Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'bes'

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category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: medicine    nb of strokes: 5
translation: conceive, pregnant, impregnate
孕む: haramu: conceive, be [become] pregnant*****
孕ませる: haramaseru: impregnate, make pregnant
孕んだ: haranda: pregnant
Expressions: 雷雨を孕んだ , 危機を孕む
synonyms: 妊娠

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 8
translation: louse
虱: shirami
虱の集った: shiraminotakatta: lousy
虱が湧く: shiramigawaku: be infested with lice***** <<<
虱を取る: shiramiotoru: hunt a louse
虱を潰す: shiramiotsubusu: kill a louse <<<
Kanji words: 床虱

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: construction    nb of strokes: 10
translation: fence, enclosure, pen, pit
rachi, ratsu, retsu
埒: kakoi
埒が開く: rachigaaku: be settled*****
埒が開かない: rachigaakanai: remain unsettled, make little progress, make no headway
埒も無い: rachimonai: silly, absurd <<<
check also , フェンス

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: hygiene    nb of strokes: 10
translation: dust, dirt
埃: chiri: dust <<<
埃: hokori: dust, dirt
埃っぽい: hokorippoi: dusty
埃だらけの: hokoridarakeno
埃塗れの: hokorimamireno
埃が立つ: hokorigatatsu: be dusty, The dust is rising*****
埃を立てる: hokoriotateru: make [raise] a cloud of dust
埃を静める: hokorioshizumeru: lay the dust
埃を払う: hokorioharau: dust (v.), brush
埃を被る: hokoriokaburu: gather dust, take responsibility <<<
埃が溜まる: hokoridatamaru: Dust piles up <<<

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: tool    nb of strokes: 10
translation: fishing net, fishing
bin, min
罠: wana: trap (jp.), snare, running noose
罠に掛かる: wananikakaru: be caught in a trap, be entrapped [ensnared]***** <<<
罠に填る: wananihamaru
罠を掛ける: wanaokakeru: lay a snare (for), set a trap (for) <<<
罠る: tsuru: fish (v.) <<<
罠: ami: fishing net <<<
Expressions: 罠を仕掛ける

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 10
translation: slaver, drivel, slobber
sen, zen, en
涎: yodare
涎を垂らす: yodareotarasu: drivel, slaver, salivate, run at the mouth, be envious (of)*****
涎が出る: yodaregaderu
涎が出そうな: yodaregadesouna: appetizing, tempting
check also

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: suspect, wonder, doubt, distrust
ga, ge
訝る: ibukaru: suspect, wonder
訝しい: ibukashii: suspicious
訝う: utagau: doubt, have doubts (on, about), be doubtful (of), distrust*****
check also

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 11
translation: lower leg, shin, shank
脛: sune
脛: hagi
脛を齧る: suneokajiru: sponge [live, hang] on (one's parents), be a drain on one's pocket, live off one's money***** <<<
脛に傷を持つ: sunenikizuomotsu: have a guilty conscience
Kanji words: 脹脛 , 向う脛
check also

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: quarrel, discord
啀む: igamu: quarrel (with), be at daggers drawn with, snarl [growl] at each other*****
啀み合う: igamiau
啀み合い: igamiai: quarrel, discord

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: disease    nb of strokes: 11
translation: scab, slough, itch, itchy
痒い: kayui: itch (v.), feel [be] itchy, crawl*****
痒い所に手が届く: kayuitokoronitegatodoku: attend to (a person) with scrupulous care, nothing to be desired
痒み: kayumi: itch (n.), pruritus
痒がる: kayugaru: complain of itching
痒: kasa: scab, slough

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