Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'all'

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Direct access: 蜘蛛 , 警報 , 結局 , 健康 , 此方 , 根気 , 合計 , 後生 , 再起 , 作業


pronunciation: kumo   kanji characters:    other spells: クモ   keyword: insect   
translation: spider
蜘蛛の糸: kumonoito: spider's thread <<<
蜘蛛の巣: kumonosu: spider's web [net], cobweb <<<
蜘蛛が巣を張る: kumogasuoharu: A spider spins its web
蜘蛛が巣を掛ける: kumogasuokakeru
蜘蛛の巣だらけの: kumonosudarakeno: cobwebby
蜘蛛の子を散らす様に逃げる: kumonokoochirasuyouninigeru: disperse [flee] in all directions
土蜘蛛: tsuchigumo: mygale [trapdoor] spider, tarantula, local people who opposed to the imperial house in the antic Japan <<<
毒蜘蛛: dokugumo: poisonous spider <<<


pronunciation: keihou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: security   
translation: alarm, warning
警報を鳴らす: keihouonarasu: give a warning [an emergency signal] <<<
警報を出す: keihouodasu <<<
警報を発する: keihouohassuru <<<
警報機: keihouki: alarm <<<
警報装置: keihousouchi <<< 装置
警報解除: keihoukaijo: all-clear <<< 解除
警報ランプ: keihouranpu: warning light <<< ランプ
警戒警報: keikaikeihou: air defense alarm <<< 警戒
非常警報: hijoukeihou: alarm bell <<< 非常
暴風警報: bouhuukeihou: storm warning <<< 暴風
津波警報: tsunamikeihou: tsunami warning [alert] <<< 津波
空襲警報: kuushuukeihou: air-raid alarm [warning] <<< 空襲
check also 警告 , 警笛 , サイレン , アラーム


pronunciation: kekkyoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: after all, eventually, finally, ultimately
結局の所: kekkyokunotokoro <<<


pronunciation: kenkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: health   
translation: health
健康な: kenkouna: healthy, sound, wholesome
健康である: kenkoudearu: enjoy [be in] good health, be [feel] all right, be healthy
健康に良い: kenkouniii, kenkouniyoi: healthful, good for the health, wholesome <<<
健康に悪い: kenkouniwarui: unhealthful, bad for the health, unwholesome <<<
健康を害する: kenkouogaisuru: injure [ruin] one's health <<<
健康を害している: kenkouogaishiteiru: be in bad [poor] health, be out of health (condition)
健康地: kenkouchi: healthy place, health resort <<<
健康食品: kenkoushokuhin: healthy food <<< 食品
健康状態: kenkoujoutai: condition of one's health <<< 状態
健康診断: kenkoushindan: medical checkup <<< 診断
健康診断書: kenkoushindansho: medical certificate <<<
健康相談: kenkousoudan: health consultation <<< 相談
健康保険: kenkouhoken: health insurance <<< 保険
健康保険証: kenkouhokenshou: health insurance card <<<
check also 達者 , 丈夫 , 健全


pronunciation: kochira   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: this place, here, this side, this direction, this way
此方へ: kochirae: here, hither, this way
此方へどうぞ: kochiraedouzo: This way please
此方は: kochirawa: this is
此方はスミスです: kochirawasumisudesu: This is Mr. Smith calling [speaking] <<< スミス
此方こそ: kochirakoso: The pleasure is all mine
此方側に: kochiragawani: on this side <<<
川の此方側に: kawanokochiragawani: on this side of the river <<<


pronunciation: konki   kanji characters: ,   
translation: energy, vigor, perseverance, patience, endurance
根気の良い: konkinoii, konkinoyoi: persevering, untiring, patient, energetic <<<
根気良く: konkiyoku: patiently, with patience [perseverance], persistently
根気を詰める: konkiotsumeru: devote all one's energy (to), strain every nerve <<<
根気が尽きる: konkigatsukiru: be exhausted, be worn out, be at the end of one's patience <<<
根気比べ: konkikurabe: waiting game <<<
check also 忍耐


pronunciation: goukei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: accounting   
translation: total amount, sum total
合計で: goukeide: in all, all told
合計する: goukeisuru: sum [add] up, total (v.)
check also 累計


pronunciation: goshou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: future life
後生大事に: goshoudaijini: most carefully, at all costs <<< 大事


pronunciation: saiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: recovery, come back, convalescence
再起する: saikisuru: recover, come back, make one's comeback
再起不能: saikihunou: past [beyond all] hope of recovery, disabled for active service <<< 不能
check also 回復


pronunciation: sagyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: work (n.), operation
作業する: sagyousuru: work (v.), operate
作業を始める: sagyouohajimeru: start working <<<
作業を止める: sagyouoyameru: stop working, knock off <<<
作業中に: sagyouchuuni: while at work <<<
作業室: sagyoushitsu: workroom <<<
作業場: sagyoujou: workshop, atelier <<< , 工房 , アトリエ
作業台: sagyoudai: workbench, worktable <<<
作業服: sagyouhuku: working clothes, overall***** <<<
作業員: sagyouin: operator, laborer, worker <<<
作業時間: sagyoujikan: working hours <<< 時間
作業能率: sagyounouritsu: productivity, performance <<< 能率
作業療法: sagyouryouhou: occupational therapy, ergotherapy <<< 療法
作業療法士: sagyouryouhoushi: occupational therapist, ergotherapist <<<
流れ作業: nagaresagyou: assembly-line work <<<
交代作業: koutaisagyou: shift work <<< 交代
野外作業: yagaisagyou: field work <<< 野外
共同作業: kyoudousagyou: joint work, group work <<< 共同
突貫作業: tokkansagyou: rushwork <<< 突貫
救出作業: kyuushutsusagyou: rescue work <<< 救出
救援作業: kyuuensagyou: rescue operation <<< 救援
救助作業: kyuujosagyou: rescue operation <<< 救助
除雪作業: josetsusagyou: snow-removing work <<< 除雪
一貫作業: ikkansagyou: continuous operation <<< 一貫
サルベージ作業: sarubeejisagyou: recovery [rescue] operations <<< サルベージ
synonyms: 仕事

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