Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: 突風 , 如何 , 動機 , 独学 , 土遁 , 努力 , 日光 , 入札 , 人相 , 脳溢血


pronunciation: toppuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: (sudden) gust of wind
突風に煽られる: toppuuniaorareru: be fanned by a gust <<<


pronunciation: dou, ikaga, ikan   kanji characters: ,   
translation: how, what
如何して: doushite: why, for what reason, how, in what way, far from that
如何しても: doushitemo: by all means, at all costs [risks], by no means, must, whether one likes it or not, willy-nilly, in the end, after all, in the long run, all things considered, in all respects
如何ですか: doudesuka: How are you? How do you feel today?
如何するか: dousuruka: What I [we] should do?
如何する気: dousuruki: What would you do? What do you want to do? <<<
如何在っても: douattemo: in any case, by all means, whatever may happen <<<
如何でも: doudemo: anyhow, anyway, in any way, at any cost, by all means, at all risks
如何でも良い: doudemoii: That doesn't matter, That is not the point, That's neither here nor there <<<
如何見ても: doumitemo: to all appearance, in every respect <<<
如何言う: douiu: what kind [sort] of <<<
如何言う風に: douiuhuuni: how, in what way <<<
如何言う訳だか: douiuwakedaka: for some reason or other <<<
如何言う訳ですか: douiuwakedesuka: Why? How is [comes] it that? What do you mean? <<<
如何致しまして: douitashimashite: Not at all! You are welcome! With pleasure! The pleasure is mine <<<
如何わしい: ikagawashii: doubtful, suspicious, indecent
如何せん: ikansen: It can't be helped
如何ともしがたい: ikantomoshigatai
一体如何したのだ: ittaidoushitanoda: What is it all about? What the deuce is the matter? <<< 一体
check also 何故


pronunciation: douki   kanji characters: ,   
translation: motive, motivation, incentive (to an action, to doing)
が動機で: gadoukide: motivated [prompted] by
check also 理由


pronunciation: dokugaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education   
translation: self-education
独学の: dokugakuno: self-taught, self-educated
独学する: dokugakusuru: learn by oneself, teach oneself, study without a teacher
独学者: dokugakusha: self-taught [self-educated] man <<<


pronunciation: doton   kanji characters: ,    keyword: martial art   
translation: ninja technique to hide [escape] by [through] soil
土遁の術: dotonnnojutsu <<<
check also 火遁 , 水遁 , 忍者


pronunciation: doryoku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: effort, endeavor, labor
努力する: doryokusuru: strive, try
努力して: doryokushite: by exertion, with a effort
努力を惜しむ: doryokuooshimu: be sparing of one's pains [labor] <<<
努力家: doryokuka: hard worker, industrious man <<<
必死の努力をする: hisshinodoryokuosuru: make desperate efforts <<< 必死
check also 苦心 , 労力 , 丹精


pronunciation: nikkou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather , japan   
translation: sunlight, sunshine, daylight, Nikko (a Japanese tourist resort)
日光に曝す: nikkounisarasu: expose to the sun <<<
日光浴: nikkouyoku: sun bath <<<
日光浴をする: nikkouyokuosuru: sunbathe, bathe in the sun
日光療法: nikkouryouhou: heliotherapy, sun-cure <<< 療法
日光消毒: nikkoushoudoku: disinfections by sunlight <<< 消毒
日光スペクトル: nikkousupekutoru: solar spectrum <<< スペクトル
日光市: nikkoushi: City of Nikko <<<
日光東照宮: nikkoutoushouguu: Nikko (Toshogu) Shrine
check also 日差 , 月光 , Nikko


pronunciation: nyuusatsu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business   
translation: bid (n.), tender
入札する: nyuusatsusuru: bid (v.)
入札に付する: nyuusatsunihusuru: sell articles by tender <<<
入札を募る: nyuusatsuotsunoru: invite tenders <<<
入札者: nyuusatsusha: bidder <<<
指名入札: shimeinyuusatsu: tender by specified bidders, private tender <<< 指名
工事入札: koujinyuusatsu: bid for construction work <<< 工事
公開入札: koukainyuusatsu: open bid <<< 公開
競争入札: kyousounyuusatsu: competing offer [bid] <<< 競争


pronunciation: ninsou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: body   
translation: look, features, physiognomy
人相の悪い: ninsounowarui: evil [ill, ominous] looking <<<
人相を見る: ninsouomiru: judge [read] a person's character [fortune] by the face <<<
人相書: ninsougaki: personal description <<<
人相書に合う: ninsougakiniau: answer the description of a person <<<
人相学: ninsougaku: physiognomy <<<
人相見: ninsoumi: physiognomist <<<
check also 面相


pronunciation: nouikketsu   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: disease   
translation: cerebral [brain] hemorrhage, apoplexy, apoplectic stroke
脳溢血で倒れる: nouikketsudetaoreru: have a fit of apoplexy, have an apoplectic stroke, be struck by cerebral hemorrhage <<<

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