Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 無謀 , 瞑想 , 目処 , 免職 , 物忘れ , 門前 , 野心 , 家賃 , 友情 , 友人


pronunciation: mubou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: recklessness, thoughtlessness, imprudence
無謀な: mubouna: reckless, rash, thoughtless, imprudent
無謀にも: mubounimo: be so unreasonable [outrageous] as*****


pronunciation: meisou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: meditation, contemplation, musing
瞑想する: meisousuru: meditate, contemplate, muse on
瞑想的: meisouteki: meditative <<<
瞑想に耽る: meisounihukeru: be lost in deep contemplation***** <<<


pronunciation: medo   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 目途  
translation: prospect, outlook (on, for), aim
目処が付く: medogatsuku: be in sight***** <<<
目処が立たない: medogatatanai: have no prospect <<<


pronunciation: menshoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , law   
translation: dismissal, removal, discharge
免職する: menshokusuru: dismiss, remove, discharge (v.)
免職に成る: menshokuninaru: be dismissed (fired), lose one's position***** <<<
懲戒免職: choukaimenshoku: disciplinary dismissal <<< 懲戒
check also 更迭


pronunciation: monowasure   kanji characters: ,   
translation: forgetfulness
物忘れする: monowasuresuru: forget, be forgetful*****


pronunciation: monzen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: town   
translation: front of a gate
門前で: monzende: in front of a gate
門前払い: monzenbarai: refusal to see, turning away <<<
門前払いを食わす: monzenbaraiokuwasu: refuse to see, turn (a person) away <<<
門前市: monzennichi: market before a temple gate <<<
門前市を成す: monzennichionasu: be crowded with visitors, be doing a thriving business***** <<<
門前町: monzenmachi: temple town <<<


pronunciation: yashin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: ambition, designs, intrigue, treachery, treason
野心の有る: yashinnnoaru: ambitious, enterprising, treacherous <<<
野心が有る: yashingaaru: be ambitious (of, for, to do), entertain [harbor] an ambition, be treacherous*****
野心を抱く: yashinnoidaku <<<
野心家: yashinka: ambitious [enterprising] person, man of ambition <<<


pronunciation: yachin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: realty   
translation: house rent
家賃を上げる: yachinnoageru: raise the rent <<<
家賃を下げる: yachinnosageru: lower the rent <<<
家賃を払う: yachinnoharau: pay rent <<<
家賃が滞る: yachingatodokooru: be behind [in arrears] with one's rent***** <<<


pronunciation: yuujou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: friendship
友情の有る: yuujounoaru: friendly <<<
友情の無い: yuujounonai: unfriendly <<<
友情に厚い: yuujouniatsui: be cordial in friendship, be kind of one's friend***** <<<
友情を以って: yuujouomotte: with friendship, in a friendly manner <<<
check also 友好


pronunciation: yuujin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family , love   
translation: friend
友人に成る: yuujinnninaru: make friends with <<<
友人が多い: yuujingaooi: be a good mixer***** <<<
check also

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