Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'z?}?}?}g?}w?}?}?}i'

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: different, difference, alter, change, mistake
違う: chigau: be different, differ, be unlike, be dissimilar (to), be not at one [in accordance] (with), do not agree, disagree (with), change, alter, vary, be wrong, be erroneous [mistaken]
違える: chigaeru: change, alter, mistake, make a mistake, sprain (one's ankle), dislocate
違った: chigatta: different, erroneous, false
違い: chigai: difference, discrepancy
違える: tagaeru: break, infringe, fail in
違: yokoshima: wicked, evil <<<
Kanji words: 勘違 , 違反 , 間違 , 気違い , 手違 , 相違 , 違和 , 違法 , 食い違 , 仲違
Expressions: 大きさが違う , 互い違いに , 格が違う , 時を違えず , 場違いな , 筋を違える , 筋違いの , 桁違いの , 取り違える , 食い違う , 聞き違える , 読み違える , 腹違いの , 話は違うが , 性質が違っている , 種類が違う , 勿論違う , 翻訳違い , 勘定違い , 勘定違いする , 見込違い , 見込違いをする , 配達違い , 見当違いの , 見当違いをする , 身分が違う , 階級が違う , 今回は違う , 見立て違い , 見立て違いをする , 時刻を違えずに , 心得違い , 心得違いをする

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: tie, link, fasten, join, rope, cord
i, yui
維ぐ: tsunagu: tie (vt.), link, fasten, join <<<
維: tsuna: line, rope, cord <<<
Kanji words: 維持 , 繊維

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: console, amuse
慰め: nagusame: comfort, consolation, solace
慰める: nagusameru: console (v.), comfort, soothe, appease, placate, cheer (up), trifle (jp.)
慰む: nagusamu: amuse [enjoy] oneself
慰み: nagusami: amusement, pleasure, diversion, recreation
慰みに: nagusamini: for fun [pleasure], by way of amusement, as a pastime
Kanji words: 慰謝 , 慰安 , 自慰 , 慰問
Expressions: 旅情を慰める

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: geography    nb of strokes: 16
translation: woof, weft, horizontal (ext.)
緯: yokoito: woof, weft
Kanji words: 経緯 , 緯度 , 南緯 , 北緯

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: manage, this (bor.), that, only, Italy (suff.)
伊: kore: this <<< , , ,
伊: kare: that (anc.), he, him <<<
伊: tada: only, solely, merely <<< ,
Kanji words: 伊達 , 伊勢
check also イタリア

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 9
translation: fear, awe, dread
畏れる: osoreru: be overawed, stand in awe (of) <<<
畏し: kashikoshi: thankful (jp.), grateful
畏まる: kashikomaru: sit straight [respectfully], be serous, stand on ceremony
畏まりました: kashikomarimashita: Very good [well] sir, All right sir, Certainly sir
畏: kashiko: Best regards (female expression)
Kanji words: 畏怖 , 畏敬

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: japan    nb of strokes: 10
translation: Japan, obey, follow
wa, i
倭: yamato: Japan (anc.) <<< 大和
倭う: shitagau: obey, follow <<< , ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: think, believe, conceive, figure, this, only
i, yui
惟う: omou: think, believe, conceive, figure <<< , ,
惟: kore: this <<< , ,
惟: tada: only <<< ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: tree    nb of strokes: 12
translation: a kind of paulownia, chair
椅: iigiri: a kind of paulownia
椅: isu: chair <<< 椅子
Kanji words: 椅子

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: plant    nb of strokes: 12
translation: wither, droop, weaken, wilt
萎える: naeru: wither, droop, lose strength, weaken, be paralyzed <<< 麻痺
萎れる: shioreru: wither, droop, be dejected, be dispirited, be cast down, wilt
萎む: shibomu: fade (v.), wither, droop
Kanji words: 萎縮

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