子に成る: youshininaru <<<
養子先: youshisaki: adoptive family <<<
養子縁組: youshiengumi: adoption
check also 養女


pronunciation: youji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: business, engagement
用事で: youjide: on business, on an errand
用事が有る: youjigaaru: have something to do, be engaged***** <<<
用事が無い: youjiganai: be free, have nothing to do <<<
用事を果たす: youjiohatasu: finish [carry out] one's work <<<
用事を済ます: youjiosumasu <<<
check also 用件


pronunciation: youso   kanji characters: ,    keyword: chemistry   
translation: element, factor, requisite
要素を成す: yousoonasu: be essential to***** <<<


pronunciation: yonen   kanji characters: ,   
translation: other thoughts
余念が無い: yonenganai: be lost [absorbed, engrossed] in (a matter), be bent on, devote oneself to (a matter)***** <<<


pronunciation: rakudai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: school   
translation: failure in an examination
落第する: rakudaisuru: fail (in an examination), flunk (an exam), be [get] plucked, be rejected*****
落第生: rakudaisei: a failure, repeater, plucked student <<<
落第点: rakudaiten: failing mark, failure mark <<<
落第品: rakudaihin: rejections, substandard goods, junk <<<
check also


pronunciation: rakuchaku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: settlement, resolution
落着する: rakuchakusuru: be settled, come to a settlement, be brought to an end*****
落着を付ける: rakuchakuotsukeru: settle, resolve <<<
check also 解決 , 始末


pronunciation: rakurai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: thunderbolt, lightning stroke
落雷する: rakuraisuru: be struck by lightning*****


pronunciation: rakkan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: optimism, optimistic view
楽観する: rakkansuru: be optimist*****
楽観的: rakkanteki: optimistic, rosy <<<
楽観を許さない: rakkannoyurusanai: not so rosy <<<
楽観論: rakkanron: optimism <<<
楽観論者: rakkanronsha: optimist <<<
synonyms: ,
antonyms: 悲観

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