Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 対抗 , 大切 , 体調 , 帯電 , 滞納 , 退廃 , 大役 , 沢山 , 太刀 , 立場


pronunciation: taikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport , politics   
translation: opposition, competition, rivalry
対抗する: taikousuru: oppose, compete, match, be against*****
対抗させる: taikousaseru: pit (set up) so. against
対抗馬: taikouba: opponent, rival <<<
対抗策: taikousaku: counter plan <<<
対抗試合: taikoushiai: round robin competition
対抗手段: taikoushudan: counteragent <<< 手段
対抗処置: taikoushochi: counter-measure
check also


pronunciation: taisetsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: importance
大切な: taisetsuna: important, valuable, precious
大切にする: taisetsunisuru: treasure, take great care of, be attentive to*****
check also 大事


pronunciation: taichou   kanji characters: , 調    keyword: health   
translation: one's physical condition
体調が良い: taichougaii, taichougayoi: be in good condition [shape]***** <<<
体調が悪い: taichougawarui: be in bad condition [shape] <<<
体調を整える: taichouototonoeru: adjust [fix] one's physical condition <<<


pronunciation: taiden   kanji characters: ,    keyword: electricity   
translation: electrification (of an object)
帯電している: taidenshiteiru: be electrified, be charged with electricity*****
帯電体: taidentai: electrified object <<<


pronunciation: tainou   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 怠納   keyword: accounting   
translation: nonpayment, arrearage
滞納する: tainousuru: fail to pay, be in arrears, be in delinquent in one's payment*****
滞納額: tainougaku: amount in arrears <<<
滞納金: tainoukin: arrears, arrearage <<<
滞納者: tainousha: defaulter, delinquent <<<
滞納処分: tainoushobun: disposition for failure to pay <<< 処分
税金滞納: zeikintainou: tax arrearage <<< 税金
synonyms: 延滞


pronunciation: taihai   kanji characters: 退 ,    keyword: art   
translation: degeneration, decadence
退廃する: taihaisuru: be degenerated, be corrupted, fall into decay*****
退廃した: taihaishita: degenerated, corrupted
退廃的: taihaiteki: decadent, degenerating <<<


pronunciation: taiyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show , job   
translation: important duty [part]
大役を演じる: taiyakuoenjiru: play an important role <<<
大役を果す: taiyakuohatasu: perform an important duty <<<
大役を仰せ付かる: taiyakuooosetsukaru: be charged with an important task, be cast for an important duty*****


pronunciation: takusan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: plentifully, in abundance [profusion], in large quantities [numbers], enough, amply
沢山の: takusannno: much, plenty of, good [great] deal of, many, a large number of, numerous
沢山有る: takusannaru: be abundant [rich] in, abound in [with], be plentiful, have plenty of***** <<<
子沢山: kodakusan: blessed with many children <<<
check also


pronunciation: tachi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon , history   
translation: long sword
太刀持ち: tachimochi: sword-bearer <<<
太刀を穿く: tachiohaku: bear a sword <<< 穿
太刀を抜く: tachionuku: pull the sword <<<
太刀魚: tachiuo: scabbard fish <<<
太刀打: tachiuchi: sword combat <<<
太刀打出来る: tachiuchidekiru: be a good match, can rival sb.***** <<< 出来
check also


pronunciation: tachiba   kanji characters: ,   
translation: situation, position
立場を失う: tachibaoushinau: lose one's footing (ground) <<<
立場を明らかにする: tachibaoakirakanisuru: make one's position clear, make out one's case <<<
立場が難しい: tachibagamuzukashii: be in a delicate situation (position), be in a tight place***** <<<
check also 観点

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