Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'bes'

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category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: plant    nb of strokes: 9
translation: wither
枯れる: kareru: wither, die, be blasted, be seasoned*****
枯れた: kareta: withered, dead, seasoned
枯らす: karasu: let wither, kill, season
Kanji words: 枯渇 , 枯葉 , 冬枯れ
Expressions: 痩せても枯れても

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: flower    nb of strokes: 9
translation: laugh, smile
咲く: saku: bloom (v., jp.), blossom, flower
咲き: saki: bloom (n.), blossom, flowering
咲き始める: sakihajimeru: flourish, burgeon, come into bloom, come out <<<
咲き揃う: sakisorou: be in full bloom, be all open [out]***** <<<
咲き誇る: sakihokoru: be in all (its) glory <<<
咲う: warau: laugh, smile
Expressions: 二輪咲き

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: road    nb of strokes: 10
translation: walk (org.), way, path, road, street
to, zu
途切れ: togire: break (n.), pause
途切れる: togireru: break (v.), be interrupted*****
途切れ途切れの: togiretogireno: broken, interrupted, disconnected
途切れ途切れに: togiretogireni: brokenly, intermittently, off and on
途: michi: way, path, road, street <<<
途んでもない: tondemonai: outrageous, fantastic, terrible, ridiculous, No kidding! No way! Anything but! Far from it! Not bloody likely
Kanji words: 途端 , 中途 , 途中 , 一途 , 冥途 , 前途
Expressions: 帰宅の途につく

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: measure, weigh, recite (ext.)
称する: shousuru: name, call, style, pretend, feign, claim
称る: hakaru: measure (v.), weigh, take measure of <<<
称げる: ageru: hoist <<<
称める: homeru: praise, speak well of, commend, admire
称える: tataeru
称える: tonaeru: recite <<<
称う: kanau: fit, suit, be suitable (to, for), agree (with one), accord (with one's opinion), conform (to the law)*****
Kanji words: 人称 , 呼称 , 名称 , 総称 , 愛称 , 通称 , 対称 , 敬称 , 称賛 , 自称
Expressions: 栄光を称える , 栄誉を称える , 栄誉を称えて , 三人称

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: insect    nb of strokes: 10
translation: mosquito
蚊に刺される: kanisasareru: be bitten [stung] by a mosquito***** <<<
蚊の鳴く様な声で: kanonakuyounakoede: in a very thin voice
Kanji words: 蚊帳

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: astonish, lip (bor.)
唇く: odoroku: be astonished, be surprised***** <<<
唇: kuchibiru: lip
唇を噛む: kuchibiruokamu: bite one's lips <<<
唇を尖らす: kuchibiruotogarasu: pout, make faces <<<
唇を歪める: kuchibiruoyugameru: purse up one's lips
check also 口紅

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: disaster    nb of strokes: 10
translation: put on, cover, suffer (ext.), sustain
被る: koumuru: suffer, sustain, be subjected (to), be charged [accused] with***** <<<
被う: oou: cover, veil, overspread, hang over, hide, conceal
被る: kaburu: put on, cover, wear, be covered (with)
被さる: kabusaru: cover, be [get] covered, overlap
被せる: kabuseru: cover (a thing with), put (a thing) over [on] (another), plate (a thing) with, char (a person) with, pin (a fault) on (a person)
被る: kiru: wear (vt.), put on, have on, be dressed in, be charges with, take (a guilt) on oneself, take the blame (for) <<<
被: ru: passive form
被: reru
Kanji words: 被曝 , 被害 , 被災 , 被告 , 法被
Expressions: 猫を被る , 埃を被る , 汚名を被る , 天罰を被る , 被占領国 , 被害を被る , 仮面を被る , 頭巾を被る , 頭巾を被った , 戦禍を被る , 迷惑を被る , 災害を被る , 被選挙権 , 金箔を被せる , 被雇用者 , 帽子を被る , 帽子を被らない , 被保険者 , 冤罪を被る , 被委任者 , 恩恵を被る , 損傷を被る , 迫害を被る , 被譲渡人 , 御免を被って , 屈辱を被る , ベールを被る

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: crime    nb of strokes: 10
translation: catch, pick up, seize
捕らえる: toraeru: catch, take [catch, get] hold of, seize, capture, arrest, apprehend
捕る: toru: take, seize, get, grasp, catch, receive, nab
捕まえる: tsukamaeru: catch, capture, arrest, apprehend
捕まる: tsukamaru: be seized, be caught, be apprehended, be arrested, fall into a person's hands [clutches], take hold of, grasp*****
Kanji words: 捕縛 , 逮捕 , 捕鯨 , 鼠捕り , 拿捕 , 捕手
Expressions: 腕を捕える , 魚を捕まえる , 機会を捕らえる , 犯人を捕らえる , 好機を捕える

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 10
translation: freeze, congeal
凍る: kooru: freeze (vi.), congeal
凍った: kootta: frozen
凍らす: koorasu: freeze (vt.), let freeze
凍える: kogoeru: be frozen*****
凍て付く: itetsuku: freeze <<<
凍て付いた道: itetsuitamichi: frozen road
Kanji words: 解凍 , 凍傷 , 冷凍
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: tear (n.)
涙: namida: tear (n.)
涙に咽ぶ: namidanimusebu: be choked with tears***** <<<
涙に暮れる: namidanikureru: be (all) in tears
涙を流す: namidaonagasu: shed tears, weep <<<
涙を浮かべる: namidaoukaberu: One's eyes are moist with tears
涙を拭く: namidaohuku: wipe one's tears (away) <<<
涙を呑む: namidaonomu: gulp one's tears <<<
涙を抑える: namidaoosaeru: keep tears back <<<
涙を誘う: namidaosasou: tearful, move (a person) to tears
Expressions: 雀の涙

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