Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'bes'

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category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: clothes    nb of strokes: 12
translation: scissor (v.), shear
揃える: soroeru: arrange, put in order, complete
揃う: sorou: become [be] complete (jp.), be arranged in order, gather, meet, assemble, agree, be uniform, match*****
揃った: sorotta: complete, perfect, uniform, even, equal, same
揃って: sorotte: all together, in a body, all alike
揃い: soroi: a set (jp.), a suit <<< スーツ
揃いの: soroino: uniform, of the same pattern <<< ユニホーム
揃る: kiru: scissor (v.), shear
Expressions: 声を揃えて , 咲き揃う , 口を揃えて , 粒が揃った , 足並を揃える , 足並が揃った , 人数が揃う
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category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: audio    nb of strokes: 12
translation: noisy, boisterous, loud
喧しい: kamabisushii: noisy, boisterous, loud
喧しい: yakamashii: noisy, boisterous, loud, strict, exacting, faultfinding, particular, fastidious, choosy, much-talked-of, troublesome, annoying
喧しく: yakamashiku: noisily, clamorously, severely, strictly
喧しくする: yakamashikusuru: make a racket, rumble
喧しく言う: yakamashikuiu: be strict (with a person), be particular (about)*****
Kanji words: 喧騒 , 喧嘩
Expressions: 口喧しい

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: buy with a credit, forgive, pardon
sei, sha
貰す: yurusu: forgive, pardon <<<
貰う: morau: get (jp.), receive, obtain, be given, get [have] (a matter) done ( by a person), get [have] (a person) to do*****
Expressions: 嫁に貰う , 嫁を貰う , 只で貰える , 褒美を貰う , 賄賂を貰う , 給料を貰う , 保管して貰う , 下取して貰う , 賃金を貰う , 報酬を貰う , 賞品を貰う , 辞令を貰う , クリーニングして貰う , マニキュアをして貰う

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: nature , time    nb of strokes: 13
translation: go upstream, go back (to the past), retroactive
遡る: sakanoboru: go [row, sail] up (against), go [swim] upstream, go [trace] back (to the past), be retroactive*****
遡って: sakanobotte: retroactively
Kanji words: 遡行
Expressions: 急流を遡る , 起源に遡る

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: jealous, envious
嫉む: nikumu: hate, detest <<<
嫉む: netamu: be jealous [envious] (of), envy***** <<<
Kanji words: 嫉妬

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap, crack, discord (fig.), quarrel
隙: suki: opening, crevice, crack, gap, opportunity, chance, leisure, weak point, unguarded moment
隙が無い: sukiganai: be unassailable, be thoroughly guarded***** <<<
隙を窺う: sukioukagau: watch for a chance
隙を見る: sukiomiru
隙を見せる: sukiomiseru: be off one's guard
隙に乗じる: sukinijoujiru: attack (a person) off the guard
隙を突く: sukiotsuku <<<
隙: sukima: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap, intermission <<< 隙間
隙い: nakatagai: discord, quarrel
Kanji words: 隙間 , 間隙
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category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 13
translation: bee, wasp, hornet
蜂: hachi
蜂に刺される: hachinisasareru: be stung by a wasp***** <<<
蜂の巣: hachinosu: beehive, honeycomb <<<
蜂の針: hachinohari: bee sting
蜂の群: hachinomure: swarm of bees
Kanji words: 蜂蜜 , 蜂鳥 , 養蜂 , 蜜蜂 , 雀蜂
Expressions: 女王蜂

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: disaster    nb of strokes: 13
translation: drown, urine
deki, nyou
溺れる: oboreru: be drowned, drown, give oneself up to, be addicted to, indulge in*****
溺れる者は藁をも掴む: oborerumonohawaraomotsukamu: A drowning man will catch at a straw
溺: ibari: urine <<< 尿
Kanji words: 溺死 , 溺愛
Expressions: 感情に溺れる , 愛欲に溺れる

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: nature , finance    nb of strokes: 13
translation: drip, drop, trickle
溜る: shitataru: drip, drop, trickle
溜まる: tamaru: collect (jp., vi.), gather, form a mass, heap, accumulate, stay, stand, be in arrears, be overdue*****
溜める: tameru: accumulate (jp., vt.), amass, save, store, lay [set] by, put aside [by, away], hoard, collect, gather, run up [behind in one's] (bills), leave (one's work) undone, leave over (one's work) <<<
溜り: tamari: waiting room (jp.), haunt, hangout, parking lot
溜: tame: dump (jp.), tip
溜め込む: tamekomu: save [hoard] up, amass <<<
Kanji words: 日溜り , 水溜り , 溜息 , 一溜り
Expressions: 埃が溜まる , 汚水溜 , 下水溜め , 勘定を溜める , ストレスが溜まる

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: envy, surplus (pho.)
sen, zen, en
羨む: urayamu: envy (a person), be envious of, feel envy (at)*****
羨ましい: urayamashii: enviable
羨ましそうに: urayamashisouni: enviously, with envy
羨ましがらせる: urayamashigaraseru: make (a person) envious, excite envy (in others)
羨り: amari: rest (n.), remainder, surplus, scraps <<<
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