Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 風雨 , 布教 , 腹案 , 復縁 , 付属 , 普段 , 振込 , 不良 , 不渡 , 無事


pronunciation: huuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: wind and rain, storm
風雨に耐える: huuunitaeru: weatherproof, all-weather <<<
風雨に曝される: huuunisarasareru: be exposed to the weather***** <<<
風雨に曝された: huuunisarasareta: weather-beaten
風雨を冒して: huuuookashite: through [in the teeth of] the raging storm <<<
風雨注意報: huuuchuuihou: storm warning
check also


pronunciation: hukyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: mission, propagation, missionary work
布教する: hukyousuru: propagate (a religion), be engaged in missionary work*****
布教師: hukyoushi: missionary, chaplain <<<


pronunciation: hukuan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: plan, idea
腹案を立てる: hukuannotateru: draw up a plan, be thinking about doing sth.***** <<<
腹案無しに話す: hukuannnashinihanasu: speak offhand


pronunciation: hukuen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: reinstatement of marriage
復縁する: hukuensuru: be reinstated as a person's wife [husband]*****
check also


pronunciation: huzoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: affiliation, attachment
付属の: huzokuno: belonging, attached
付属する: huzokusuru: belong, affiliate, pertain, be attached*****
付属品: huzokuhin: accessories, fittings <<<
付属物: huzokubutsu: dependency <<<
付属小学校: huzokushougakkou: elementary school attached to
check also アクセサリー


pronunciation: hudan   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 不断   keyword: life   
translation: usually, habitually, customarily
普段の: hudannno: usual, ordinary, habitual, customary, everyday
普段からする: hudankarasuru: be in the habit of doing*****
普段の通り: hudannnotoori: as usual, in the usual way <<<
普段の様に: hudannnoyouni <<<
普段より早く: hudannyorihayaku: earlier than usual <<<
普段着: hudangi: everyday [weekday] clothes <<<


pronunciation: hurikomi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 振り込   keyword: bank   
translation: bank (credit) transfer, wire transfer
振込む: hurikomu: transfer to a (person's) bank account
振込先: hurikomisaki: account to which money to be transferred, beneficiary (of a bank transfer)***** <<<
振込詐欺: hurikomisagi: bank transfer fraud
check also 振出


pronunciation: huryou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime , finance   
translation: defectiveness, delinquency
不良の: huryouno: defective, bad, delinquent
不良な: huryouna
不良に成る: huryouninaru: go to the bad, be degraded, become delinquent***** <<<
不良品: huryouhin: rejected article, defective product <<<
不良化: huryouka: decadence, decay, degeneracy, degeneration <<<
不良少女: huryoushoujo: delinquent girl <<< 少女
不良少年: huryoushounen: delinquent boy, juvenile delinquent
不良債権: huryousaiken: doubtful debt <<< 債権
不良投資: huryoutoushi: bad investment
消化不良: shoukahuryou: indigestion, dyspepsia <<< 消化
整備不良: seibihuryou: bad maintenance <<< 整備


pronunciation: huwatari   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: dishonor, nonpayment
不渡に成る: huwatarininaru: be dishonored***** <<<
不渡を出す: huwatariodasu: dishonor a bill [check], pass a bad check <<<
不渡手形: huwataritegata: dishonored [bad] bill <<< 手形
不渡小切手: huwatarikogitte: dishonored [bad] check <<< 小切手


pronunciation: buji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security , travel   
translation: safety, peace, good health
無事な: bujina: safe, sound, peaceful, uneventful
無事に: bujini: safely, in safety, in peace, quietly, all right, without accident, without a hitch
無事で: bujide
無事で居る: bujideiru: be (doing) well, live a peace***** <<<
無事を祈る: bujioinoru: pray for safety <<<
無事を祈ります: bujioinorimasu: Have a good trip! Bon voyage!
無事に暮らす: bujinikurasu: get along well <<<
無事に逃れる: bujininogareru: make good one's escape, save one's skin <<<
無事に着く: bujinitsuku: arrive safely, reach in good condition [order] <<<
無事に到着する: bujinitouchakusuru <<< 到着
無事に解決する: bujinikaiketsusuru: come to a satisfactory conclusion <<< 解決
synonyms: 無傷

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