Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 手際 , 手順 , 徹底 , 徹夜 , 手元 , 転勤 , 転向 , 天災 , 転進 , 転覆


pronunciation: tegiwa   kanji characters: ,   
translation: performance, skill, dexterity, workmanship
手際が良い: tegiwagaii: be skillful (in doing)***** <<<
手際が悪い: tegiwagawarui: be unskillful (in doing) <<<
手際良い: tegiwaii: skillful, dexterous, tactful, neat <<<
手際良く: tegiwayoku: skillfully, dexterously, tactfully, neatly
手際を見せる: tegiwaomiseru: show [display] one's skill (in doing) <<<
不手際: hutegiwa: clumsiness, indexterity, blunder <<<
不手際な: hutegiwana: unskillful, clumsy, awkward, bungling


pronunciation: tejun   kanji characters: ,   
translation: process, procedures, arrangements, program
手順良く: tejunnyoku: smoothly, without a hitch <<<
手順が狂う: tejungakuruu: go wrong <<<
手順を狂わせる: tejunnokuruwaseru: upset a person's plan
手順を定める: tejunnosadameru: arrange (for), prepare a program (for) <<<
手順が悪い: tejungawarui: be misarranged***** <<<


pronunciation: tettei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: completeness, exhaustiveness
徹底する: tetteisuru: be thorough (exhaustive), be brought (driven) home, be consistent*****
徹底的: tetteiteki: thorough, complete, exhaustive <<<
徹底した: tetteishita
徹底的に: tetteitekini: thoroughly, completely, exhaustively, through and through


pronunciation: tetsuya   kanji characters: ,   
translation: night without sleep
徹夜する: tetsuyasuru: sit [stay, be] up all night, keep vigil*****
徹夜で: tetsuyade: all night
徹夜で仕事する: tetsuyadeshigotosuru: sit up all night working, work all night


pronunciation: temoto   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 手許   keyword: finance   
translation: hands, hold, grip, skill, pecuniary circumstance, financial situation [state, conditions, circumstances]
手元に: temotoni: at hand, ready to one's hand, within reach (of), about [by] one, under one's care
手元に置く: temotonioku: keep (a thing) at hand <<<
手元に有る: temotoniaru: be near at hand, have (a thing) by one***** <<<
手元が苦しい: temotogakurushii: be hard up, be pressed for money <<<
手元が狂う: temotogakuruu: miss one's aim, fail to show one's usual skill <<<
check also ,


pronunciation: tenkin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: transfer (to another office), transference
転勤する: tenkinsuru: be transferred to (another office)*****


pronunciation: tenkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , religion   
translation: turn (n.), conversion
転向する: tenkousuru: turn [switch] to, be converted to, turn one's coat*****
転向者: tenkousha: a convert <<<
check also


pronunciation: tensai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: (natural) calamity
天災に遭う: tensainiau: be visited (hit) by a calamity***** <<<


pronunciation: tenshin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: change of direction, transfer, withdrawal
転進する: tenshinsuru: change one's course, be transferred (to), withdraw*****
check also


pronunciation: tenpuku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship , politics   
translation: overthrow (n.), subversion, downfall, capsize
転覆する: tenpukusuru: be overthrown, be upset, capsize (vi.)*****
転覆させる: tenpukusaseru: overthrow, upset, subvert, capsize (vt.)

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