Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji symbols: translation of 'by'

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Direct access: , , , ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: society    nb of strokes: 15
translation: talk by gathering
噂: uwasa: rumor (n., jp.), report, gossip, hearsay
噂する: uwasasuru: rumor (v., jp.), speak [talk] (on, about), gossip (about)
噂によると: uwasaniyoruto: according to a rumor [report]
噂に上る: uwasaninoboru: be talked [gossiped] about <<<
噂に成る: uwasaninaru <<<
噂を立てる: uwasaotateru: spread [circulate] a rumor, set a rumor afloat <<<
噂を流す: uwasaonagasu <<<
噂を聞く: uwasaokiku: hear of, know by hearsay <<<
噂をすれば影: uwasaosurebakage: 'Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear' <<<
check also ゴシップ

category: JIS2, only in Japanese   other spells: 桝   radicals:    keyword: utensil    nb of strokes: 10
translation: measure (box)
枡: masu
枡で売る: masudeuru: sell by the measure <<<
synonyms: ,

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: glare, stare
睨む: niramu: glare [look daggers] (at), spot, keep an eye on, know by intuition, judge, estimate
睨み: nirami: glare (n.), stare, authority, influence
睨みが効く: niramigakiku: have great influence [power] (over) <<<
睨み合い: niramiai: feud, enmity, hostility <<<
睨み合う: niramiau: glare at each other, watch each other, be at odds [variance, outs] with each other <<<
睨み合わせる: niramiawaseru: compare A with B, take into consideration <<<
睨み返す: niramikaesu: glare back (at a person), return a sharp look <<<
睨み付ける: niramitsukeru: glare (at), look angrily (at) <<<

category: JIS2   other spells: 薫   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 18
translation: smoke, smolder, fumigate
燻ぶる: kusuburu: smoke, smolder, become sooty [black], simmer
燻べる: kusuberu: smoke, smolder
燻む: kusumu: become dull, tarnish
燻んだ: kusunda: somber, dull, dark, sober
燻す: ibusu: smoke, fumigate, oxidize
燻した: ibushita: smoked, fumigated, oxidized
燻し: ibushi: fumigation
燻しを掛ける: ibushiokakeru: subdue a luster by fumigation, oxidize <<<
燻る: iburu: smolder, smoke, be smoky

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: amusement    nb of strokes: 23
translation: lot, lottery
籤: kuji: lot, lottery
籤: omikuji: fortune slip <<< 御神籤
籤を引く: kujiohiku: draw [cast] lots <<<
籤に当たる: kujiniataru: draw a prize <<<
籤に外れる: kujinihazureru: draw a blank <<<
籤で決める: kujidekimeru: decide by lot, draw cuts <<<
Kanji words: 御神籤

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