Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 一言 , 人質 , 被曝 , 拍子 , 費用 , 疲労 , 瀕死 , 頻繁 , 病院 , 病気


pronunciation: hitokoto   kanji characters: ,   
translation: a (single) word
一言も言わない: hitokotomoiwanai: be silent***** <<<
一言も言わず: hitokotomoiwazu: without a single word
一言で言うと: hitokotodeiuto, hitokotodeyuuto: in a nutshell, in sum
申一言: mouhitokoto: one more word <<<


pronunciation: hitojichi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime , war   
translation: hostage, prisoner
人質に成る: hitojichininaru: be taken as a hostage***** <<<
人質に取る: hitojichinitoru: take (a person) as hostage <<<
人質にする: hitojichinisuru
人質を立てる: hitojichiotateru: give a hostage <<<


pronunciation: hibaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: radiation exposure [poisoning], irradiation
被曝する: hibakusuru: be exposed to the radiation, be irradiated*****


pronunciation: hyoushi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: music   
translation: time, rhythm, cadence, chance, impulse
拍子を取る: hyoushiotoru: beat time <<<
拍子を合わせる: hyoushioawaseru: keep time (with) <<<
拍子抜けする: hyoushinukesuru: lose interest (in), be disappointed [damped] (at)***** <<<
手拍子: tebyoushi: handclap <<<
手拍子を取る: tebyoushiotoru: beat time with the hands <<<
何かの拍子で: nanikanohyoushide: by some chance <<<
何かの拍子に: nanikanohyoushini
check also リズム


pronunciation: hiyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: expenditure, expense, cost
費用が掛かる: hiyougakakaru: be expensive [costly]***** <<<
費用の掛かる: hiyounokakaru: expensive, costly
費用が嵩む: hiyougakasamu: One's expenses run up <<<
費用を惜しまない: hiyouooshimanai: spare no expense <<<
費用を負担する: hiyouohutansuru: bear the expenses <<< 負担
check also 経費


pronunciation: hirou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: fatigue, weariness
疲労する: hirousuru: become [get] tired, become weary, tire (vi.)
疲労させる: hirousaseru: tire (vt.), fatigue, exhaust
疲労の為: hirounotame: with [from] exhaustion <<<
疲労に耐える: hirounitaeru: bear [endure] fatigue <<<
疲労困憊: hiroukonpai: exhaustion, extreme fatigue
疲労困憊する: hiroukonpaisuru: be completely exhausted*****


pronunciation: hinshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: dying state, agony
瀕死の: hinshino: dying, fatal, mortal
瀕死の重傷: hinshinojuushou: fatal [mortal] injury
瀕死の重傷を負う: hinshinojuushouoou: get fatally [mortally] injured, receive a mortal wound
瀕死の人間: hinshinoningen: dying person <<< 人間
瀕死の状態に在る: hinshinojoutainiaru: be dying, be on the verge of death, be critically ill*****
check also 危篤


pronunciation: hinpan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: commonness, abundance
頻繁な: hinpannna: frequent, busy
頻繁に: hinpannni: frequently, very often, in rapid succession, continually
頻繁に起こる: hinpannniokoru: be frequent, frequently occur***** <<<


pronunciation: byouin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: hospital
病院に入る: byouinnnihairu: go into hospital <<<
病院に入れる: byouinnniireru: send a person to hospital
病院に居る: byouinnniiru: be in hospital***** <<<
病院に通う: byouinnnikayou: attend a hospital <<<
病院長: byouinchou: director of hospital <<<
病院船: byouinsen: hospital ship <<<
外科病院: gekabyouin: surgery <<< 外科
陸軍病院: rikugunbyouin: military hospital <<< 陸軍
総合病院: sougoubyouin: general hospital <<< 総合
救急病院: kyuukyuubyouin: emergency hospital <<< 救急
国立病院: kokuritsubyouin: national hospital <<< 国立
大学病院: daigakubyouin: university hospital <<< 大学
精神病院: seishinbyouin: psychiatric hospital <<< 精神
海軍病院: kaigunbyouin: naval hospital <<< 海軍
胃腸病院: ichoubyouin: hospital for the stomach and bowels <<< 胃腸
check also 医院


pronunciation: byouki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: illness, sickness
病気な: byoukina: sick, ill
病気の: byoukino
病気勝ちの: byoukigachino: sickly <<<
病気に罹る: byoukinikakaru: fall [get, be taken] ill, take sick***** <<<
病気に成る: byoukininaru <<<
病気が治る: byoukiganaoru: get well [better], recover from one's illness <<<
病気を治す: byoukionaosu: cure, heal, remedy
病気を移す: byoukioutsusu: transmit disease <<<
病気を拗らす: byoukiokojirasu: have complications <<<
病気届: byoukitodoke: report of illness, sick-report <<<
病気欠席: byoukikesseki: absence due to illness <<< 欠席
病気休暇: byoukikyuuka: sick leave
病気見舞: byoukimimai: visit to a sick person <<< 見舞
重い病気: omoibyouki: serious [severe] sickness [illness] <<<
軽い病気: karuibyouki: slight illness [sickness] <<<

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