Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'up'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 14
translation: nose, trunk, muzzle, snout
鼻: hana
鼻の: hanano: nasal
鼻の穴: hananoana: nostril <<<
鼻の先: hananosaki: nose tip <<<
鼻の下が長い: hananoshitaganagai: be spoony
鼻が利く: hanagakiku: have a good nose, have a fine sense of smell <<<
鼻が利かない: hanagakikanai: have a bad nose, have a poor sense of smell <<<
鼻が詰る: hanagatsumaru: One's nose is stopped up <<<
鼻に掛かる: hananikakaru: speak through one's nose, have a nasal tone [twang] <<<
鼻に掛ける: hananikakeru: pride oneself upon, be proud [vain] of, take pride in <<<
鼻に付く: hananitsuku: stink, be offensive to the nose, get tired [sick] of <<<
鼻を穿る: hanaohojiru: pick one's nose <<< 穿
鼻を摘む: hanaotsumamu: hold one's nose <<<
鼻を擤む: hanaokamu: blow one's nose
鼻を鳴らす: hanaonarasu: whine <<<
鼻が高い: hanagatakai: be proud (of) <<<
鼻であしらう: hanadeashirau: sniff at, treat (a person) with contempt, snub
鼻で笑う: hanadewarau: laugh ironically <<<
鼻を明かす: hanaoakasu: foil, outwit (a person), upset a person's scheme, put a person's nose out of joint <<<
鼻を折る: hanaooru: put (a person) to shame, take (a person) down a peg <<<
Kanji words: 鼻炎 , 鼻水 , 鼻先 , 阿鼻叫喚 , 耳鼻
Expressions: 低い鼻 , 象の鼻 , 尖った鼻 , 高い鼻 , 獅子鼻 , 鼻眼鏡 , 団子鼻 , 団子鼻の , 鼻風邪 , 鼻母音 , 鼻が鋭敏

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: physics    nb of strokes: 15
translation: hot, warm, heat, temperature, enthusiasm, craze, mania, fever, fad
netsu, nechi
熱: netsu: heat, temperature, enthusiasm, craze, mania, fever, fad
熱い: atsui: hot, warm, heated, burning
熱を加える: netsuokuwaeru: heat (a thing), apply a heat (to) <<<
熱が上がる: netsugaagaru: One's fever soars [goes up] <<<
熱が下がる: netsugasagaru: One's fever falls [goes down] <<<
熱が取れる: netsugatoreru: One's fever leaves one <<<
熱が有る: netsugaaru: be feverish, have a temperature <<<
熱が出る: netsugaderu: become feverish, run a temperature <<<
熱が高い: netsugatakai: have a high fever <<<
熱を上げる: netsuoageru: have a craze for, be gone on <<<
熱を下げる: netsuosageru: bring down the fever <<<
熱を取る: netsuotoru: shake off one's fever <<<
熱を計る: netsuohakaru: take a person's temperature <<<
熱の有る: netsunoaru: earnest, enthusiastic <<<
熱の無い: netsunonai: indifferent <<<
熱: hotobori: (remaining) heat [warmth], excitement, sensation
熱が冷める: hotoborigasameru: The sensation is over <<<
Kanji words: 光熱 , 高熱 , 熱望 , 熱心 , 熱意 , 加熱 , 微熱 , 灼熱 , 比熱 , 熱湯 , 熱気 , 発熱 , 断熱 , 情熱 , 熱狂 , 熱帯 , 熱中
Expressions: 熱容量 , 気化熱 , 反射熱 , 化合熱 , 放射熱 , 摩擦熱 , 熱気球 , 投機熱 , 吸収熱 , 登山熱 , 企業熱 , 蕁麻疹熱 , 蒸発熱 , 回帰熱 , 熱処理 , リューマチ熱 , 熱エネルギー , プール熱 , マラリア熱
synonyms: , ホット
check also


category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: put in order, tune, soften
chou, chuu
調う: totonou: be in order, be regulated <<<
調える: totonoeru: put in order, arrange, regulate, buy (jp.) <<<
調らぐ: yawaragu: soften, abate, lessen <<<
調: mitsugi: tribute <<<
調べ: shirabe: investigation, tune (n.), melody
調べ直す: shirabenaosu: review, reexamine <<<
調べる: shiraberu: investigate (jp), study, look into, check up [on], examine, look over [through], play (an instrument of music)
Kanji words: 調味 , 調節 , 好調 , 調合 , 調査 , 強調 , 協調 , 口調 , 同調 , 調子 , 調和 , 体調 , 調書 , 調律 , 不調 , 調停 , 調整 , 単調 , 短調 , 調理 , 調教 , 調音 , 音調 , 順調 , 調印 , 変調 , 堅調
Expressions: 帳簿を調べる , 一々調べる , 身元を調べる , 顕微鏡で調べる , 地図で調べる , 死因を調べる , 在庫を調べる , 在庫調べ , 切符を調べる , 丁寧に調べる , 語源を調べる , 小手調べ , 小手調べをする , メートルを調べる

