Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'bes'

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Direct access: , , , 調 , , , , , ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: extend (orig.), lie, falsify, be born
誕る: itsuwaru: lie (v.), tell a lie, falsify
誕まれる: umareru: be born***** <<<
Kanji words: 生誕 , 誕生

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: congratulate, present, gift, award, reward
賞: shou: prize, award, reward
賞する: shousuru: praise, applaud, admire, extol
賞するに足る: shousurunitaru: deserve [be worthy of] praise, be praiseworthy*****
賞を与える: shouoataeru: give [award] (a person) a prize <<<
賞を授ける: shouosazukeru <<<
賞を得る: shouoeru: get [win, obtain, be awarded] a prize <<<
賞を取る: shouotoru
賞める: homeru: praise, speak well of, commend, admire
賞: tamamono: gift, boon, godsend, blessing <<< 賜物
Kanji words: 鑑賞 , 観賞 , 賞与 , 賞味 , 入賞 , 懸賞 , 賞金 , 授賞 , 受賞 , 賞品
Expressions: 残念賞 , 優等賞 , 文学賞 , 一等賞 , 敢闘賞 , 技能賞 , ノーベル賞 , アカデミー賞 , オスカー賞
synonyms: , 褒美

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: war , sport    nb of strokes: 15
translation: foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, adversary, rival, match
敵: teki: foe, enemy, opponent, antagonist, adversary, rival, match
敵にする: tekinisuru: make an enemy of sb.
敵に回す: tekinimawasu <<<
敵ではない: tekidehanai: be no match for (a person)*****
敵を破る: tekioyaburu: defeat the enemy <<<
敵: kataki: enemy, foe, rival
敵: ada: grudge, enmity
Kanji words: 政敵 , 無敵 , 匹敵 , 不敵 , 宿敵 , 大敵 , 天敵 , 素敵
Expressions: 敵味方 , 敵味方に分かれる , 天下に敵なし , 民衆の敵 , 敵を撃破 , 敵を粉砕する , 仮想敵 , 商売敵
antonyms: 味方


category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: put in order, tune, soften
chou, chuu
調う: totonou: be in order, be regulated*****
調える: totonoeru: put in order, arrange, regulate, buy (jp.)
調らぐ: yawaragu: soften, abate, lessen
調: mitsugi: tribute
調べ: shirabe: investigation, tune (n.), melody
調べ直す: shirabenaosu: review, reexamine <<<
調べる: shiraberu: investigate (jp), study, look into, check up [on], examine, look over [through], play (an instrument of music)
Kanji words: 調味 , 調節 , 好調 , 調合 , 調査 , 強調 , 協調 , 口調 , 同調 , 調子 , 調和 , 体調 , 調書 , 調律 , 不調 , 調停 , 調整 , 単調 , 短調 , 調理 , 調教 , 調音 , 音調 , 順調 , 調印 , 変調 , 堅調
Expressions: 帳簿を調べる , 一々調べる , 身元を調べる , 顕微鏡で調べる , 地図で調べる , 死因を調べる , 在庫を調べる , 在庫調べ , 切符を調べる , 丁寧に調べる , 語源を調べる , 小手調べ , 小手調べをする , メートルを調べる

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: sea    nb of strokes: 15
translation: tide, maritime current
潮: shio
潮が差す: shiogasasu: flow (v.), be on the flow*****
潮が満ちる: shiogamichiru <<<
潮が引く: shiogahiku: ebb (v.), be on the ebb
潮が変わる: shiogakawaru: The tide turns [is one the turn]
潮を吹く: shioohuku: spout water
潮: ushio: tide, dish seasoned only with salt (jp.)
Kanji words: 潮風 , 満潮 , 干潮 , 引潮 , 風潮 , 潮時
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 16
translation: pile up, heap up, collect
seki, shaku
積む: tsumu: pile up, heap up
積もる: tsumoru: be piled, accumulate*****
積もり: tsumori: intention, motive, thought, purpose, expectation, anticipation
積える: takuwaeru: store up, collect
積み上げる: tsumiageru: pile [heap] up, accumulate, stack up <<<
積み入れる: tsumiireru: ship (v.), take in, take on board <<<
積み替える: tsumikaeru: transfer, transship, reship <<<
積み重なる: tsumikasanaru: be piled up, lie in piles, accumulate <<<
積み重ねる: tsumikasaneru: place (one thing) upon (another), pile up, accumulate, heap (v.), make a heap of <<<
積み込む: tsumikomu: load (a truck), ship (a cargo), take in <<<
積み出す: tsumidasu: send off (by ship, by train), ship off
積み立てる: tsumitateru: save up (money), put [lay] (money) by, deposit
積み直す: tsuminaosu: reload, pile over again <<<
積み残す: tsuminokosu: leave (a thing) unloaded, shut out from shipping
Kanji words: 蓄積 , 積極 , 面積 , 容積 , 体積 , 積地 , 積木 , 堆積 , 見積 , 積立
Expressions: 山と積む , 雪が積もる , 煉瓦を積む , 表面積 , 荷物を積む , 修行を積む , 貨物を積む , 立方積 , トレーニングを積んだ , ベクトル積

