Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 's'

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Direct access: , , 辿 , , , , , , ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: slap, pat, tap, clap
叩く: tataku: slap, pat, tap, clap, attack, censure, criticize
叩き上げる: tatakiageru: struggle [work] one's way up (from) <<<
叩き起こす: tatakiokosu: knock (a person) up, rouse (a person) mercilessly from his sleep <<<
叩き落す: tatakiotosu: beat [strike] down, knock off, knock (a thing) from [out of] (a person's) hand <<<
叩き切る: tatakikiru: hack, chop <<<
叩き込む: tatakikomu: drive in (a nail), strike [hammer, beat] (an idea) into a person's head <<<
叩き殺す: tatakikorosu: beat [flog] (a person) to death, strike [knock] (a person) dead <<<
叩き壊す: tatakikowasu: knock (a thing) to pieces, smash up, shatter, wreck <<<
叩き出す: tatakidasu: kick out, turn out, send (a person) packing, fire <<<
叩き付ける: tatakitsukeru: throw [hurl] (a thing at, against) <<<
叩き潰す: tatakitsubusu: smash [knock] (a thing) to pieces <<<
叩き直す: tatakinaosu: flog (laziness) out of (a person) <<<
叩きのめす: tatakinomesu: knock down, floor (a person) with a blow
叩き伏せる: tatakihuseru: knock down <<<
Kanji words: 蝿叩き
Expressions: 肩を叩く , 尻を叩く , 売り叩く , 戸を叩く , 蝿を叩く , 土竜叩き , 軽口を叩く , 意見を叩く , 太鼓を叩く , ドラムを叩く

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: can, in one's power, fulfilled, realized, answered
叶う: kanau: be in one's power, be fulfilled [realized, answered]
叶わない: kanawanai: be beyond one's power, be a pain in the neck
叶わぬ恋: kanawanukoi: hopeless love <<<
叶わぬ願い: kanawanunegai: impossible desire <<<
叶える: kanaeru: grant (a request), answer [hear] (a person's prayer)
叶: yasu: pers.
Expressions: 望みを叶える , 願いが叶う , 願ったり叶ったり , 夢を叶える , 念願が叶う


category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: travel    nb of strokes: 6
translation: follow, trudge along
辿る: tadoru: follow (a path), trudge [toil] along, grope one's way
辿り着く: tadoritsuku: find one's way to (a place) at last, struggle along <<<
Expressions: 系統を辿る , 足跡を辿る , 記憶を辿る , ルーツを辿る

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 7
translation: elbow, arm
肘: hiji
肘を枕にする: hijiomakuranisuru: rest one's head on one's own arm <<<
肘を張る: hijioharu: square [spread out] one's elbow <<<
肘で押す: hijideosu: elbow (v.) <<<
肘で突く: hijidetsuku: nudge (a person) <<<
肘を突く: hijiotsuku: rest [lean] one's elbows on [upon] <<<
Kanji words: 肘掛

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: furniture    nb of strokes: 8
translation: pillow, bolster, crossbar, look over, horse post
chin, shin
枕む: nozomu: look over <<<
枕: makura: pillow, bolster, foreword (jp.)
枕をする: makuraosuru: rest one's head on a pillow
枕を高くして眠る: makuraotakakushitenemuru: sleep in peace
Kanji words: 枕木 , 枕詞
Expressions: 肘を枕にする , 空気枕 , 枕カバー

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: war    nb of strokes: 8
translation: gibbon, aim, sight, point, fence, watch
so, sho
狙う: nerau: aim (at), take aim (at), watch (for), be after (a thing), sight, point
狙い: nerai: aim
狙いを定める: neraiosadameru: take aim (at) <<<
狙いを誤る: neraioayamaru: take the mark [one's aim] amiss <<<
狙いが外れる: neraigahazureru: miss [fall wide of] the mark [one's aim] <<<
狙いが狂う: neraigakuruu <<<
狙う: ukagau: watch [wait] for (a chance) <<<
狙: saru: monkey, ape, gibbon <<<
Kanji words: 狙撃
Expressions: 付け狙う , 片目で狙う , 椅子を狙う , 生命を狙う

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 8
translation: crotch, groin, thigh
股: momo: thigh <<<
股: mata: crotch, groin
股を開く: mataohiraku: set one's legs apart <<<
股を広げる: mataohirogeru <<<
Kanji words: 太股 , 二股 , 股引

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: it, that, those
其れ: sore
其れに: soreni: besides, moreover, what is more
其れにしても: sorenishitemo: but, still, for all that, nevertheless
其れにつけても: sorenitsuketemo: when I think of it
其れとも: soretomo: or, else
其れでも: soredemo: but, still, yet
其の: sono: that, those, its
其の上: sonoue: besides, moreover, what is more <<<
其の内: sonouchi: before long, soon, by and by, in the meantime, some day, one of these days <<<
其の癖: sonokuse: and yet, for all that, notwithstanding, nevertheless, none the less <<<
其の位: sonokurai: so much [many], as much [many] <<<
其の後: sonogo: after that, afterward, since then, from that time on <<<
其の頃: sonokoro: at [about] that time, then, in those days <<<
其の通り: sonotoori: Just so, You are [That's] right, Precisely, Exactly, Yes indeed [of course] <<<
其の時: sonotoki: at that time, then, on that occasion <<<
其の場で: sonobate: then and there, on the spot, offhand <<<
其の日: sonohi: on that day, the same day <<<
其の辺: sonohen: about there, thereabouts <<<
其の外: sonohoka: besides, moreover, in addition <<<
Kanji words: 其々 , 其所
Expressions: 其以来 , 其の都度 , 其れは苦手だ , 其自体 , 其れは駄目だ

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: animal    nb of strokes: 8
translation: tiger, tigress (f.)
虎: tora
虎の子: toranoko: tiger-cub, treasure <<<
虎に成る: toraninaru: get beastly drunk, get dead-drunk <<<
虎に翼: toranitsubasa: very dangerous enemy <<<
虎の尾を踏む: toranooohumu: step on the tail of a tiger
虎の威を借る狐: toranoiokarukitsune: An ass is lion's skin
Kanji words: 虎猫 , 白虎
Expressions: スマトラ虎

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: beauty    nb of strokes: 9
translation: man's beauty
彦: hiko, hiro, yoshi: pers.
Kanji words: 山彦
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