Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 八方 , 初恋 , 鼻水 , 反抗 , 半身 , 反転 , 番地 , 晩年 , 悲願 , 庇護


pronunciation: happou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: all directions, every side, all sides
八方に: happouni: in all directions, on every side, on all sides
八方から: happoukara: from all sides
八方塞: happouhusagari: complete mess, everything goes wrong <<<
八方美人: happoubijin: everybody's friend
八方尾根: happouone: Happo (a Japanese ski resort) <<< 尾根
check also Happo


pronunciation: hatsukoi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: one's first love, calf love


pronunciation: hanamizu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: snivel (n.)
鼻水を啜る: hanamizuosusuru: snivel (v.), sniff
鼻水を垂す: hanamizuotarasu: be sniveling, One's nose is running <<<
鼻水をかむ: hanamizuokamu: blow one's nose


pronunciation: hankou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: resistance, opposition, defiance, revolt
反抗する: hankousuru: resist, make resistance (to), oppose (against), defy
反抗的: hankouteki: defiant, rebellious <<<
反抗期: hankouki: one's rebellious age <<<
check also


pronunciation: hanshin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: half the body, one side of the body
半身像: hanshinzou: half-length statue [portrait], bust <<<
半身不随: hanshinhuzui: hemiplegia
半身不随の: hanshinhuzuino: hemiplegic
上半身: jouhanshin: upper half of one's body <<<
下半身: kahanshin: lower half of one's body <<<
check also


pronunciation: hanten   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mechanics   
translation: reversal, reversion, U-turn, about-turn
反転する: hantensuru: turn [roll] over, turn reversely, reverse one's course, make a U-turn
反転フィルム: hantenfirumu: reversal film <<< フィルム


pronunciation: banchi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: town   
translation: house [lot, street] number, one's address
check also 住所


pronunciation: bannnen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: one's later years
晩年に: bannnennni: when he is old
check also 老後


pronunciation: higan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one's earnest wish, one's long-cherished desire
悲願の: higannno: long-cherished
check also 念願


pronunciation: higo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: protection, patronage
庇護する: higosuru: protect, take (a person) under one's wing
神の庇護に拠り: kaminohigoniyori: by the grace of God
check also

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