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 16
translation: head, brain, chief, leader, boss
tou, zu, to
頭: atama: head, top, brain
頭が痛い: atamagaitai: have a headache
頭を抱える: atamaokakaeru: bury one's head in one's arms, be utterly perplexed***** <<<
頭を掻く: atamaokaku: scratch one's head
頭を振る: atamaohuru: shake one's head <<<
頭を絞る: atamaoshiboru: cudgel [rack] one's brain, be worried (about) <<<
頭を働かす: atamaohatarakasu: use one's head <<<
頭が良い: atamagaii, atamagayoi: have a clear head, be clear-headed
頭が悪い: atamagawarui: have no brains, be dull-headed
頭が変な: atamagahennna: queer in the head
頭の疲れ: atamanotsukare: mental exhaustion
頭に来る: atamanikuru: get on one's nerves, go to one's head <<<
頭: kashira: head, chief <<< ボス
頭: kami: a Japanese court rank
Kanji words: 頭部 , 店頭 , 先頭 , 鶏頭 , 頭金 , 接頭 , 禿頭 , 頭巾 , 頭取 , 頭上 , 竜頭蛇尾 , 一頭 , 口頭 , 巻頭 , 頭脳 , 街頭 , 頭痛 , 没頭 , 冒頭 , 初頭 , 地頭 , 饅頭 , 船頭 , 竜頭 , 若頭 , 橋頭堡 , 出頭
Expressions: 尖った頭 , 釘の頭 , 頭骸骨 , 頭が可笑しい , 毬栗頭 , 薬缶頭 , 薬缶頭の , 坊主頭 , 出会い頭に , 頭が朦朧とする , 給仕頭 , 頭文字 , 白髪頭の , 出世頭 , 頭が鋭敏 , 頭の切替 , 人夫頭

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: fabric    nb of strokes: 17
translation: shrink, wrinkle, shorten, reduce, contract
縮む: chiJimu: shrink (vi.), wrinkle, shorten, reduce, dwindle
縮まる: chiJimaru
縮める: chiJimeru: contract (vt.), shorten, reduce dwindle
縮れる: chiJireru: be frizzled, curl (vi.)*****
縮らす: chiJirasu: curl (vt.)
縮らせる: chiJiraseru
縮み: chiJimi: contraction, cotton crepe (jp.), wrinkled cloth
縮し: naoshi: correction, repairing <<<
Kanji words: 萎縮 , 収縮 , 短縮 , 縮小 , 濃縮 , 縮緬 , 圧縮
Expressions: 髪を縮らす , 点差を縮める , 寿命が縮まる

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 18
translation: face (v.), front on, meet
臨む: nozomu: face (v.), front on, look out upon, meet, be confronted with (by)*****
Kanji words: 臨時 , 臨月 , 臨終 , 臨海 , 臨界 , 君臨
Expressions: 別れに臨んで , 末期に臨んで , 戦場に臨む

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 18
translation: administration, office, job, manage
shoku, shiki
職め: tsutome: job, duty, office, work <<<
職の無い: shokunonai: jobless, unemployed <<<
職に就く: shokunitsuku: take employment, find work, take a position, take office <<<
職に留まる: shokunitodomaru: stay [remain] in office <<<
職を得る: shokuoeru: get [obtain] a job [position, situation], be employed***** <<<
職を求める: shokuomotomeru: seek employment, look for a position [job] <<<
職を与える: shokuoataeru: offer (a person) work, give employment to (a person) <<<
職を解かれる: shokuotokareru: be relieved of one's office, be dismissed
職を失う: shokuoushinau: lose one's job [employment], be out of work <<<
職を辞める: shokuoyameru: quit one's job <<<
職を替える: shokuokaeru: switch jobs <<<
職: tsukasa: administration
職る: tsukasadoru: manage, administer
職より: motoyori: principally <<<
Kanji words: 免職 , 役職 , 無職 , 汚職 , 職種 , 職業 , 求職 , 休職 , 職員 , 就職 , 転職 , 退職 , 職人 , 職場 , 職務 , 職歴 , 辞職 , 住職 , 在職 , 離職
Expressions: 議長職 , 煉瓦職 , 大臣の職 , 大統領の職 , 会長職 , 将軍職 , 知事職 , 守護職 , 法王職 , 使徒職 , 管理職 , 学長職
synonyms: 仕事

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