Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 破滅 , 範囲 , 反映 , 場合 , 贔屓 , 日陰 , 悲観 , 被害 , 否決 , 匹敵


pronunciation: hametsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: destruction, ruin
破滅する: hametsusuru: be ruined [wrecked], go to ruin*****
破滅した: hametsushita: ruined
破滅を招く: hametsuomaneku: bring ruin (upon oneself), be ruinous (to) <<<
破滅に瀕する: hametsunihinsuru: be on the brink of ruin <<<
check also


pronunciation: hanni   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: range, scope, reach, extent, limit, domain, sphere
範囲が狭い: hannigasemai: be of a narrow range, be limited***** <<<
範囲が広い: hannigahiroi: be of a wide range, be extensive <<<
範囲を限る: hanniokagiru: set limits to <<<
範囲内に: hanninaini: within the limits (scope) of <<<
範囲外に: hannigaini: beyond the limits (scope) of <<<
広範囲: kouhanni: extensive (widespread) area (domain) <<<
活動範囲: katsudouhanni: scope of activity <<< 活動
作用範囲: sayouhanni: working realm <<< 作用
応用範囲: ouyouhanni: application field <<< 応用
勢力範囲: seiryokuhanni: one's sphere of influence <<< 勢力


pronunciation: hannei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: optics   
translation: reflection, mirror (of the times)
反映する: hanneisuru: reflect, be reflected (in)*****


pronunciation: baai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: occasion, time, circumstances, case
の場合には: nobaainiha: in case of, in the event of, on the occasion of
場合に拠っては: baainiyotteha: under certain circumstances, as the case may be***** <<<
場合に拠り: baainiyori
場合に拠る: baainiyoru: That depends upon circumstances, It all depends
場合に応じて: baainioujite: as the case may be <<<
火急の場合には: kakyuunobaainiha: in an [in case of] emergency <<< 火急
最悪の場合: saiakunobaai: in the worst case <<< 最悪
急用の場合: kyuuyounobaai: in case of emergency <<< 急用


pronunciation: hiiki   other spells: 贔負   keyword: business   
translation: favor (n.), patronage, favoritism,partiality
贔屓の: hiikino: patronized, favorite
贔屓にする: hiikinisuru: favor (v.), patronize, show under a favor (to a person), be partial (to)*****
外人贔屓: gaijinbiiki: xenophilia, xenophilic <<< 外人


pronunciation: hikage   kanji characters: ,    keyword: nature   
translation: shade, shady spot
日陰の: hikageno: shady, in the shade
日陰に置く: hikagenioku: keep in the shade <<<
日陰に成る: hikageninaru: be shaded (by)***** <<<
日陰者: hikagemono: outcast, pariah, outlaw <<<
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pronunciation: hikan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: pessimism, discouragement, disheartening, despondency
悲観する: hikansuru: be pessimist, discourage, dishearten, despond*****
悲観的: hikanteki: pessimistic, gloomy <<<
悲観論: hikanron: pessimism <<<
悲観論者: hikanronsha: pessimist <<<
antonyms: 楽観


pronunciation: higai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: damage, loss, harm, injury, casualties
被害届: higaitodoke: damage report <<<
被害を被る: higaiokoumuru: suffer damage, be damaged***** <<<
被害を受ける: higaioukeru <<<
被害を与える: higaioataeru: damage (v.), devastate, ravage <<<
被害を及ぼす: higaiooyobosu <<<
被害を免れる: higaiomanugareru: escape damage <<<
被害者: higaisha: victim <<<
被害地: higaichi: ravaged area, damaged region <<<
被害妄想: higaimousou: persecution mania <<< 妄想
check also


pronunciation: hiketsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: rejection
否決する: hiketsusuru: reject, decide against, turn down, vote down
否決される: hiketsusareru: be rejected*****
antonyms: 可決


pronunciation: hitteki   kanji characters: ,   
translation: matched person, rival (n.)
匹敵する: hittekisuru: be a match (for), be equal (to), rival (v.)*****
匹敵する者が無い: hittekisurumonoganai: have no equal, be unequaled [unrivaled]

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