Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'up'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: mechanics    nb of strokes: 19
translation: wind, reel, spin
繰る: kuru: wind (vt.), spin, set one after another (jp.)
繰り: kuri: a kind of melody (jp.)
繰り上げる: kuriageru: move up, advance <<<
繰り合わせる: kuriawaseru: make [find] time, arrange matters <<<
繰り入れる: kuriireru: add [transfer] (to), put in <<<
繰り込む: kurikomu: transfer (to), carry forward, march [troop] on, file in <<<
繰り返し: kurikaeshi: repetition, reiteration, refrain <<<
繰り返す: kurikaesu: repeat, do (a matter) over again <<<
繰り替える: kurikaeru: change, exchange, appropriate <<<
繰り下げる: kurisageru: carry [shift, move] down, postpone <<<
繰り出す: kuridasu: let [draw] out, thrust, troop [file] out, dispatch, sally forth <<<
繰り広げる: kurihirogeru: unfold, unroll <<<
Kanji words: 絡繰
Expressions: 巻き繰る , 勘繰る , 舵を繰る , 資金繰り
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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 19
translation: fog, mist
mu, bu
霧: kiri
霧が掛かる: kirigakakaru: The fog gathers. <<<
霧が晴れる: kirigahareru: The fog lifts [clears up] <<<
霧の深い: kirinohukai: foggy <<<
霧に包まれる: kirinitsutsumareru: be shrouded in fog <<<
霧が立つ: kirigatatsu: The fog is rising. <<<
霧を吹く: kiriohuku: spray water (on, over), blow a spray on <<< , スプレー
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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 19
translation: parade of deer (org.), line up, connect, beautiful (ext.), graceful, elegant, fine
麗しい: uruwashii: beautiful, graceful, elegant, fine
麗しい声: uruwashiikoe: sweet [melodious] voice <<<
麗: urara: brightness (under sunshine)
麗かな: urarakana: bright (and clear), beautiful, glorious
麗かに: urarakani: brightly (under sunshine)
麗なる: tsuranaru: line up, stand in a row <<<
麗ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side, stand abreast (of) <<<
麗く: tsuku: connect, link
Kanji words: 華麗 , 秀麗 , 高麗 , 綺麗

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 20
translation: go up, rise, hike, soar
騰がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar <<< , ,
騰る: noboru: go up, come up, soar, mount <<< , ,
Kanji words: 暴騰 , 急騰 , 沸騰

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 22
translation: full clothes, attack (bor.), assault, assail, raid
襲: kasane: full clothes (pile of clothes)
襲ねる: kasaneru: pile up, heap up <<<
襲ぐ: tsugu: succeed (to), inherit <<<
襲う: osou: attack, assault, assail, raid, succeed (to), inherit
襲い掛かる: osoikakaru: make an attack [assault] on, fall on [upon], pounce at [on, upon] <<<
Kanji words: 奇襲 , 襲来 , 襲撃 , 空襲
Expressions: 津波に襲われる , 雷雨に襲われる , 睡魔に襲われる , 恐怖に襲われる , ピンチに襲われる , パニックに襲われる

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 4
translation: throat, haughty (ext.), arrogant, excited
亢: nodo: throat <<< ,
亢ぶる: takaburu: put on airs, be proud [haughty, arrogant], be stuck-up, get excited (at) <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 5
translation: buttocks, hips, bottom, rump, seat, base
尻: shiri
尻の穴: shirinoana: asshole <<<
尻から数えて: jirikarakazoete: from the bottom <<<
尻が長い: shiriganagai: stay too long <<<
尻が割れる: shiregawareru: be brought to light, be found out <<<
尻の軽い: shirinokarui: wanton, unchaste (woman) <<<
尻の重い: shirinoomoi: lazy, sluggish, indolent <<<
尻に火が点く: shirinihigatsuku: be pressed by urgent business
尻を叩く: shiriotataku: give a spanking to, spank, goad (a person to do) <<<
尻を捲る: shiriomakuru: assume a defiant attitude <<<
尻を向ける: shiriomukeru: turn the back (upon) <<<
尻を追う: shirioou: chase [run] after a woman <<<
尻を拭う: shirionuguu: pay for a person's loss, make up for a person's blunder <<<
Kanji words: 尻尾 , 帳尻 , 目尻
Expressions: 尻ポケット
synonyms: ヒップ

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: slap, pat, tap, clap
叩く: tataku: slap, pat, tap, clap, attack, censure, criticize
叩き上げる: tatakiageru: struggle [work] one's way up (from) <<<
叩き起こす: tatakiokosu: knock (a person) up, rouse (a person) mercilessly from his sleep <<<
叩き落す: tatakiotosu: beat [strike] down, knock off, knock (a thing) from [out of] (a person's) hand <<<
叩き切る: tatakikiru: hack, chop <<<
叩き込む: tatakikomu: drive in (a nail), strike [hammer, beat] (an idea) into a person's head <<<
叩き殺す: tatakikorosu: beat [flog] (a person) to death, strike [knock] (a person) dead <<<
叩き壊す: tatakikowasu: knock (a thing) to pieces, smash up, shatter, wreck <<<
叩き出す: tatakidasu: kick out, turn out, send (a person) packing, fire <<<
叩き付ける: tatakitsukeru: throw [hurl] (a thing at, against) <<<
叩き潰す: tatakitsubusu: smash [knock] (a thing) to pieces <<<
叩き直す: tatakinaosu: flog (laziness) out of (a person) <<<
叩きのめす: tatakinomesu: knock down, floor (a person) with a blow
叩き伏せる: tatakihuseru: knock down <<<
Kanji words: 蝿叩き
Expressions: 売り叩く , 尻を叩く , 戸を叩く , 肩を叩く , 蝿を叩く , 土竜叩き , 軽口を叩く , 意見を叩く , 太鼓を叩く , ドラムを叩く

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: scold, rebuke, reprimand
叱る: shikaru: scold, rebuke, reprimand, berate, call (a person) down, read (a person) a lecture
叱られる: shikarareru: be scolded, catch it
叱り飛ばす: shikaritobasu: blow (a person) up, take (a person) roundly to task, give (a person) a good scolding, storm at (a person) <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: plant    nb of strokes: 7
translation: core, heart, pitch, marrow, rag, wick, lead, rush (plant)
芯: shin: core, heart, pitch, marrow, rag, wick, lead
芯まで腐った: shinmadekusatta: rotten to the core <<<
芯を出す: shinnodasu: turn up the wick <<<
芯を取る: shinnotoru <<<
芯を折る: shinnooru: break the lead <<<
芯: toushingusa: rush (plant)
Expressions: 鉛筆の芯 , 蝋燭の芯 , ランプの芯
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