Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 's'

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Direct access: 逆立 , 作戦 , 差押 , 差金 , 指図 , 査証 , 早速 , 殺意 , 砂糖 , 左様


pronunciation: sakadachi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: sport   
translation: handstand
逆立する: sakadachisuru: stand on one's (head and) hands


pronunciation: sakusen   kanji characters: ,    keyword: war   
translation: (military) operations, strategy, tactics
作戦を変える: sakusennokaeru: change one's tactics <<<
作戦室: sakusenshitsu: operation room <<<
作戦地: sakusenchi: field of operations <<<
作戦地域: sakusenchiiki <<< 地域
作戦計画: sakusenkeikaku: plan of operations <<< 計画
作戦会議: sakusenkaigi: council of war <<< 会議
連合作戦: rengousakusen: combined operations <<< 連合
牽制作戦: kenseisakusen: diversionary tactics <<< 牽制
ゲリラ作戦: gerirasakusen: guerrilla operation <<< ゲリラ
ローラー作戦: rooraasakusen: house-to-house search <<< ローラー


pronunciation: sashiosae   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 差し押   keyword: realty   
translation: attachment, seizure, distraint
差押える: sashiosaeru: seize, attach, distrain (upon) a person's property, place (a person's property) under distraint
差押を食う: sashiosaeokuu: have one's property attached <<<
差押人: sashiosaenin: seizor, distrainer <<<
差押状: sashiosaejou: warrant of seizure, attachment <<<
差押令状: sashiosaereijou
差押物件: sashiosaebukken: seized property <<< 物件
仮差押: karisashiosae: temporary seizure <<<
担保差押: tanposashiosae: foreclosure <<< 担保


pronunciation: sashigane   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 差し金, 指矩   keyword: tool   
translation: carpenter's square, instigation, suggestion


pronunciation: sashizu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: directions, instructions, orders, command (n.)
指図する: sashizusuru: direct (v.), instruct, give directions [instructions] (to), order, command, dictate (to)
指図を受ける: sashizuoukeru: receive instructions <<<
指図を仰ぐ: sashizuoaogu: ask for instructions <<<
指図の下に: sashizunomotoni: under a person's directions, under command of <<<
指図に従う: sashizunishitagau: obey an order <<<
check also 命令 ,


pronunciation: sashou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics , travel   
translation: visa, visé
査証する: sashousuru: visé a passport
査証の有る: sashounoaru: visaed, viséed <<<
査証を受ける: sashououkeru: get a visa on one's passport, get one's passport visaed <<<
査証料: sashouryou: visa fee <<<
旅券査証: ryokensashou: visa <<< 旅券
通過査証: tsuukasashou: transit visa <<< 通過
入国査証: nyuukokusashou: visa <<< 入国
check also ビザ


pronunciation: sassoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: instantly, immediately, promptly, at once, without delay
早速の: sassokuno: instant, immediate, prompt
早速する: sassokusuru: lose no time (in doing)
早速ですが: sassokudesuga: let's get to the heart of the matter
check also


pronunciation: satsui   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: murderous intention, intent to murder
殺意の有る: satsuinoaru: murderous <<<
殺意を抱く: satsuioidaku: intend to kill, seek a person's life <<<
殺意を起こす: satsuiookosu <<<


pronunciation: satou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: confectionery   
translation: sugar (n.)
砂糖を入れる: satouoireru: put in sugar <<<
砂糖で甘くする: satoudeamakusuru: sugar (v.) <<<
砂糖漬けの: satouZukeno: candied <<<
砂糖漬けにする: satouZukenisuru: preserve in sugar
砂糖入れ: satouire: sugar basin [bowl] <<<
砂糖壷: satoutsubo <<<
砂糖挟み: satoubasami: sugar tongs <<<
砂糖黍: satoukibi: sugar cane
砂糖菓子: satougashi: sweet
砂糖大根: satoudaikon: sugar beet <<< 大根
角砂糖: kakuzatou: lump sugar <<<
黒砂糖: kurozatou: raw [crude] sugar, unrefined sugar <<<
白砂糖: shirozatou: white sugar <<<
氷砂糖: koorizatou: rock candy <<<
粉砂糖: konazatou: powdered [icing] sugar, confectioner's sugar <<<


pronunciation: sayou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: yes, indeed, exactly, precisely, that's right (anc.), well, let me see, let's see, such, like that
左様なら: sayounara, sayonara: good-bye, farewell, adieu, so long

400 article(s) extracted from postgresql database through java servlet technology.

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