Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 独裁 , 読者 , 土星 , 努力 , 内面 , 馴染 , 何事 , 日記 , 二枚 , 荷物


pronunciation: dokusai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: history , politics   
translation: autocracy, despotism, tyranny
独裁の: dokusaino: dictatorial, despotic, autocratic
独裁する: dokusaisuru: have under one's despotic rule, hold an absolute authority
独裁者: dokusaisha: dictator, autocrat, despot, tyrant <<<
独裁国: dokusaikoku: autocratic nation <<<
独裁国家: dokusaikokka <<<
独裁政治: dokusaiseiji: dictatorial government <<< 政治
独裁体制: dokusaitaisei: dictatorial regime <<< 体制
独裁君主: dokusaikunshu: despotic monarch
独裁君主国: dokusaikunshukoku: absolute monarchy
check also


pronunciation: dokusha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: book   
translation: reader, subscriber, audience
読者が多い: dokushagaooi: have a large [wide] circulation, be widely read <<<
読者欄: dokusharan: reader's column <<<
読者層: dokushasou: readers (in general), readership, public <<<
一般読者: ippandokusha: readers in general <<< 一般
check also リーダー


pronunciation: dosei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: astronomy   
translation: Saturn
土星の輪: doseinowa: Saturn's rings <<<


pronunciation: doryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: effort, endeavor, labor
努力する: doryokusuru: strive, try
努力して: doryokushite: by exertion, with a effort
努力を惜しむ: doryokuooshimu: be sparing of one's pains [labor] <<<
努力家: doryokuka: hard worker, industrious man <<<
必死の努力をする: hisshinodoryokuosuru: make desperate efforts <<< 必死
check also 苦心 , 労力 , 丹精


pronunciation: naimen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: position   
translation: inside (n.), interior
内面の: naimennno: internal, inside (a.), inner
内面的: naimenteki <<<
内面的に: naimentekini: internally
内面考察: naimenkousatsu: introspection <<< 考察
内面生活: naimenseikatsu: one's inner life <<< 生活
内面描写: naimenbyousha: inner description <<< 描写


pronunciation: najimi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: family   
translation: familiarity, intimacy, acquaintance
馴染に成る: najimininaru: become acquainted with, make friends with <<<
馴染客: najimikyaku: regular customer, patron, frequenter <<<
昔馴染: mukashinajimi: old crony, intimate old friend <<<
昔馴染の誼で: mukashinajiminoyoshimide: for old time's sake <<<
幼馴染: osananajimi: childhood playmate, friend of one's early childhood <<<
check also 知人


pronunciation: nanigoto   kanji characters: ,   
translation: what, something, everything, nothing
何事にも: nanigotonimo: in all matters [things]
何事に付け: nanigotonitsuke: in every opportunity <<<
何事ですか: nanigotodesuka: What's the matter? What's going on?
何事も無く: nanigotomonaku: peacefully, without accident, without mishap <<<
何事が有ろうと: nanigotogaarouto: whatever [no matter what] may happen <<<
何事が起ろうと: nanigotogaokorouto <<<


pronunciation: nikki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: calendar , literature   
translation: diary
日記に付ける: nikkinitsukeru: write down (record) a matter on one's diary <<<
日記を付ける: nikkiotsukeru: keep a diary
日記帳: nikkichou: diary book, daybook <<<
日記文学: nikkibungaku: diaries (as a branch of literature) <<< 文学
懐中日記: kaichuunikki: pocket diary <<< 懐中


pronunciation: nimai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: two leaves, double (n.)
二枚の: nimaino: two-leaved, double (a.)
二枚貝: nimaigai: bivalve shell [shellfish], clam <<<
二枚戸: nimaido: double door <<<
二枚目: nimaime: lover's part, beau <<<
二枚舌: nimaijita: double-tongue, lie (n.) <<<
二枚舌の: nimaijitano: double-tongued, devious, duplicitous
二枚舌を使う: nimaijitaotsukau: be double-tongued, tell a lie <<< 使
二枚屏風: nimaibyoubu: double-leaf screen


pronunciation: nimotsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport   
translation: baggage, luggage, parcel, burden
荷物を積む: nimotsuotsumu: load with things, load goods on to <<<
荷物を降ろす: nimotsuoorosu: unload, discharge <<<
荷物を預ける: nimotsuoazukeru: book one's luggage, check in one's luggage <<<
荷物室: nimotsushitsu: cargo compartment <<<
手荷物: tenimotsu: hand baggage <<<
check also 小包 , 貨物

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