Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 熱意 , 熱望 , 燃費 , 農業 , 迫力 , 派生 , 肌触 , 発覚 , 発病 , 鼻水


pronunciation: netsui   kanji characters: ,   
translation: zeal, enthusiasm
熱意の有る: netsuinoaru: zealous, enthusiastic <<<
熱意が有る: netsuigaaru: be zealous [enthusiastic]*****
熱意の無い: netsuinonai: unzealous, unenthusiastic <<<
熱意が無い: netsuiganai: be unzealous [unenthusiastic]
熱意に欠ける: netsuinikakeru <<<


pronunciation: netsubou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: an ardent wish [desire], fervent hope
熱望する: netsubousuru: aspire (to, after, at, to do), desire [hope] eagerly [earnestly], be eager [anxious] (to do, for a thing), be dying (to do, for a thing), covet*****
synonyms: 切望 ,


pronunciation: nenpi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: car , energy   
translation: mileage, fuel-efficiency
燃費が良い: nenpigaii: get good mileage, be fuel-efficient***** <<<


pronunciation: nougyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: farming   
translation: agriculture, farming
農業の: nougyouno: agricultural
農業国: nougyoukoku: agricultural country <<<
農業に従事する: nougyounijuujisuru: engage in farming, be a farmer*****
農業組合: nougyoukumiai: farmers' cooperative society
農業経営: nougyoukeiei: agribusiness <<< 経営
農業大学: nougyoudaigaku: agricultural college <<< 大学
農業人口: nougyoujinkou: farming population
農業政策: nougyouseisaku: agricultural policy
農業排水: nougyouhaisui: agricultural water waste


pronunciation: hakuryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: audio   
translation: force, drive
迫力の有る: hakuryokunoaru: forceful, strong, powerful, convincing, moving <<<
迫力の無い: hakuryokunonai: weak, powerless, unconvincing <<<
迫力が無い: hakuryokuganai: lack power, be unconvincing*****


pronunciation: hasei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: derivation
派生する: haseisuru: derive [be derived] (from)*****
派生的: haseiteki: derivative (a.) <<<
派生語: haseigo: derivative (language, word), daughter language <<<
check also デリバティブ


pronunciation: hadazawari   kanji characters: ,    keyword: clothes   
translation: touch, feeling
肌触が良い: hadazawarigaii: be agreeable to the touch, feel smooth***** <<<
肌触が柔らかい: hadazawarigayawarakai: feel soft, have a soft feel <<<
肌触が悪い: hadazawarigawarui: be disagreeable to the touch, feel rough <<<
肌触が固い: hadazawarigakatai <<<


pronunciation: hakkaku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: disclosure
発覚する: hakkakusuru: be discovered [detected, disclosed], come to light*****


pronunciation: hatsubyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: appearance of the first symptoms
発病する: hatsubyousuru: fall [be taken] ill, get sick*****
発病率: hatsubyouritsu: incidence rate (of) <<<
check also


pronunciation: hanamizu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: snivel (n.)
鼻水を啜る: hanamizuosusuru: snivel (v.), sniff
鼻水を垂す: hanamizuotarasu: be sniveling, One's nose is running***** <<<
鼻水をかむ: hanamizuokamu: blow one's nose

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