Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 炎上 , 延滞 , 円満 , 遠慮 , 可笑し , 御金 , 汚名 , 傀儡 , 会話 , 火炎


pronunciation: enjou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: burning, ignition, destruction by fire
炎上する: enjousuru: go up in flames, be destroyed by fire*****


pronunciation: entai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: delay, arrearage
延滞する: entaisuru: be delayed, be overdue, be in arrears*****
延滞金: entaikin: arrears, be overdue <<<
延滞利子: entairishi: overdue interest <<< 利子
延滞日歩: entaihibu: daily interest [premium] on arrearage


pronunciation: enman   kanji characters: ,   
translation: perfection, harmony, smoothness, peace
円満な: enmannna: perfect, harmonious, amicable, smooth
円満な人格: enmannnajinkaku: (man of) mellow character
円満な解決: enmannnakaiketsu: peaceful [amicable] settlement <<< 解決
円満な家庭: enmannnakatei: happy home <<< 家庭
円満な紳士: enmannnashinshi: perfect gentleman
円満に: enmannni: perfectly, harmoniously, amicably, smoothly
円満に暮らす: enmannnikurasu: live in harmony (with) <<<
円満を欠く: enmannokaku: lack harmony, be at odds [not harmonious] (with a person)***** <<<


pronunciation: enryo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reserve, modesty, deference, discretion, hesitation, forethought, foresight
遠慮する: enryosuru: be preserved [modest], stand on ceremony, hesitate, refrain [keep] from (doing), withhold, stay out, refuse*****
遠慮深い: enryobukai: reserved, modest, shy <<<
遠慮勝ちな: enryogachina <<<
遠慮深く: enryobukaku: in a reserved manner, modestly <<<
遠慮勝ちに: enryogachini <<<
遠慮無く: enryonaku: without reserve [hesitation], freely <<<
遠慮せずに: enryosezuni
遠慮の無い: enryononai: free, frank, outspoken, unconstrained


pronunciation: okashi   kanji characters: ,   
translation: amusing (anc.), funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical
可笑しい: okashii: amusing, funny, laughable, ridiculous, comical, strange, queer, suspicious, improper
可笑しな: okashina
可笑しがる: okashigaru: make fun of, find fun
可笑しな奴: okashinayatsu: queer [odd] fish <<<
可笑しな様子の: okashinayousuno: queer-looking, suspicious-looking
可笑しな話だが: okashinahanashidaga: strange to say, The funny [odd] thing is that <<<
可笑しさ: okashisa: funniness, ridiculousness
可笑しさを堪える: okashisaokoraeru: suppress one's laughter, keep one's face straight <<<
可笑しくて堪らない: okashikutetamaranai: be doubled [creased] up with laughter*****
頭が可笑しい: atamagaokashii: be crazy <<<
check also


pronunciation: okane   kanji characters: ,    other spells: お金   keyword: finance   
translation: money, penny
御金が無い: okaneganai: have no money, be out of pocket, be broken, be penniless***** <<<
御金が有る: okanegaaru: have money <<<
check also , マネー


pronunciation: omei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: dishonor, disgrace, stigma, stain on one's name
汚名を被る: omeiokoumuru: bring disgrace [a bad name] upon oneself, be stigmatized***** <<<
汚名を雪ぐ: omeiososogu: clear oneself of a charge, wipe off the disgrace <<<


pronunciation: kairai   keyword: politics   
translation: puppet, tool
傀儡と成る: kairaitonaru: be made a puppet of a person***** <<<
傀儡とする: kairaitosuru: make a cat's-paw of a person
傀儡師: kairaishi: puppet player, wire-puller <<<
傀儡政府: kairaiseihu: puppet government <<< 政府
傀儡政権: kairaiseiken


pronunciation: kaiwa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: grammar   
translation: conversation, dialogue
会話の: kaiwano: conversational, colloquial
会話する: kaiwasuru: converse, talk
会話を交わす: kaiwaokawasu <<<
会話が巧い: kaiwagaumai: speak well, be good at speaking***** <<<
会話が拙い: kaiwagamazui: not speak well, be bad at speaking <<<
会話体: kaiwatai: colloquialism <<<
会話術: kaiwajutsu: conversation technique <<<
英会話: eikaiwa: conversation in English <<<
仏会話: hutsukaiwa: conversation in French <<<
独会話: dokukaiwa: conversation in German <<<
西会話: seikaiwa: conversation in Spanish <<< 西
日常会話: nichijoukaiwa: daily conversation <<< 日常


pronunciation: kaen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: flame, blaze
火炎に包まれる: kaennnitsutsumareru: be enveloped in flames***** <<<
火炎瓶: kaenbin: Molotov cocktail, home-made fire bomb <<<
火炎放射器: kaenhoushaki: flame thrower

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