Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 's'

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: gradually, little by little, step by step, at last, finally, at length, advance, progress
zen, sen
漸く: youyaku: gradually, little by little, step by step, at last, finally, at length
漸む: susumu: advance (vi.), go forward, make one's way (to, toward), make progress <<<
Kanji words: 漸次

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: tired, fatigued, abandon, give up
hi, hai
罷れる: tsukareru: be [get] tired, be [become] fatigued [weary, wearied] <<<
罷める: yameru: abandon, give up <<<
罷り出る: makarideru: present oneself <<<
罷り通る: makaritooru: push one's way (through), have one's own way <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: nature    nb of strokes: 15
translation: transparent, clear, pure, limpid
澄む: sumu: become clear
澄んだ: sunda: clear, lucid, transparent, limpid
澄ます: sumasu: make clear, clarify, strain [prick up] one's ears, put on airs, be affected, look serious [grave, demure] (jp.), be [look] composed [calm], look prim
澄ました: sumashita: affected, prim, stuck up
澄んだ目: sundame: limpid eyes <<<
澄んだ声: sundakoe: clear voice <<<
澄んだ水: sundamizu: clear water <<<
澄み渡る: sumiwataru: clear up <<<
澄: kiyo, sumi, sumu: pers.
Expressions: 耳を澄ます , 見澄ます , 乙に澄ます , 研ぎ澄ます

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 15
translation: crop, harvest, plant (cereals), cultivate
稼える: ueru: plant (cereals), cultivate
稼り: minori: crop, harvest <<<
稼ぐ: kasegu: earn one's bread (jp.), work for one's living, make [earn] (money)
Kanji words: 稼働
Expressions: 時を稼ぐ , 金を稼ぐ , 点数稼ぎに , ポイントを稼ぐ

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: consent, assent, comply, accept, acquiesce, answer, respond, reply
諾う: ubenau: consent [assent] (to), give one's consent [assent], comply with, accept, acquiesce
諾える: kotaeru: answer, respond, reply <<<
Kanji words: 承諾

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sea    nb of strokes: 15
translation: hide, conceal, lurk, dive
潜む: hisomu: hide oneself (behind, in, from, under), lie concealed, lurk, be latent
潜める: hisomeru: hide [conceal] oneself, lower [subdue] one's voice
潜る: kuguru: creep through
潜る: moguru: dive in
Kanji words: 潜航 , 潜水
Expressions: 声を潜める , 影を潜める , 地下に潜る
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: psychology    nb of strokes: 15
translation: anxiety, worry, fear
憂える: ureeru: be anxious [worried] (about, over), be concerned (about, for, over), be afraid of, fear <<< , , 心配
憂い: urei: melancholy, anxiety, worry, affliction, fear, grief, distress, sorrow
憂いに沈む: ureinishizumu: be sunk in sorrow [grief] <<<
憂さ: usa: gloom, melancholy
憂さを晴らす: usaoharasu: dispel gloom, dispel oneself (in), pour one's heart out <<<
憂い: ui: pain (jp.)
Kanji words: 憂慮 , 憂鬱 , 杞憂

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: silent, shut up
moku, boku
黙る: damaru: become silent, hold one's tongue, shut one's mouth
黙らす: damarasu: put to silence, talk down, hush
黙れ: damare: Shut up! Silence!
黙って: damatte: silently, without a word, without leave, meekly, without a question
黙りこくる: damarikokuru: be (absolutely) mum, keep silent like a clam
黙り込む: damarikomu: fall silent, clam up <<<
Kanji words: 沈黙 , 黙想 , 黙祷 , 黙殺 , 黙示 , 暗黙
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: request, ask, beg
sei, shin, jou
請う: kou: ask (a person to do), beg (a person to do), request (a person to do), entreat, appeal, solicit, sue for
請い: koi: request (n.), one's wishes
請ける: ukeru: receive, accept (jp.) <<<
請け合う: ukeau: guarantee, assure, vouch [answer] for, undertake, take upon oneself <<<
請け負う: ukeou: contract (for, to do), undertake <<<
請け出す: ukedasu <<<
Kanji words: 要請 , 請願 , 請求 , 申請 , 下請
Expressions: 許しを請う , 恵みを請う , 憐れみを請う , 許可を請う , 慈悲を請う

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 15
translation: step, trample, go through, visit
踏む: humu: step [tread] on, go through, finish, value [estimate] (a thing), visit
踏まえる: humaeru: trample, consider
踏み荒す: humiarasu: trample down, ravage <<<
踏み替える: humikaeru: change step <<<
踏み固める: humikatameru: tread [stamp] down <<<
踏み切る: humikiru: step out of the ring, take off, make a bold start, take a plunge <<< , 踏切
踏み砕く: humikudaku: trample (a thing) to pieces <<<
踏み消す: humikesu: stamp [tread] out (the fire) <<<
踏み越える: humikoeru: step over (a thing) <<<
踏み込む: humikomu: step into, rush [break] into, trespass (on), make a raid (in, into) <<<
踏み倒す: humitaosu: trample down, bilk (a debt, a bill) <<<
踏み出す: humidasu: step forward, advance <<<
踏み付ける: humitsukeru: stamp down, stomp, tread on, insult <<< , 侮辱
踏ん付ける: hunZukeru <<<
踏み潰す: humitsubusu: smash (a thing) by treading on it <<<
踏み躙る: huminijiru: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏み外す: humihazusu: miss one's foot, lose one's footing <<<
踏み止まる: humitodomaru: remain, stand [hold] one's ground (against), make a stand (against), remain [stay] in office <<<
踏み均す: huminarasu: level (the earth) by treading down <<<
踏み鳴らす: huminarasu: stamp one's feet, tread heavily <<<
踏み躙る: huminijiru: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏んだり蹴ったり: hundarikettari: be treated like a dog, have insult added to injury <<<
Kanji words: 踏台 , 踏切 , 雑踏
Expressions: 猫踏んじゃった , 轍を踏む , 韻を踏む , 韻を踏んだ , 鞴を踏む , 舞台を踏む , 手続を踏む , アクセルを踏む , ペダルを踏む , ステップを踏む
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