Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'up'

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category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: bear, stand, endure, put up with, persevere
nin, jin
忍ぶ: shinobu: bear, stand, endure, put up with, persevere, conceal [avoid] oneself (jp.)
忍ばせる: shinobaseru: conceal
忍び: shinobi: ninja (jp.) <<< 忍者
忍び足で: shinobiashide: stealthily, with stealthy steps, on tiptoe <<<
忍び難い: shinobigatai: unbearable, insufferable, intolerable <<<
忍び無い: shinobinai <<<
忍び込む: shinobikomu: steal [slip] in [into] <<<
忍び入る: shinobiiru <<<
忍び出る: shinobideru: steal [sneak] out <<<
忍び寄る: shinobiyoru: steal near [up, to], draw near unnoticed <<<
忍び泣く: shinobinaku: sob <<<
忍び笑う: shinobiwarau: titter, giggle, laugh in one's sleeve <<<
忍: oshi: pers.
Kanji words: 堪忍 , 忍者 , 忍耐 , 忍法 , 忍術
Expressions: 恥を忍ぶ , 恥を忍んで , 不便を忍ぶ , 足音を忍ばせて

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: sport    nb of strokes: 8
translation: push, thrust, stab
突く: tsuku: push (vt.), thrust, stab
突く: tsutsuku: pick (at), peck (at), poke (at), incite, instigate, find fault with (a person, a thing)
突き: tsuki: push (n.), thrust, stab, pass
突き落とす: tsukiotosu: push [thrust] down <<<
突き刺す: tsukisasu: pierce (a thing with), impale, jab <<<
突き倒す: tsukitaosu: push [thrust] over, knock down <<<
突き詰める: tsukitsumeru: make a thorough investigation (of a matter) <<<
突き出る: tsukideru: stand [jut, stick, stretch] out, project, protrude <<<
突き飛ばす: tsukitobasu: push [thrust] (a person) away, send (a person) flying [staggering] <<<
突き止める: tsukitomeru: ascertain, make sure [certain] of, assure, trace (a matter), locate <<<
突き放す: tsukihanasu: throw off, push off, desert, forsake <<<
突っ込む: tsukkomu: thrust in, plunge into, pierce, penetrate, throw a question at (a person), hit (a person) home, dip, charge (into the enemy) <<<
突っ立つ: tsuttatsu: stand up, straight, jump to one's feet, be stuck (in, on) <<<
突っ走る: tsuppashiru: dash, run fast <<<
突っ撥ねる: tsuppaneru: turn (a person) down flat, give a flat refusal (to) <<<
突っ伏す: tsuppusu: fall over with one's face down <<<
突き破る: tsukiyaburu: break [burst] through, pierce, stave in <<<
Kanji words: 突破 , 激突 , 突如 , 突入 , 突風 , 突起 , 突貫 , 突然 , 突撃 , 衝突 , 煙突 , 玉突 , 追突 , 突進 , 突出
Expressions: 底を突く , 隙を突く , 鞠を突く , 槍で突く , 鐘を突く , 虚を突く , 杵で突く , 角で突く , 肘で突く , 肘を突く , 羽根突 , 羽根を突く , 急所を突く , 手鞠を突く , 弱点を突く , ステッキを突く

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: push, press
ou, kou
押す: osu: push (v.)
押し合う: oshiau: push [jostle, hustle] one another <<<
押し開ける: oshiakeru: push [force] open <<<
押し上げる: oshiageru: push [thrust] up, boost up <<<
押し返す: oshikaesu: push [press, force] back, reject <<<
押し戻す: oshimodosu <<<
押し掛ける: oshikakeru: go uninvited, crash (a party), gate-crash, throng (to a place) <<<
押し切る: oshikiru: brazen [face] it out, break down an opposition <<<
押し倒す: oshitaosu: topple (a person) over, throw [push] down <<<
押し付ける: oshitsukeru: press [hold] (a person) against, compel, force <<<
押し通す: oshitoosu: persist (in doing) to the last [end], stick to (one's belief) to the last, carry through, endure through <<<
押し止める: oshitodomeru: stop, check, hold (a person) back <<<
押し流す: oshinagasu: wash [sweep] away <<<
押し退ける: oshinokeru: push [thrust] away [aside], shove aside, force (a person) out of the way <<< 退
押し破る: oshiyaburu: push [force, burst] open <<<
押し寄せる: oshiyoseru: march [advance] on, rush for <<<
押し分ける: oshiwakeru: push through, push [elbow] one's way through <<<
押し込める: oshikomeru: press [push, squeeze] in, stuff into, confine, lock up, take (a person) into custody <<<
押し出す: oshidasu: push [force, thrust, squeeze] out, push forward <<<
押し立てる: oshitateru: hoist, support <<<
押し並べて: oshinabete: generally (speaking), in general <<<
押さえる: osaeru: press (v.)
押し: oshi: will (n., jp.)
押: kakihan: signature
Kanji words: 押売 , 手押 , 差押 , 押入 , 押し目 , 押収
Expressions: 取り押える , 手を押える , 念を押す , 後から押す , 壷を押える , 肘で押す , 判を押す , 拇印を押す , 目白押し , 駄目を押す , 欲望を押える , 消印を押す , 癇癪を押える , スタンプを押す , ボタンを押す , 押しボタン , ベルを押す
check also

