Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'bes'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: china    nb of strokes: 12
translation: go over, cross over, Yue (a kingdom in south-east China, 600 BC-334 BC), Vietnam (pref.)
etsu, ochi, katsu
越える: koeru: cross (over), go over [across], pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel*****
越す: kosu: cross (over), go over (across), pass (through), go [run] through, outrun, outstrip, leave a person far behind, surpass, exceed, rise above, be better than, excel, move, remove
越に: kokoni: here is
越: koshi: region of Hokuriku (jp.)
Kanji words: 追越 , 僭越 , 超越 , 引越 , 上越 , 年越
Expressions: 度を越す , 持ち越す , 山を越える , 申し越す , 眼鏡越しに , 権限を越える , 程度を越える , 定数を越す , 死線を越える , ハードルを越える , バーを越える
check also ベトナム

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: mechanics    nb of strokes: 13
translation: smooth, glassy, slide, skate, glide, slip, slither, skid
katsu, kotsu
滑り: suberi: sliding, slide (n.), skating, skid
滑りが良い: suberigaii, suberigayoi: slide well
滑りが悪い: suberigawarui: do not slide well
滑る: suberu: slide (v.), skate, glide, slip, slither, skid
滑り落ちる: suberiochiru: slide down
滑り易すい: suberiyasui: slippery <<<
滑らかな: namerakana: smooth (a.), glassy
滑らかに: namerakani: fluently, smoothly
滑らかにする: namerakanisuru: smooth (v.), make smooth
滑れる: midareru: be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion]*****
Kanji words: 滑り台 , 滑車 , 滑子 , 滑稽 , 滑走 , 滑降 , 潤滑
Expressions: 舌を滑らす , 滑車輪 , スロープを滑る
synonyms: スリップ
check also スライド

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 13
translation: separate, part, screen, estrange
kaku, kyaku
隔たる: hedataru: be distant [away] (from), be far off, become estranged (from)*****
隔てる: hedateru: separate, part, screen, estrange
隔てて: hedatete: at intervals of, after, at [from] a distance, beyond, across
隔て: hedate: difference, discrimination, distinction
隔て無く: hedatenaku: without distinction of, regardless of <<<
隔ての有る: hedatenoaru: cold, reserved, discriminating
隔ての無い: hedatenonai: open, frank <<<
Kanji words: 間隔 , 隔膜 , 隔離
Expressions: 海を隔てて , 海を隔てた

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: get tired of, weary, tedious, lose interest in
飽きる: akiru: get tired [sick, weary] of, lose interest in, have enough of
飽かす: akasu: weary (vt.), satiate, bore
飽きさせる: akisaseru
飽くまで: akumade: to the last, to the (bitter) end, to the utmost, to the best of one's power
飽くまでも: akumademo
飽くまでやる: akumadeyaru: do one's best [utmost]
飽くまで戦う: akumadetatakau: fight it out <<<
飽き足らない: akitaranai: be dissatisfied (with), be unsatisfactory, leave much to be desired*****
飽き足らぬ: akitaranu
飽きっぽい: akippoi: fickle, capricious, get soon tired (of)
Kanji words: 飽和

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: arrearages, arrears, hitch, delay
滞る: todokooru: be left unpaid, be overdue, fall into arrears, be delayed, stagnant, be behind with*****
滞り: todokoori: arrearages, arrears, hitch, delay
滞り無く: todokoorinaku: duly, punctually, without a hitch, all right, smoothly <<<
Kanji words: 滞納 , 延滞 , 渋滞 , 滞在 , 停滞
Expressions: 家賃が滞る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: history    nb of strokes: 13
translation: destroy, perish, ruin
滅入る: meiru: feel gloomy [blue], be depressed [dispirited]***** <<<
滅ぼす: horobosu: destroy, ruin (vt.)
滅びる: horobiru: perish, be destroyed, die (fig.), ruin (vi.)
Kanji words: 破滅 , 幻滅 , 絶滅 , 全滅 , 不滅 , 殲滅 , 摩滅 , 滅亡 , 滅茶 , 支離滅裂 , 滅多 , 撲滅 , 消滅 , 自滅 , 壊滅 , 鬼滅 , 点滅

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: decoration    nb of strokes: 13
translation: decoration, ornament, trimmings, decor
shoku, shiki
飾る: kazaru: ornament (v.), adorn, decorate, dress, deck, garnish, affect, be affected, give oneself airs*****
飾り: kazari: decoration, ornament (n.), trimmings, decor
飾りの: kazarino: ornamental, decorative
飾りの有る: kazarinoaru
飾りの無い: kazarinonai: unadorned, simple, plain, artless <<<
飾り立てる: kazaritateru: dress up, deck out
Kanji words: 粉飾 , 装飾
Expressions: 雛を飾る , 錦を飾る , 店頭に飾る , 花道を飾る , 船首飾り , 外見を飾る , 外観を飾る , 宝石で飾る , 言葉を飾る , リボンで飾る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 13
translation: bride, wife, daughter-in-law, marry
嫁ぐ: totsugu: marry (a man), be married to (a man), marry into (a family)*****
嫁がせる: totsugaseru: marry (one's daughter to a man)
嫁: yome: bride, wife, daughter-in-law
嫁に貰う: yomenimorau: take (a girl) to wife <<<
嫁を貰う: yomeomorau: marry (a girl), take (a girl) to wife, take a wife <<<
嫁に遣る: yomeniyaru: marry one's daughter off, marry [wed] one's daughter (to a person)
嫁に行く: yomeniiku: marry, be married to
Kanji words: 花嫁
antonyms: 婿

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: transport , media    nb of strokes: 13
translation: carry, load, begin (bor.), age
載せる: noseru: carry, load, publish
載る: noru: ride, be on board, be recorded [mentioned]*****
載める: hajimeru: begin, start <<<
載: koto: business, affair <<<
載す: shirusu: write (down) <<<
載: toshi: age <<<
Kanji words: 搭載 , 転載 , 記載 , 満載 , 掲載 , 連載
Expressions: 記事に載せる , 日程に載せる , 新聞に載せる , プログラムに載せる , プログラムに載っている , ブラック・リストに載せる , リストに載せる

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: fest    nb of strokes: 13
translation: heap up (org.), organize (meeting etc.), urge, invite
催す: moyoosu: organize, celebrate, hold, feel
催: moyoosareru: be organized [held], take place*****
催: moyooshi: meeting, social gathering, ceremony, entertainment, party, show
催す: unagasu: urge, invite, incite <<<
Kanji words: 主催 , 催眠 , 開催 , 催促
Expressions: 宴会を催す , 嘔吐を催す , 嘔吐を催させる , 祝宴を催す , 忘年会を催す , 茶会を催す , 吐気を催す , 小宴を催す

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