Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 相当 , 遭難 , 齟齬 , 卒中 , 算盤 , 尊敬 , 贈賄 , 退院 , 対応 , 退学


pronunciation: soutou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: adequacy, appropriateness, aptness, fittingness
相当な: soutouna: considerable, pretty, substantial, decent, respectable
相当に: soutouni: fairly, pretty, rather, considerably, tolerably
相当する: soutousuru: correspond, fit, contain, be equivalent*****
相当困っている: soutoukomatteiru: be rather hard up <<<
相当遠い: soutoutooi: rather far <<<
相当の報酬: soutounohoushuu: worthy (due) reward
相当な家庭: soutounakatei: respectable (decent) family <<< 家庭
相当の理由: soutounoriyuu: sufficient (good) reason


pronunciation: sounan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: ship   
translation: (unfortunate) accident, disaster, shipwreck
遭難する: sounansuru: have [meet with] an accident [a mishap, a disaster], be wrecked, be in distress*****
遭難者: sounansha: victim, sufferer, survivor <<<
遭難船: sounansen: vessel in distress, wrecked ship <<<
遭難地: sounanchi: place [scene] of a disaster <<<
遭難信号: sounanshingou: signal of distress, SOS


pronunciation: sogo  
translation: discrepancy, inconsistency, contradiction, failure, miscarriage
齟齬する: sogosuru: be contrary to (the fact), disagree (with), go wrong, fall through, miscarry*****
齟齬を来たす: sogookitasu: prove contrary to one's expectations, go wrong <<<


pronunciation: sotchuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: disease   
translation: apoplexy, cerebral paralysis
卒中性: sotchuusei: apoplectic (a.), apoplectical <<<
卒中性の人: sotchuuseinohito: apoplectic (n.) <<<
卒中の人: sotchuunohito
卒中を起こす: sotchuuookosu: suffer [have, be seized with] a stroke (of apoplexy)***** <<<
卒中に罹かる: sotchuunikakaru <<<
卒中で死ぬ: sotchuudeshinu: die of an apoplectic stroke <<<
卒中発作: sotchuuhossa: attack of apoplexy <<< 発作
脳卒中: nousotchuu: cerebral attack <<<


pronunciation: soroban   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: abacus
算盤高い: sorobandakai: be calculating***** <<<
算盤が合わない: sorobangaawanai: The accounts do not square, It is a losing business <<<
算盤が取れる: sorobangatoreru: pay, be profitable <<<
算盤の取れる: sorobannnotoreru: paying, profitable
算盤を弾く: sorobannohajiku: work [use] an abacus, calculate <<<
算盤玉: sorobandama: counter <<<
算盤珠: sorobandama <<<


pronunciation: sonkei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: respect, esteem, regard, homage
尊敬する: sonkeisuru: respect (v.), regard (v.), consider
尊敬すべき: sonkeisubeki: respectful, honorable, reputable, estimable
尊敬に値する: sonkeiniataisuru: deserve respect <<<
尊敬を受ける: sonkeioukeru: win the respect, be held in high esteem (respect)***** <<<
check also 敬意


pronunciation: zouwai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime , politics   
translation: bribery, corruption
贈賄する: zouwaisuru: bribe (v.), give a bribe, corrupt
贈賄を受ける: zouwaioukeru: take [accept] a bribe <<<
贈賄で訴えられる: zouwaideuttaerareru: be charged with bribery***** <<<
贈賄者: zouwaisha: briber <<<
贈賄罪: zouwaizai: bribery (crime) <<<
贈賄事件: zouwaijiken: bribery case [scandal]
check also , 汚職 , 賄賂


pronunciation: taiin   kanji characters: 退 ,    keyword: medicine   
translation: discharge from hospital
退院する: taiinsuru: leave hospital
退院して居る: taiinshiteiru: be out of hospital***** <<<
check also 入院


pronunciation: taiou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: symmetry, correspondence, similitude, match
対応する: taiousuru: correspond with [to], be equivalent to, cope with*****
対応策: taiousaku: countermeasure, counterplan <<< , 対策
check also


pronunciation: taigaku   kanji characters: 退 ,    keyword: school   
translation: leaving school
退学する: taigakusuru: leave [quit, give up] school (halfway)
退学させる: taigakusaseru: take a person out of school, withdraw a person from school, expel a person from school
退学に成る: taigakuninaru: be dismissed [expelled] from school***** <<<
退学届: taigakutodoke: notice of withdrawal from school <<<
中途退学: chuutotaigaku: dropout (n.) <<< 中途
中途退学する: chuutotaigakusuru: quit [give up, leave] school [college] (unfinished, before graduation) <<< 中途

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