Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 侮辱 , 武装 , 兵隊 , 偏見 , 変身 , 編成 , 砲火 , 褒美 , 法律 , 飽和


pronunciation: bujoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: insult (n.), contempt, affront (n.), slight (n.), humiliation
侮辱する: bujokusuru: insult (v.), affront (v.), slight (v.), humiliate
侮辱を与える: bujokuoataeru <<<
侮辱的: bujokuteki: insulting <<<
侮辱を受ける: bujokuoukeru: be insulted***** <<<
侮辱罪: bujokuzai: contempt of court <<<


pronunciation: busou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: armaments, equipments
武装する: busousuru: arm (oneself with), equip (an army)
武装した: busoushita: armed, armored
武装している: busoushiteiru: be armed (with)*****
武装を解く: busouotoku: disarm, dismantle <<<
武装解除: busoukaijo: disarmament, dismantlement <<< 解除
武装警官: busoukeikan: armed policeman <<< 警官
武装警官隊: busoukeikantai: armed police <<<
武装平和: busouheiwa: armed peace <<< 平和
武装中立: busouchuuritsu: armed neutrality <<< 中立
武装列車: busouressha: armored train <<< 列車
武装ゲリラ: busougerira: armed guerrilla <<< ゲリラ


pronunciation: heitai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: soldier, troops, army
兵隊に取られる: heitainitorareru: be drafted***** <<<
兵隊刈り: heitaigari: crew cut <<<
兵隊靴: heitaigutsu: army boots <<<
check also 兵士


pronunciation: henken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: prejudice, bias, prejudiced view
偏見有る: henkennaru: prejudiced, biased, partial, unfair <<<
偏見無い: henkennnai: unprejudiced, unbiased, impartial, fair <<<
偏見を抱く: henkennoidaku: have a prejudice against, be prejudiced (biased) against***** <<<
偏見を持つ: henkennomotsu <<<


pronunciation: henshin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis
変身する: henshinsuru: disguise oneself, change into a different man, change from what one used to be, metamorphose, transform*****
check also 変装


pronunciation: hensei   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 編制   keyword: train , war   
translation: organization, formation
編成する: henseisuru: organize, form, make up
編成される: henseisareru: consist of, be composed of*****
編成替え: henseigae: reorganization <<<
編成替えする: henseigaesuru: reorganize


pronunciation: houka   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: gunfire
砲火を交える: houkaomajieru: exchange fire <<<
砲火を浴びる: houkaoabiru: be under fire***** <<<
砲火を浴びせる: houkaoabiseru: open fire
砲火を集中する: houkaoshuuchuusuru: concentrate fire (on)
地上砲火: chijouhouka: ground fire <<< 地上


pronunciation: houbi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: prize, reward
褒美を貰う: houbiomorau: be rewarded***** <<<
褒美を得る: houbioeru <<<
褒美を与える: houbioataeru: give (a thing) as a prize, reward (a person) with <<<
褒美を授ける: houbiosazukeru <<<
check also


pronunciation: houritsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , law   
translation: law, legislation
法律の: houritsuno: legal, juridical
法律上の: houritsujouno <<<
法律に反した: houritsunihanshita: unlawful, illegal <<<
法律に明るい: houritsuniakarui: be learned in the law***** <<<
法律を守る: houritsuomamoru: observe [keep] the law <<<
法律を破る: houritsuoyaburu: break [violate] the law <<<
法律に違反する: houritsuniihansuru <<< 違反
法律に訴える: houritsuniuttaeru: go to law <<<
法律家: houritsuka: lawyer <<<
法律学: houritsugaku: science of law, jurisprudence <<<
法律顧問: houritsukomon: legal adviser <<< 顧問
法律問題: houritsumondai: legal question
法律違反: houritsuihan: breach of the law <<< 違反
法律相談: houritsusoudan: legal advice
法律事務所: houritsujimusho: law office
check also , , 法学 ,


pronunciation: houwa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: chemistry   
translation: saturation, congestion
飽和する: houwasuru: be saturated*****
飽和点: houwaten: saturation point <<<
飽和溶液: houwayoueki: saturated solution <<< 溶液
飽和化合物: houwakagoubutsu: saturated compound
飽和状態: houwajoutai: saturated state

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