Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 秋波 , 宿題 , 宿泊 , 手中 , 出勤 , 出資 , 出身 , 出演 , 趣味 , 手腕


pronunciation: shuuha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: love   
translation: sheep's eyes
秋波を送る: shuuhaookuru: make eyes at, ogle at, cast sheep's eyes at <<<


pronunciation: shukudai   kanji characters: 宿 ,    keyword: school   
translation: homework, assignment
宿題をする: shukudaiosuru: do one's homework
宿題を出す: shukudaiodasu: set a homework <<<
宿題にする: shukudainisuru: reserve for future discussion
宿題帳: shukudaichou: workbook <<<


pronunciation: shukuhaku   kanji characters: 宿 ,    keyword: travel   
translation: stay (n.), lodging
宿泊する: shukuhakusuru: lodge, stay (v.)
宿泊客: shukuhakukyaku: guest <<<
宿泊人: shukuhakunin: guest, lodger, boarder <<<
宿泊場: shukuhakujou: one's lodgings, inn <<<
宿泊所: shukuhakujo <<<
宿泊券: shukuhakuken: billet <<<
宿泊設備: shukuhatsusetsubi: accommodations <<< 設備
宿泊施設: shukuhakushisetsu <<< 施設
宿泊料: shukuhakuryou: lodging charges, fees <<<
宿泊料金: shukuhakuryoukin <<< 料金


pronunciation: shuchuu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one's possession
手中に収める: shuchuuniosameru: take possession of, secure, capture <<<
手中に在る: shuchuuniaru: be in a person's hands, be at the mercy of <<<
手中に帰する: shuchuunikisuru: fall into a person's hands <<<
手中に陥る: shuchuuniochiiru <<<


pronunciation: shukkin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: attendance
出勤する: shukkinsuru: go to the office, attend one's office, report for work
出勤中: shukkinchuu: be in office <<<
出勤者: shukkinsha: attendant, attendance <<<
出勤簿: shukkinbo: attendance book <<< 簿
出勤日: shukkinbi: one's workday <<<
出勤日数: shukkinnnissuu: number of attendances [workdays] <<< 日数
出勤時: shukkinji: office-going hour <<<
出勤時間: shukkinjikan <<<
check also 欠勤 , 出席


pronunciation: shusshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: finance   
translation: investment, financing
出資する: shusshisuru: invest one's money (in a business, enterprise), contribute money (to), finance (an enterprise)
出資額: shusshigaku: amount of investment <<<
出資金: shusshikin: an investment <<<
出資者: shusshisha: investor, financier <<<
出資払込: shusshiharaikomi: payment of contributions
共同出資: kyoudoushusshi: joint investment <<< 共同


pronunciation: shusshin   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography   
translation: nativity
出身の: shusshinnno: native
出身地: shusshinchi: native place <<<
出身校: shusshinkou: one's alma mater <<<


pronunciation: shutsuen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: show   
translation: one's appearance on the stage, one's performance
出演する: shutsuensuru: come on the stage, make one's appearance (on the stage)
出演者: shutsuensha: performer, cast (of a play) <<<
出演料: shutsuenryou: performance fee <<<
出演契約: shutsuenkeiyaku: booking
初出演: hatsushutsuen: debut <<<
初出演する: hatsushutsuensuru: make one's debut
ゲスト出演: gesutoshutsuen: guest performance <<< ゲスト


pronunciation: shumi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: hobby, pastime, taste, interest
趣味の有る: shuminoaru: tasteful, interesting <<<
趣味の良い: shuminoii <<<
趣味の無い: shuminonai: tasteless, dull, insipid <<<
趣味の悪い: shuminowarui <<<
趣味に合う: shuminiau: suite one's taste <<<
趣味を持つ: shumiomotsu: have a taste for, take an interest in <<<
趣味の人: shuminohito: man of taste, hobbyist <<<
悪趣味: akushumi: bad taste <<<
中世趣味: chuuseishumi: medievalism <<< 中世
成金趣味: narikinshumi: interests [taste] of newly rich <<< 成金
文学趣味: bungakushumi: literary taste <<< 文学
ブルジョア趣味: burujoashumi: bourgeois taste <<< ブルジョア
check also


pronunciation: shuwan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: ability, skill, capability, talent
手腕の有る: shuwannnoaru: able, capable, talented <<<
手腕を示す: shuwannoshimesu: display [exercise] one's ability <<<
手腕を見せる: shuwannomiseru <<<
手腕を揮う: shuwannohuruu <<<
手腕を発揮する: shuwannohakkisuru <<< 発揮
手腕家: shuwanka: man of ability, go-getter <<<
check also

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