Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'bes'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: construction    nb of strokes: 10
translation: bury, fill, reclaim, plug
mai, bai
埋める: umeru: bury (in, under), inter, fill (up), reclaim, stop [fill] (up), plug, make up for (jp.), cover
埋める: uzumeru
埋まる: umaru: be buried (in), be filled up (with)*****
埋もれる: uzumoreru
埋もれる: umoreru
埋め込む: umekomu: embed <<<
Kanji words: 埋立 , 埋葬
Expressions: 土に埋める , 空白を埋める , 地中に埋める , 赤字を埋める , 地下に埋める , ギャップを埋める

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: realize, understand, illumination
悟る: satoru: realize, become aware of
悟り: satori: awakening, apprehension, illumination
悟りが早い: satorigahayai: be of quick comprehension*****
悟りが遅い: satorigaosoi: be of slow [dull] comprehension <<<
悟りが良い: satorigaii: be clever
悟りが悪い: satorigawarui: be dull
悟りを開く: satoriohiraku: be religiously [spiritually] awakened
Kanji words: 覚悟 , 悔悟 , 悟性 , 悟空
check also , 理解

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: shake, brandish, prosper (ext.), flourish
振う: huruu: shake, brandish, exercise, wield, use, be spirited, prosper, flourish***** <<<
振る: huru: shake, distribute (jp.)
振り: huri: manner (jp.), look
振り上げる: huriageru: fling [swing, lift] up, raise overhead <<<
振り落とす: huriotosu: shake off, throw off
振り返る: hurikaeru: turn around, turn one's head, look back <<<
振り翳す: hurikazasu: hold aloft, brandish
振り捨てる: hurisuteru: shake off, abandon, desert, forsake <<<
振り払う: huriharau: shake off, push away, tear oneself away (from)
振り撒く: hurimaku: scatter, sprinkle, strew <<<
振り回す: hurimawasu: brandish, wave, wield, flourish, show off, abuse <<<
振り乱す: hurimidasu: shake one's hair loose
振り向ける: hurimukeru: turn (vt.), direct (to), apply a thing to, appropriate <<<
振り向く: hurimuku: turn one's face [head], turn round [toward], look back <<<
Kanji words: 素振り , 振袖 , 振込 , 振出 , 身振り , 振付 , 不振 , 振替 , 振掛 , 久し振り , 振興 , 振動 , 振幅 , 振子
Expressions: 首を振る , 力を振る , 頭を振る , 尾を振る , 棒に振る , 賽を振る , 鞭を振る , 仮名を振る , 振り仮名 , 賽子を振る , 暴力を振るう , 学者振る , 学者振った , 鉄拳を振う , 体裁振る , 成績が振るわない , 大手を振って , 尻尾を振る , 殿様振る , 信心振る , 上品振る , 勿体振る , 猛威を振るう

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation
恥: haji: shame, disgrace, dishonor, humiliation
恥を掻く: hajiokaku: be put to shame, disgrace [humiliate] oneself*****
恥を掻かせる: hajiokakaseru: shame (a person), put (a person) to shame
恥を晒す: hajiosarasu: disgrace oneself, make a fool [an ass] of oneself
恥を忍ぶ: hajioshinobu: bear shame, swallow an insult
恥を忍んで: hajioshinonde: stoop to do
恥を雪ぐ: hajiososogu: clear oneself from a charge, have one's revenge <<<
恥じる: hajiru: be [feel ashamed]
恥ずかしい: hazukashii: be ashamed (of, that), be abashed, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable
恥ずかしそうな: hazukashisouna: shy, bashful
恥ずかしそうに: hazukashisouni: shyly, bashfully
恥ずかしがる: hazukashigaru: be [feel] shy [bashful], be coy, be self-conscious
恥じらう: hajirau: be shy [bashful], blush

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: side, intimidate (bor.), terrify, threaten, menace, frighten, scare
kyou, kou
脅: waki: side, another place, some other place <<<
脅かす: obiyakasu: threaten, intimidate, menace (n.), be a menace*****
脅す: odosu: intimidate, terrify, threaten, menace (v.), frighten, scare
脅かす: odokasu
脅し: odoshi: threat, menace, intimidation, bluff
Kanji words: 脅威

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: nature    nb of strokes: 10
translation: soak, dip, permeate, spread
浸す: hitasu: steep [dip] (a thing in), moisten (a thing with)
浸る: hitaru: be soaked [immersed, steeped (in), be plunged [submerged] (in), be addicted (to), indulge oneself (in)*****
浸: yaya: a little, a bit
浸みる: shimiru: soak (into), permeate, spread,
Kanji words: 浸食 , 浸水 , 浸透 , 水浸
Expressions: 感慨に浸る , ソースに浸す

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: disaster    nb of strokes: 10
translation: hunger, starvation
飢える: ueru: starve, be starving, be [feel, go] hungry, hunger [thirst] (for)*****
飢えた: ueta: hungry, starved
飢え: ue: hunger, starvation
飢えを凌ぐ: ueoshinogu: keep off hunger, keep the wolf from the door <<<
Kanji words: 飢餓

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: already, be exhausted, be consumed
既に: sudeni: already, long ago
既きる: tsukiru: be exhausted, be used up, be consumed, be gone, run out [low], peter out***** <<<
Kanji words: 既存 , 既製 , 既成

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: occupy, work (occupy a position), labor
据える: sueru: set up (jp.), place (v.), lay
据わる: suwaru: lie (jp.), sit down, take a seat, be seated***** <<<
据く: hataraku: work (occupy a position), labor <<<
据え置く: sueoku: leave (a matter) intact [as it is], leave (a loan) unredeemed, defer [put off] (the payment) <<<
据え置きの: sueokino: unredeemed, unredeemable, deferred <<<
Expressions: 礎を据え , 灸を据える , 土台を据える , 度胸を据える , 神輿を据える

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: psychology    nb of strokes: 11
translation: think (of, about), consider
勘: kan: intuition, the sixth sense
勘が良い: kangaii, kangayoi: have a quick perception, have a sharp sixth sense, be quick-witted*****
勘が悪い: kangawarui: have a slow perception, have a poor sixth sense, be dull-witted
勘を働かせる: kannohatarakaseru: think quickly, use one's head <<<
勘える: kangaeru: think (of, about), consider
勘繰る: kanguru: guess at, suspect, take (a person's remark) amiss <<<
Kanji words: 勘違 , 勘定
Expressions: 土地勘

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