Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 泥酔 , 出来 , 溺死 , 弟子 , 電波 , 統一 , 透視 , 凍傷 , 陶酔 , 逃走


pronunciation: deisui   kanji characters: ,   
translation: (dead) drunkenness
泥酔する: deisuisuru: get [be] dead drunk, be boozy*****
泥酔者: deisuisha: drunkard, drunken person <<<


pronunciation: deki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , farming   
translation: result, effect, crop, harvest, yield, make
出来る: dekiru: can, be able to, be capable of, be done, be ready, yield, feasible*****
出来るだけ: dekirudake: as possible
出来るだけ早く: dekirudakehayaku: as soon [quickly] as possible <<<
出来ない: dekinai: cannot, be unable to
出来が良い: dekigaii: be of good workmanship, cropped well, be of fine make <<<
出来が悪い: kigawarui: be of bad workmanship, cropped bad, be of poor make <<<
出来上がる: dekiagaru: be finished, completed <<<
出来栄え: dekibae: result, performance <<<
出来事: dekigoto: occurrence, event, incident <<<
出来物: dekimono: tumor, sore, abscess <<<
出来心: dekigokoro: sudden impulse <<<
出来高: dekidaka: yield, out put, production, total transaction <<<
不出来: hudeki: bad result, failure <<<
上出来: joudeki: good success <<<
修繕出来る: shuuzendekiru: repairable, reparable <<< 修繕
修繕出来ない: shuuzendekinai: irreparable, unmendable <<< 修繕
今更出来ない: imasaradekinai: It can't be helped now <<< 今更
霜焼が出来る: shimoyakegadekiru: become frostbitten, be affected with chilblains, have chilblains <<< 霜焼
克服出来ない: kokuhukudekinai: unconquerable, invincible <<< 克服
計算出来る: keisandekiru: calculable <<< 計算
変更出来る: henkoudekiru: alterable, changeable <<< 変更
変更出来ない: henkoudekinai: unalterable, unchangeable <<< 変更
回避出来る: kaihidekiru: avoidable <<< 回避
回避出来ない: kaihidekinai: unavoidable <<< 回避
予測出来る: yosokudekiru: predictable <<< 予測
我慢出来る: gamandekiru: bearable, tolerable <<< 我慢
我慢出来ない: gamandekinai: unbearable, intolerable <<< 我慢
入手出来る: nyuushudekiru: available <<< 入手
適用出来ない: tekiyoudekinai: inapplicable <<< 適用
応用出来る: ouyoudekiru: practicable, applicable <<< 応用
応用出来ない: ouyoudekinai: impracticable, inapplicable <<< 応用
翻訳出来る: honnyakudekiru: translatable <<< 翻訳
比較出来ない: hikakudekinai: There is no comparison between, incomparable <<< 比較
水溜りが出来る: mizutamarigadekiru: A pool forms <<< 水溜り
瘡蓋が出来る: kasabutagadekiru: A scab forms (on) <<< 瘡蓋
了解出来る: ryoukaidekiru: understandable, comprehensible <<< 了解
check also 結果


pronunciation: dekishi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disaster   
translation: [death by] drowning
溺死する: dekishisuru: be [get] drowned; drown*****
溺死させる: dekishisaseru: drown sb.
溺死者: dekishisha: drowned person <<<
溺死体: dekishitai: drowned body <<<


pronunciation: deshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , religion , sport   
translation: disciple, follower, pupil
弟子にする: deshinisuru: take a person as one's pupil
弟子を取る: deshiotoru: take pupils <<<
弟子入りする: deshiirisuru: become a person's pupil, be apprenticed***** <<<
兄弟子: anideshi: older disciple <<<
一番弟子: ichibandeshi: the first [best] disciple <<< 一番


pronunciation: denpa   kanji characters: ,    keyword: electricity   
translation: electric wave
電波に乗る: denpaninoru: be broadcasted (by radio), go on the air***** <<<
電波を通じて: denpaotsuujite: over the [through] radio <<<
電波学: denpagaku: radio technology <<<
電波計: denpakei: wavemeter <<<
電波塔: denpatou: radio (transmission) tower <<<
電波妨害: denpabougai: radiojamming
電波探知機: denpatanchiki: radar, radiolocator <<< レーダー
電波望遠鏡: denpabouenkyou: radio telescope <<< 望遠鏡
電波天文学: denpatenmongaku: radio astronomy
電波天文学者: denpatenmongakusha: radio astronomer <<< 学者
電波少年: denpashounen: Denpa Shonen (a Japanese TV reality show, 1992-2003)
check also ラジオ


pronunciation: touitsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: industry , politics   
translation: unification, unity, integration, standardization
統一する: touitsusuru: unify, integrate
統一の有る: touitsunoaru: united, uniform <<<
統一の無い: touitsunonai: disunited, divided, non-uniform <<<
統一を欠く: touitsuokaku: lack unity, be not consistent as a whole***** <<<
統一見解: touitsukenkai: consensus <<< 見解
統一規格: touitsukikaku: (unified) standard, norm <<< 規格
統一価格: touitsukakaku: flat price, standard price
統一行動: touitsukoudou: united action [operation] <<< 行動
統一戦線: touitsusensen: united front <<< 戦線
統一教会: touitsukyoukai: Unification Church
再統一: saitouitsu: reunification <<<
戦線統一: sensentouitsu: unification of front <<< 戦線
check also


pronunciation: toushi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: medicine , fantasy   
translation: X-ray fluoroscopy, divination, clairvoyance
透視する: toushisuru: see through, look at through a fluoroscope, be psychic*****
透視者: toushisha: clairvoyant, psychic <<<
透視鏡: toushikyou: fluoroscope <<<
透視画: toushiga: perspective drawing <<<
透視画法: toushigahou: perspective (n.) <<<
透視検査: toushikensa: fluoroscopy


pronunciation: toushou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: frostbite, chilblains
凍傷に罹る: toushounikakaru: become frostbitten, be affected with chilblains, have chilblains***** <<<
check also 霜焼


pronunciation: tousui   kanji characters: ,   
translation: pleasant intoxication, fascination
陶酔する: tousuisuru: be intoxicated (by, with), be fascinated (by, with), be carried away (by)*****
陶酔境: tousuikyou: state of ecstasy <<<
恋の陶酔: kounotousui: love ecstasy <<<


pronunciation: tousou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: escape, flight
逃走する: tousousuru: run away, get away
逃走中である: tousouchuudearu: be at large***** <<<
逃走者: tousousha: fugitive, runaway, deserter <<<

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