Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'is'

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Direct access: 彼女 , 換言 , 干潮 , 堪忍 , 看板 , 外出 , 画面 , 気温 , 機会 , 気候


pronunciation: kanojo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: she, her, woman, girlfriend
彼女は: kanojowa: She is
彼女を: kanojoo: her
彼女に: kanojoni: her, to her
彼女へ: kanojoe
彼女の: kanojono: her, woman's, girlfriend's
彼女の物: kanojonomono: hers <<<
彼女が有る: kanojogaaru: have a girlfriend <<<
彼女達: kanojotachi: they, women, girlfriends <<<
彼女等: kanojora <<<
彼女自身: kanojojishin: herself <<< 自身
check also 彼氏


pronunciation: kangen   kanji characters: ,   
translation: other words
換言する: kangensuru: say differently
換言すれば: kangensureba: in other words, that is (to say), id est


pronunciation: kanchou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sea   
translation: ebb tide, low tide [water]
干潮に成る: kanchouninaru: The tide is out <<<
干潮時に: kanchoujini: when the tide is out, at low tide <<<
check also 引潮 , 満潮


pronunciation: kannnin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: patience, forgiveness
堪忍する: kannninsuru: forgive, excuse
堪忍袋の緒が切れる: kannninbukuronoogakireru: be out of a patience (with a person), One's patience is exhausted
check also 我慢


pronunciation: kanban   kanji characters: ,    other spells: カンバン   keyword: advertisement   
translation: sign, signboard, billboard, shingle, brass plate, closing time
看板を出す: kanbannodasu: put up a sign <<<
看板を掛ける: kanbannokakeru <<<
看板を降ろす: kanbannoorosu: withdraw a sign <<<
看板です: kanbandesu: It is time to close
看板屋: kanbannya: sign painter <<<
看板娘: kanbanmusume: star shop-girl <<<
看板に偽り無し: kanbannniitsuwarinashi: quite as good as they say
床屋の看板: tokoyanokanban: barber's pole <<< 床屋
一枚看板: ichimaikanban: the star, the prima donna, the main policy <<< 一枚
check also 広告


pronunciation: gaishutsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: going out
外出する: gaishutsusuru: go out
外出しない: gaishutsushinai: stay at home, remain [keep] in doors
外出着: gaishutsugi: street wear <<<
外出中: gaishutsuchuu: be out [absent] <<<
外出中に: gaishutsuchuuni: while one is out, in one's absence
外出時: gaishutsuji: outgoing time <<<
外出時間: gaishutsujikan <<< 時間
外出日: gaishutsubi: outgoing day <<<
外出禁止: gaishutsukinshi: curfew <<< 禁止
外出許可: gaishutsyoka: permission to go out <<< 許可
外出証: gaishutsushou: vacation form [certificate] <<<


pronunciation: gamen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer , movie   
translation: scene, picture, screen
画面が明るい: gamengaakarui: The image is clear <<<
画面が暗い: gamengakurai: The image is dark <<<
画面の枠: gamennnowaku: frame <<<
画面構成: gamenkousei: composition of a picture <<< 構成
check also スクリーン


pronunciation: kion   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: (atmospheric) temperature
気温が上がる: kiongaagaru: temperature rises <<<
気温が下がる: kiongasagaru: temperature falls <<<
気温が高い: kiongatakai: temperature is high <<<
気温が低い: kiongahikui: temperature is low <<<
最低気温: saiteikion: the lowest temperature <<< 最低
平均気温: heikinkion: mean temperature <<< 平均
check also 温度


pronunciation: kikai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: chance, occasion, opportunity
機会を捕らえる: kikaiotoraeru: seize an opportunity <<<
機会を待つ: kikaiomatsu: wait for an opportunity <<<
機会を失う: kikaioushinau: lose an opportunity <<<
機会を逸する: kikaioissuru <<<
機会を逃す: kikaionogasu <<<
機会を与える: kikaioataeru: give a chance <<<
機会が有れば: kikaigaareba: if there is a chance (to do) <<<
機会が有ったら: kikaigaattara
機会が有り次第: kikaigaarishidai: at the first [earliest] opportunity
機会主義: kikaishugi: opportunism, sense of usefulness <<< 主義
機会均等: kikaikintou: equal opportunity
check also , チャンス


pronunciation: kikou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: climate, weather, season
気候の: kikouno: climatic
気候が良い: kikougaii, kikougayoi: The climate is nice [mild, healthful] <<<
気候が悪い: kikougawarui: The climate is bad [harsh, unhealthful] <<<
気候学: kikougaku: climatology <<<
気候不順: kikouhujun: unseasonable weather
check also 天候

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