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: forget, dismiss, leave
i, yui
遺れる: wasureru: forget, dismiss <<<
遺てる: suteru: throw [cast, fling] away, dump, abandon, give up <<< ,
遺す: nokosu: leave, let behind <<<
遺る: okuru: send, forward, remit, transmit <<<
Kanji words: 遺跡 , 遺書 , 遺言 , 遺体 , 遺族 , 遺産 , 遺伝 , 遺憾 , 遺骸

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 15
translation: sure, certain, solid (fig.)
確か: tashika: I suppose, if I am not mistaken, probably
確かな: tashikana: certain, sure, positive, definite, unquestionable, unmistakable
確かに: tashikani: certainly, for certain, to a certainty, to be sure, surely, positively, undoubtedly, no doubt, without fail
確かめる: tashikameru: make sure (of, that), ascertain, verify, confirm
確い: katai: solid, tough <<<
確り: shikkari: firmly, tightly, securely, fast, strongly, on firm ground
確り捕まる: shikkaritsukamaru: cling to (a thing), hold [hang] on fast to (a thing) <<<
確り者: shikkarimono: person of strong character [good judgment], strong hearted man [woman] <<<
確りしろ: shikkarishiro: Get hold of yourself! Pull yourself together! Cheer up! Take courage!
確りした: shikkarishita: strong, solid, steady, firm, of solid character, able, sharp, reliable, trustworthy, sound
確りした会社: shikkarishitakaisha: sound business firm
確: kata, akira: pers.
Kanji words: 利確 , 確信 , 確実 , 確認 , 確保 , 確率 , 確立 , 正確 , 不確か , 明確 , 確定 , 確執
Expressions: 身元を確かめる , 虚実を確かめる , ソースを確める

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: garden    nb of strokes: 16
translation: tree, plant, cultivate
樹: ki: tree <<<
樹える: ueru: plant, cultivate <<<
樹てる: tateru: stand up <<<
Kanji words: 樹液 , 樹海 , 樹脂 , 樹木
Expressions: 菩提樹 , 月桂樹 , 広葉樹 , 広葉樹の , 落葉樹 , 針葉樹 , 針葉樹の

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 16
translation: pile up, heap up, collect
seki, shaku
積む: tsumu: pile up, heap up
積もる: tsumoru: be piled, accumulate
積もり: tsumori: intention, motive, thought, purpose, expectation, anticipation
積える: takuwaeru: store up, collect
積み上げる: tsumiageru: pile [heap] up, accumulate, stack up <<<
積み入れる: tsumiireru: ship (v.), take in, take on board <<<
積み替える: tsumikaeru: transfer, transship, reship <<<
積み重なる: tsumikasanaru: be piled up, lie in piles, accumulate <<<
積み重ねる: tsumikasaneru: place (one thing) upon (another), pile up, accumulate, heap (v.), make a heap of <<<
積み込む: tsumikomu: load (a truck), ship (a cargo), take in <<<
積み出す: tsumidasu: send off (by ship, by train), ship off <<<
積み立てる: tsumitateru: save up (money), put [lay] (money) by, deposit <<<
積み直す: tsuminaosu: reload, pile over again <<<
積み残す: tsuminokosu: leave (a thing) unloaded, shut out from shipping <<<
Kanji words: 蓄積 , 積極 , 面積 , 容積 , 体積 , 積地 , 積木 , 堆積 , 見積 , 積立
Expressions: 雪が積もる , 山と積む , 煉瓦を積む , 表面積 , 荷物を積む , 修行を積む , 貨物を積む , 立方積 , トレーニングを積んだ , ベクトル積

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: order, arrange, settle, fix up
整える: totonoeru: put in order, arrange, settle, fix up, rig (up, out)
整う: totonou: be in order, be arranged
Kanji words: 整体 , 整数 , 整備 , 整形 , 整頓 , 整理 , 調整 , 整地
Expressions: 髪を整える , 協議が整う , 態勢を整える , 設備が整った , 体調を整える , 支度が整う , 顔立ちの整った , 服装を整える , 準備が整う , 献立を整える
synonyms: 調

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: violent, vehement, furious, intense, severe
激しい: hageshii: violent, vehement, furious, intense, severe, acrimonious
激しく: hageshiku: violently, furiously, desperately
激しさ: hageshisa: violence, vehemence, intensity, force
激ます: hagemasu: encourage, cheer up <<<
Kanji words: 激突 , 激化 , 激動 , 刺激 , 感激 , 激励 , 過激 , 激怒 , 激戦
Expressions: 気性の激しい , 変動が激しい

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: history    nb of strokes: 16
translation: develop (country, industry etc.), rise, flourish
kyou, kou
興: kyou: interest, fun, amusement
興がる: kyougaru: become interested (in), be amused [entertained], warm up
興が乗る: kyouganoru <<<
興を催す: kyouomoyoosu <<<
興を冷ます: kyouosamasu: spoil a person's pleasure [fun] <<<
興を殺ぐ: kyouosogu <<<
興を添える: kyouosoeru: give [add] a zest to, add to the amusement [pleasure] (of) <<<
興る: okoru: flourish (vi.), develop
興す: okosu: flourish (vt.), develop, found, establish
興きる: okiru: stand up <<<
Kanji words: 興行 , 興亡 , 興奮 , 復興 , 振興 , 即興 , 興味 , 余興

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