Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: 消息 , 招待 , 焦点 , 衝動 , 信憑性 , 地獄 , 自信 , 推測 , 隙間 , 素直


pronunciation: shousoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: news, information of someone
消息が有る: shousokugaaru: hear from <<<
消息が無い: shousokuganai: hear nothing from <<<
消息を尋ねる: jousokuotazuneru: ask after someone <<<
消息に通じる: shousokunitsuujiru: be well informed of, be familiar with, be in the know of***** <<<
消息通: jousokutsuu: insider
消息筋: shousokusuji: well-informed circles (quarters, sources) <<<
消息文: shousokubun: personal (private) letter <<<


pronunciation: shoutai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: invitation
招待する: shoutaisuru: invite [ask] (a person to)
招待を受ける: shoutaioukeru: receive an invitation (to), be invited [asked] (to)***** <<<
招待に応じる: shoutainioujiru: accept an invitation <<<
招待を断る: shoutaiokotowaru: decline an invitation <<<
招待会: shoutaikai: reception, at-home <<<
招待客: shoutaikyaku: invited guest <<<
招待券: shoutaiken: invitation [complimentary] ticket <<<
招待状: shoutaijou: invitation card, letter of invitation <<<
招待席: shoutaiseki: reserved seat (for a guest) <<<
招待日: shoutaibi: day of invited guests, preview <<<
招待試合: shoutaijiai: invitation game


pronunciation: shouten   kanji characters: ,    keyword: physics   
translation: focus (n.), focal point
焦点が合う: shoutengaau: be in focus***** <<<
焦点がずれる: shoutengazureru: be out of focus
焦点を合わせる: shoutennoawaseru: focus (v.)
焦点面: shoutenmen: focal plane <<<
焦点距離: shoutenkyori: focal distance
焦点深度: shoutenshindo: depth of a focus
レンズの焦点: renzunoshouten: focus of a lens <<< レンズ
check also レンズ


pronunciation: shoudou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: impulse, impetus, urge
衝動的に: shoudoutekini: on the spur of the moment, impulsively, on impulse <<<
衝動に駆られて: shoudounikararete: on impulse, from [by] an impulse <<<
衝動に駆られる: shoudounikarareru: be driven by an impulse (to do)*****
衝動に負ける: shoudounimakeru <<<
衝動買い: shoudougai: purchase on impulse <<<


pronunciation: shinpyousei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: authenticity, credibility
信憑性が有る: shinpyouseigaaru: be authentic, be reliable***** <<<
信憑性が無い: shinpyouseiganai: be unauthentic, be unreliable <<<


pronunciation: jigoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: religion   
translation: hell, bottomless pit, inferno
地獄の: jigokuno: hellish, infernal
地獄の様な: jigokunoyouna <<<
地獄に落ちる: jigokuniochiru: go to hell, be damned***** <<<
地獄耳: jigokumimi: sharp ears <<<
地獄の沙汰も金次第: jigokunosatamokaneshidai: Money makes the mare (to) go
蟻地獄: arijigoku: ant lion <<<
synonyms: ,


pronunciation: jishin   kanji characters: ,   
translation: confidence, (self) assurance, faith
自信が有る: jishingaaru: be confident, sure, certain***** <<<
自信が無い: jishinganai: be diffident, uncertain <<<
自信が強い: jishingatsuyoi: have great confidence in oneself <<<
自信過剰: jishinkajou: excessive self-confidence


pronunciation: suisoku   kanji characters: ,   
translation: guess, supposition, conjecture (n.), inference, speculation
推測する: suisokusuru: guess (v.), suppose, conjecture (v.), infer, speculate
推測によって: suisokuniyotte: at a guess, by guess, by inference
推測が当たる: suisokugaataru: guess right, be right in one's conjecture***** <<<
推測が外れる: suisokugahazureru: guess wrong, be wrong in one's conjecture <<<
推測通り: suisokudoori: as one supposed (conjectured) <<<


pronunciation: sukima   kanji characters: ,    keyword: construction   
translation: crevice, chink, opening, space, gap
隙間が有る: sukimagaaru: be slightly open***** <<<
隙間の無い: sukimanonai: hermetic, tight <<<
隙間無く: sukimanaku: compactly, closely, all over (the surface)
隙間から覗く: sukimakaranozoku: peep through the opening <<<
隙間に詰める: sukimanitsumeru: stuff into a crevice <<<
隙間風: sukimakaze: draft, draught <<<


pronunciation: sunao   kanji characters: ,   
translation: obedience, submission
素直な: sunaona: obedient, meek, submissive, gentle, docile
素直に: sunaoni: obediently, meekly, submissively, gently, docilely
素直にする: sunaonisuru: obey, be obedient (to), be gentle*****

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