Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 中気 , 注目 , 懲役 , 調査 , 調子 , 嘲笑 , 頂戴 , 挑発 , 著作 , 地理


pronunciation: chuuki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: palsy, paralysis
中気の: chuukino: palsied, paralyzed, paralytic
中気に成る: chuukininaru: have a stroke of [be taken with] paralysis***** <<<
中気に罹る: chuukinikakaru <<<
synonyms: 麻痺


pronunciation: chuumoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: notice, attention, observation
注目する: chuumokusuru: attend to, watch, observe, mark, keep an eye on, pay attention [turn one's attention] to, take note [notice] of
注目される: chuumokusareru: attract notice, be given attention*****
注目を引く: chuumokuohiku <<<
注目すべき: chuumokusubeki: noteworthy, worthy of notice [note], remarkable
注目の的: chuumokunomato: center [object] of (public) attention <<<
注目に値する: chuumokuniataisuru: be noteworthy [worthy of notice] <<<


pronunciation: choueki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: imprisonment, penal servitude
懲役に行く: chouekiniiku: be sent to (put in, case into) prison***** <<<
懲役人: chouekinin: convict <<<
終身懲役: shuushinchoueki: life sentence, life imprisonment <<< 終身


pronunciation: chousa   kanji characters: 調 ,    keyword: crime , politics   
translation: examination, investigation, survey, study
調査する: chousasuru: examine, investigate
調査中である: chousachuudearu: be under investigation***** <<<
調査を進める: chousaosusumeru: make close investigations <<<
調査員: chousain: investigator <<<
調査官: chousakan <<<
調査部: chousabu: inquiry section <<<
調査局: chousakyoku: investigations office <<<
調査費: chousahi: investigation expense <<<
調査委員: chousaiin: investigation commissioner <<< 委員
調査委員会: chousaiinkai: investigation (inquiry, fact-finding) committee <<<
身元調査: mimotochousa: identification check <<< 身元
意見調査: ikenchousa: survey, opinion poll <<< 意見
野外調査: yagaichousa: field study <<< 野外
秘密調査: himitsuchousa: secret inquiry <<< 秘密
戸別調査: kobetsuchousa: house-to-house investigation <<< 戸別
パネル調査: paneruchousa: panel survey <<< パネル


pronunciation: choushi   kanji characters: 調 ,    keyword: music   
translation: tune, key, note, pitch, tone, vein
調子が合う: choushigaau: get in tune <<<
調子が外れる: choushigahazureru: get out of tune <<<
調子が狂う: choushigakuruu <<<
調子外れの: choushihazureno: discordant, out of tune <<<
調子を合わせる: choushioawaseru: tune up, put in tune, keep tune (with) <<<
調子を変える: choushiokaeru: modulate (a tone), change one's tone, change one's tune <<<
調子が良い: choushigaii: be in good condition, be in shape***** <<<
調子が悪い: choushigawarui: be in poor condition <<<
調子が出る: choushigaderu: warm up, get along, be in full swing <<<
調子付く: choushiZuku <<<
調子に乗る: choushininoru: get into the swing, be elated, let oneself go <<<
一本調子: ipponchoushi: monotony <<< 一本
一本調子の: ipponchoushino: monotonous <<< 一本
check also 音程 , テンポ , リズム


pronunciation: choushou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: derision, sneer, ridicule (n.), scornful laugh, sardonic smile
嘲笑する: choushousuru: laugh at, ridicule (v.), deride, bring (a person) into ridicule
嘲笑的: choushouteki: mocking, derisive, scornful <<<
嘲笑の的: choushounomato: laughingstock
嘲笑の的に成る: choushuunomatoninaru: be a laughingstock (of), find oneself amid the jeers and laughter of everyone*****


pronunciation: choudai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reception (of a gift), receipt, Give me!
頂戴する: choudaisuru: receive, accept, be given, be presented with, get*****
頂戴物: choudaimono: present (for receiver), gift <<< , 贈物
check also 受取


pronunciation: chouhatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: provocation, incitation, incitement, excitement
挑発する: chouhatsusuru: provoke, incite, excite
挑発に乗る: chouhatsuninoru: be incited (instigated), fall into a trap***** <<<
挑発的: chouhatsuteki: provocative, provoking, suggestive <<<
check also 挑戦


pronunciation: chosaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: book   
translation: writing, authorship, work
著作する: chosakusuru: write a book
著作集: chosakushuu: writings, anthology <<<
著作者: chosakusha: author, writer <<<
著作家: chosakuka <<<
著作権: chosakuken: copyright <<<
著作権所有: chosakukenshoyuu: copyright reserved, copyrighted
著作に従事する: chosakunijuujisuru: be engaged in literary work*****
著作で生活する: chosakudeseikatsusuru: live by the one's pen <<< 生活


pronunciation: chiri   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , travel   
translation: geography, geographical features, topography
地理の: chirino: geographical
地理上: nochirijouno <<<
地理に暗い: chirinikurai: be a stranger in a locality***** <<<
地理に明るい: chiriniakarui: be familiar with a locality <<<
地理学: chirigaku: geography <<<
地理学者: chirigakusha: geographer <<< 学者
地理書: chirisho: geographical writing <<<

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