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: flame, blaze
炎: honoo: flame, blaze (n.)
炎を上げる: honoooageru: flame up, blaze up, flare up <<<
炎を立てる: honoootateru <<<
炎える: moeru: burn, blaze (v.) <<<
Kanji words: 肝炎 , 炎上 , 炎症 , 胃炎 , 肺炎 , 腸炎 , 鼻炎 , 陽炎 , 火炎 , 腺炎
Expressions: 網膜炎 , 骨髄炎 , 骨膜炎 , 扁桃腺炎 , 皮膚炎 , 気管炎 , 虹彩炎 , 角膜炎 , 脊髄炎 , 盲腸炎 , 結膜炎 , 卵巣炎 , 直腸炎 , 口内炎 , 内耳炎 , 中耳炎 , 睾丸炎 , 大腸炎 , 隔膜炎 , 前立腺炎 , 動脈炎 , 胆嚢炎 , 胃腸炎 , 膵臓炎 , 膀胱炎 , 甲状腺炎 , 肝臓炎 , 関節炎 , 静脈炎 , 腎臓炎 , 食道炎 , 心臓炎 , 十二指腸炎 , 神経炎 , 子宮炎 , リンパ腺炎

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: love    nb of strokes: 8
translation: keep, hold, embrace
抱く: daku: embrace
抱える: kakaeru: carry, hold, employ
抱く: idaku: hold, entertain
抱き合う: dakiaau: embrace [hug] each other, neck each other <<<
抱き上げる: dakiageru: lift up in one's arms <<<
抱き起こす: dakiokosu: raise [lift up] (a person) in one's arms, help (a person) to sit up <<<
抱き抱える: dakikakaeru: hold [embrace] (a person) in one's arms
抱き込む: dakikomu: bring [win] (a person) over to one's side, buy over [off] <<< , 買収
抱き締める: dakishimeru: hug, press [hold] (a person) to one's breast, embrace closely <<<
抱き着く: dakitsuku: fly into (a person's arms), cling to, embrace affectionately <<<
抱き止める: dakitomeru: hold [keep] (a person) back <<<
抱き寄せる: dakiyoseru: embrace [hug] (a person) closer to one <<<
Kanji words: 抱負 , 介抱 , 抱擁 , 辛抱
Expressions: 腕に抱く , 腕に抱える , 卵を抱く , 胸に抱く , 頭を抱える , 恨みを抱く , 疑いを抱く , 望みを抱く , 殺意を抱く , 郷愁を抱く , 疑問を抱く , 偏見を抱く , 抱負を抱く , 愛情を抱く , 疑惑を抱く , 恋心を抱く , 野心を抱く , 幻影を抱く , 幻覚を抱く , 好感抱く , 期待を抱く , 期待を抱かせる , 理想を抱く , 不審を抱く , 恐怖を抱く , 恐怖を抱かせる , 怨恨を抱く , 不平を抱く , 杞憂を抱く

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: travel    nb of strokes: 8
translation: stay, put up, lodge, anchorage (ext.), berth
泊まる: tomaru: stay [stop] (at a hotel), put up (at a hotel), lodge (v.)
泊める: tomeru: lodge (a person), put (a person) up
泊り: tomari: putting up, stopping, staying, anchorage, berth
Kanji words: 宿泊 , 民泊 , 外泊 , 停泊
Expressions: 旅館に泊まる , ホテルに泊まる

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: annex, merge, fusion
併ぶ: narabu: stand in a line [row], form a line [queue], line up in a queue, be drawn up, stand side by side <<<
併せる: awaseru: put [join] together, unite, combine, connect, amalgamate, annex, merge <<<
併し: shikashi: but (jp.), though <<<
Kanji words: 合併 , 併用 , 併存

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: break up, pick up (conf.)
taku, seki
拓く: hiraku: open (v.), uncover, unlock, empty <<<
拓う: hirou: pick up, find, gather up, glean <<<
Kanji words: 拓本 , 開拓

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: garden    nb of strokes: 8
translation: mud, mire, dirt
泥: doro: mud, mire, dirt
泥だらけの: dorodarakeno: covered with mud, muddy
泥塗れの: doromamireno <<<
泥に塗れる: doronimamireru: be covered with mud, get muddy <<<
泥塗れに成る: doromamireninaru
泥だらけに成る: dorodarakeninaru <<<
泥を吐く: doroohaku: confess one's crime, own up <<< , 白状
Kanji words: 泥濘 , 泥酔 , 泥沼 , 泥棒

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: smell, stink, odor
臭い: kusai: bad-smelling, stinking, stink, suspicious, shady
臭い匂い: kusainioi: bad [offensive] smell, stench <<<
臭い匂いがする: kusainioigasuru: smell bad <<<
臭い飯を食う: kusaimeshiokuu: serve one's prison term
臭い物に蓋をする: kusaimononihutaosuru: hush up
臭: nioi: smell (n.) <<<
臭ぐ: kagu: smell (v.), sniff <<<
Kanji words: 臭素 , 悪臭 , 脱臭 , 防臭
Expressions: 油臭い , 息が臭い , 青臭い , 汗臭い , 黴臭い , 水臭い , 嫌な臭 , 面倒臭い , 大蒜臭い , 年寄臭い , 分別臭い , 素人臭い , 田舎臭い , 陰気臭い , 胡散臭い

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