Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'bes'

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category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 17
translation: haze, mist
ka, ge
霞: kasumi
霞む: kasumu: grow hazy, be veiled in (a mist, clouds), grow dim, be blurred*****
霞んだ: kasunda: hazy, misty, dim
霞の掛かった: kasuminokakatta: hazy, misty <<<
Kanji words: 霞草
check also

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 17
translation: wet, damp, soak, drench
ju, nyu
濡れる: nureru: get [be] wet, be damp, be soaked [drenched]*****
濡らす: nurasu: wet (v.), moisten, soak, dip
濡れた: nureta: wet (a.), moist, damp
濡う: uruou: be moistened, get wet <<<
濡す: uruosu: moisten, wet, enrich, make rich, benefit <<<
濡い: uruoi: moisture, dampness
Kanji words: 濡衣
Expressions: 袖を濡らす , 朝露に濡れた , 濡れ布巾

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 17
translation: rice bran
糠: nuka
糠に釘: nukanikugi: be like plowing the sand, have no effect (on), be lost upon a person***** <<<
Expressions: 糠味噌

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 18
translation: wear, covered, crowned, have a person as (leader)
戴く: itadaku: wear, be covered [crowned] with, have a person as (leader), receive (jp., pol.), accept, have, eat, drink, have (a person) do, have (a person, a matter) done, beg (a person) to do, ask*****
戴きます: itadakimasu: thank you for the dinner (should be said before eating)
戴いた: itadaita: covered, crowned, received (pol.)
Kanji words: 頂戴 , 戴冠

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 18
translation: jaw, chin, chaps, barb
顎: ago
顎の長い: agononagai: lantern-jawed, long-jawed <<<
顎を撫でる: agoonaderu: stroke one's chin <<<
顎を撫ぜる: agoonazeru <<<
顎が外れる: agogahazureru: One's jaws get out of joint
顎を出す: agoodasu: be exhausted*****
顎で使う: agodetsukau: have (a person) at one's beck, order (a person) about <<< 使
顎であしらう: agodeashirau: turn up one's nose at (a person)
Kanji words: 下顎
Expressions: 二重顎

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 19
translation: edge, threaten, overhang, urge, approach, verge
瀕する: hinsuru: be on the verge [brink] of*****
瀕: hotori: edge (of waters) <<<
瀕る: semaru: threaten, overhang, urge
瀕づく: chikaZuku: approach <<<
Kanji words: 瀕死
Expressions: 破滅に瀕する , 飢餓に瀕する , 危機に瀕する

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: life , plant    nb of strokes: 19
translation: revive, refresh, basil, perilla
so, su
蘇る: yomigaeru: come to life again, return to life, rise from the dead, revive, come hack, be refreshed***** <<<
蘇: shiso: basil, perilla
Kanji words: 蘇生

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: clothes    nb of strokes: 21
translation: wrap, collect, gather
ten, den
纏める: matomeru: tie up, collect, gather, arrange, put in order, finish, complete, settle, bring to a conclusion <<< 決定
纏めて: matomete: together, in total
纏まる: matomaru: be tied up, be collected, be put in order, be finished, be completed, be settled, come to a conclusion*****
纏まり: matomari: conclusion, settlement, unity, coherence
纏まりの有る: matomarinoaru: united, cohesive, coherent
纏まりの無い: matomarinonai: disorganized, messy, confused, incoherent <<<
纏う: matou: wrap (a thing) around oneself, wear, put on <<< ラップ ,
纏わる: matsuwaru: follow about (a person), wind [coil] round
纏: matoi: fireman's standard (jp.)
纏い付く: matoitsuku: be wrapped around (a thing), bother (a person) <<<
Expressions: 付き纏う , 縁談を纏める , 取引を纏める

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: utensil    nb of strokes: 22
translation: basket, cage, quiver (for arrows)
rou, ryuu
籠: kago: basket, cage
籠を編む: kagooamu: weaver a basket <<<
籠に飼う: kagonikau: keep in a cage <<<
籠の鳥: kagonotori: bird in a cage, caged bird <<<
籠: ebira: quiver (for arrows)
籠める: komeru: put in a cage, charge
籠る: komoru: keep [stay] indoors (jp.), shut oneself up [be confined] (in a room)*****
籠り: komori: isolation (jp.)
Kanji words: 灯籠 , 鳥籠 , 揺籠 , 籠目 , 魚籠 , 籠城 , 巣籠
Expressions: 口籠る , 感情を籠めて , 感情の籠った , 気迫が籠った , 洗濯籠 , 気合が籠る , 買物籠 , 籠一杯 , 書斎に籠る
synonyms: バスケット
check also

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: medicine    nb of strokes: 5
translation: conceive, pregnant, impregnate
孕む: haramu: conceive, be [become] pregnant*****
孕ませる: haramaseru: impregnate, make pregnant
孕んだ: haranda: pregnant
Expressions: 雷雨を孕んだ , 危機を孕む
synonyms: 妊娠

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