Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: 夕立 , 郵便 , 擁護 , 余興 , 予約 , 雷雨 , 裸眼 , 落雷 , 理由 , 隣人


pronunciation: yuudachi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: rain shower
夕立が来る: yuudachigakuru: There is a shower coming <<<
夕立に遭う: yuudachiniau: be caught in [overtaken by] a shower <<<
synonyms: 通り雨
check also 雷雨


pronunciation: yuubin   kanji characters: , 便    keyword: transport , communication   
translation: post, mail
郵便の: yuubinnno: postal
郵便で: yuubinde: by mail (post)
郵便箱: yuubinbako: postbox, mailbox <<<
郵便局: yuubinkyoku: post office <<<
郵便局員: yuubinkyokuin: mail [mailing, postal] clerk <<<
郵便局長: yuubinkyokuchou: postmaster <<< 局長
郵便料: yuubinryou: postage, postal charges <<<
郵便料金: yuubinryoukin <<< 料金
郵便貯金: yuubinchokin: postal savings <<< 貯金
郵便番号: yuubinbangou: postcode, zip code <<< 番号
郵便為替: yuubinkawase: postal order, money order <<< 為替
郵便配達: yuubinhaitatsu: postal delivery, postman <<< 配達
郵便小包: yuubinkoZutsumi: parcel post <<< 小包
郵便葉書: yuubinhagaki: postal card, postcard <<< 葉書
郵便ポスト: yuubinposuto: pillar box, mailbox, letter drop <<< ポスト
速達郵便: sokutatsuyuubin: special delivery mail, express delivery post <<< 速達
書留郵便: kakitomeyuubin: registered letter <<< 書留
小包郵便: koZutsumiyuubin: parcel post <<< 小包
年賀郵便: nengayuubin: New Year's mail <<< 年賀
普通郵便: hutsuuyuubin: ordinary mail [post] <<< 普通
check also 手紙 , メール


pronunciation: yougo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: protection, cover, defense
擁護する: yougosuru: protect, defend, support, stand by, safeguard
擁護者: yougosha: protector, defender <<<
権益擁護: kennekiyougo: protection of rights and interests <<< 権益
権益を擁護する: kennekioyougosuru: protect rights and interests <<< 権益
check also 保護


pronunciation: yokyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: entertainment, side show, extra
余興として: yokyoutoshite: by way of entertainment, as an extra


pronunciation: yoyaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show , travel   
translation: reservation, booking
予約する: yoyakusuru: reserve, book (v.), bespeak
予約済み: yoyakuzumi: already reserved [engaged] <<<
予約を取り消す: yoyakuotorikesu: cancel a reservation
予約金: yoyakukin: deposit, subscription price <<<
予約者: yoyakusha: booking customer, subscriber <<<
予約席: yoyakuseki: reserved seat [table] <<<
予約制: yoyakusei: reservation [appointment] system <<<
予約販売: yoyakuhanbai: sale by subscription <<< 販売
予約出版: yoyakushuppan: publication by subscription <<< 出版
ホテルを予約する: hoteruoyoyakusuru: book hotel (accommodation) <<< ホテル
ホテル予約: hoteruyoyaku: hotel (accommodation) booking <<< ホテル


pronunciation: raiu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: thunderstorm, thundershower
雷雨に遭う: raiuniau: be overtaken by a thunderstorm [thundershower] <<<
雷雨に襲われる: raiuniosowareru <<<
雷雨を孕んだ: raiuoharanda: thundery <<<
雷雨模様の: raiumoyouno <<< 模様
雷雨が来る: raiugakuru: A thunderstorm is approaching <<<
雷雨が去る: raiugasaru: The thunderstorm passes <<<


pronunciation: ragan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: optics   
translation: naked eye
裸眼で: ragande: by [with] the naked eye


pronunciation: rakurai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: thunderbolt, lightning stroke
落雷する: rakuraisuru: be struck by lightning


pronunciation: riyuu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: reason, cause, justification, motive, ground, pretext, excuse
理由の有る: riyuunoaru: reasonable, justifiable <<<
理由の無い: riyuunonai: unreasonable, groundless <<<
理由無くして: riyuunakushite: without good reason [cause]
理由で: riyuude: by reason of, on account of
理由を以って: riyuuomotte <<<
理由を述べる: riyuuonoberu: state the reason, tell why <<<
相当の理由: soutounoriyuu: sufficient (good) reason <<< 相当
色々の理由で: iroironoriyuude: for various reasons <<< 色々
存在理由: sonzairiyuu: reason for being, raison d'être <<< 存在
判決理由: hanketsuriyuu: reasons for the judgment <<< 判決
起訴理由: kisoriyuu: charge <<< 起訴
様々な理由: samazamanariyuu: diverse reasons <<< 様々
薄弱な理由: hakujakunariyuu: flimsy reason, weak argument <<< 薄弱
正当な理由: seitounariyuu: good [justifiable] reason <<< 正当
check also 動機 , 原因


pronunciation: rinjin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: town   
translation: neighbor, neighborhood
隣人の: rinjinnno: neighboring
隣人の誼で: rinjinnnoyoshimide: by way of neighborliness <<<
隣人愛: rinjinnai: neighborly love, altruism <<<

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