Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 仲直り , 成程 , 難破 , 似合 , 二枚 , 入国 , 入所 , 人間 , 認識 , 泥濘


pronunciation: nakanaori   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 中直り  
translation: reconciliation
仲直りする: nakanaorisuru: reconciliate oneself (with), make it up (with), patch up a quarrel, shake hands and be friends again*****
仲直りさせる: nakanaorisaseru: make peace between (two persons)


pronunciation: naruhodo   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 成る程  
translation: I see, indeed, really, to be sure*****
成程と思わせる: naruhodotoomowaseru: convincing <<<


pronunciation: nanpa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship , disaster   
translation: shipwreck
難破する: nanpasuru: be wrecked, be shipwreck*****
難破船: nanpasen: wrecked ship <<<
難破信号: nanpashingou: signal of distress, SOS
synonyms: 遭難


pronunciation: niai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: clothes   
translation: match (n.), fitness, suitability
似合った: niatta: fit (a.), suitable, proper (to), well-matched
似合わしい: niawashii
似合の: niaino
似合の夫婦: niainohuuhu: well-matched couple <<< 夫婦
似合う: niau: suit (v.), be suitable (for), fit, match well*****


pronunciation: nimai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: two leaves, double (n.)
二枚の: nimaino: two-leaved, double (a.)
二枚貝: nimaigai: bivalve shell [shellfish], clam <<<
二枚戸: nimaido: double door <<<
二枚目: nimaime: lover's part, beau <<<
二枚舌: nimaijita: double-tongue, lie (n.) <<<
二枚舌の: nimaijitano: double-tongued, devious, duplicitous
二枚舌を使う: nimaijitaotsukau: be double-tongued, tell a lie***** <<< 使
二枚屏風: nimaibyoubu: double-leaf screen


pronunciation: nyuukoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel , administration   
translation: entrance [entry] into a country
入国する: nyuukokusuru: enter [be admitted into] a country*****
入国者: nyuukokusha: entering person <<<
入国許可: nyuukokukyoka: entry permit <<< 許可
入国を許可する: nyuukokuokyokasuru: admit (a person) into a country
入国禁止: nyuukokukinshi: entry forbidden
入国を禁止する: nyuukokuokinshisuru: forbid the entry to a country
入国を拒否する: nyuukokuokyohisuru: refuse [deny] (a person) entry into a country
入国制限: nyuukokuseigen: immigration restrictions <<< 制限
入国査証: nyuukokusashou: visa <<< 査証
入国手続: nyuukokutetsuZuki: entry formalities
入国審査: nyuukokushinsa: control of the entry
入国管理: nyuukokukanri
入国管理局: nyuukokukanrikyoku: Immigration Bureau
入国管理事務所: nyuukokukanrijimusho: Immigration Office
不法入国: huhounyuukoku: illegal entry <<< 不法
check also 出国


pronunciation: nyuusho   kanji characters: ,   
translation: admittance (to an institute), imprisonment
入所する: nyuushosuru: enter [be admitted to] (an institute), be imprisoned*****


pronunciation: ningen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: society   
translation: human being, man, mortal, flesh and blood, character, mankind, humanity
人間の: ningennno: human, mortal
人間らしい: ningenrashii: manlike
人間らしい生活: ningenrashiiseikatsu: life worthy of man <<< 生活
人間嫌い: ningengirai: misanthropy, misanthropist <<<
人間並みの: ningennnamino: like the common run of men, ordinary, average <<<
人間性: ningensei: humanity, human nature <<<
人間性の無い: ningenseinonai: dehumanized <<<
人間味: ningenmi: humanity, human touch, milk of human kindness <<<
人間味の有る: ningenminoaru: humane, warmhearted <<<
人間業でない: ningenwazadenai: be beyond human power, be superhuman***** <<<
人間愛: ningennai: humanity, human love <<<
人間関係: ningeikankei: human relations
人間形成: ningenkeisei: character modeling <<< 形成
人間工学: ningenkougaku: human engineering <<< 工学
人間社会: ningenshakai: human society <<< 社会
瀕死の人間: hinshinoningen: dying person <<< 瀕死
土地の人間: tochinoningen: a native <<< 土地
平凡な人間: heibonnnaningen: man in the street, ordinary man <<< 平凡
透明人間: toumeiningen: The Invisible Man (a novel of HG. Wells) <<< 透明
クローン人間: kuroonnningen: clone man <<< クローン
check also


pronunciation: ninshiki   kanji characters: ,   
translation: recognition, awareness, realization, cognition
認識する: ninshikisuru: recognize, realize, be aware of*****
認識論: ninshikiron: epistemology <<<
認識不足: ninshikibusoku: lack of understanding, ignorance
パターン認識: pataannninshiki: pattern recognition <<< パターン


pronunciation: nukarumi   kanji characters:    keyword: weather   
translation: mud, mire, muddy place
泥濘に填まる: nukaruminihamaru: get stuck in the mud <<<
泥濘に足を取られる: nukaruminiashiotorareru
泥濘む: nukarumu: be muddy, be slushy*****
泥濘る: nukaru

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